
This kale juice is a great home remedy to detoxify the body, as the kale contains fiber and lots of water, as well as flavonoids and other antioxidants that make the skin more beautiful by cleaning the body from the inside. Vitamin C in orange, in this juice, accelerates the process of ...
Sulbutiamine is a nutritional supplement of vitamin B1, known as thiamine, widely used to treat problems related to physical weakness and mental tiredness. Sulbutiamine can be purchased in conventional pharmacies under the trade name Arcalion, produced by the laboratory ...
Sulfacetamide is the active substance in an ophthalmic antibacterial medicine. This medicine for ophthalmic use is indicated for bacterial conjunctivitis and other eye infections, its action alters the DNA of the bacteria that ends up being eliminated from the body, ending the symptoms ...
Bactrim is an antibacterial remedy used to treat infections caused by a wide variety of bacteria that infect the respiratory, urinary, gastrointestinal or skin systems. The active ingredients of this medicine are sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim, two compounds ...
Amikacin sulfate is an antibiotic sold commercially under the name Novamin that can be used in several types of infections. Indications Respiratory, urinary tract infection, skin and tissues, bone and caused by gram-negative bacteria resistant to gentamicin and bacilli ...
Equilid is a medication that improves mood. This oral antipsychotic acts on the receptors of a substance called dopamine causing the mood to improve. This medicine can also be found in pharmacies under the name Dogmatil. Indications Severe ...
Sultamicillin is an active substance in an antibacterial medicine known commercially as Unasyn. This medicine for oral use is indicated for the treatment of sinusitis, otitis and infections in the skin, since they eliminate the bacteria from the body, easing the symptoms of the infection.
Sumatriptan is a medicine known commercially as Imigran. This medication is indicated to reduce migraine symptoms such as headache and malaise. Sumatriptan is used orally, nasal or injectable, its action is effective because it causes decompression of ...
Learn how to use pineapple to make delicious juices that fight bloating and water retention.
Grape juice to lower cholesterol is a great home remedy because the grape has a substance called resveratrol, which helps in reducing bad cholesterol and is a potent antioxidant. Resveratrol is also found in red wine and therefore can also be a good option for ...
Sucupira in capsules serves to fight pain and inflammation in the joints, lower uric acid and fight tonsillitis and cramps. See how to take safely, its effects and contraindications.
An excellent supplement for skin, hair and nails is hydrolyzed collagen, as it contains the necessary ingredients to maintain these strong and healthy structures, being also useful to satisfy hunger, increase skin elasticity and help you lose weight. To reach the best ...
Sulfasalazine is an intestinal anti-inflammatory with antibiotic and immunosuppressive action that relieves the symptoms of inflammatory bowel diseases such as ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease. This medicine can be purchased in conventional pharmacies with a prescription in the form of ...
Magnesium sulfate, also popularly known as Bitter Salt, is a medicine that can be used against heartburn, poor digestion and to loosen the intestine. See how to use correctly
Quadriderm is an ointment with betamethasone, gentamicin, tolnaftate and clioquinol, widely used to treat skin infections such as acne, herpes or Tinea infections, for example, and can be purchased in conventional pharmacies with a prescription. Furthermore, as it contains betamethasone ...


Supradyn is a vitamin supplement used both in cases of vitamin deficiency and in cases where the body needs more vitamins than usual, for example, in cases of physical exhaustion, overwork, growth phase or in the postoperative period. Indications of ...


Sustrate is a coronary vasodilator medication that has Propatylnitrate as its active substance. This medication for oral use is indicated for the treatment of angina pectoris, since its action better distributes blood through the heart, reducing overload in the cardiac muscle and ...


Sylador is an opioid analgesic medication that has Tramadol as its active substance. This medication for oral and injectable use is indicated for moderate and severe pain during surgery and trauma. Indications of Sylador (What is it for) Moderate and severe pain in surgery, traumatology, oncology, ...
The calcium and vitamin D supplement serves to treat or prevent the onset of osteoporosis and reduce the risk of fractures, especially in individuals with low blood calcium levels. The calcium and vitamin D supplement can be purchased at pharmacies, health food stores or ...


Symbicort is a medication used to improve and control shortness of breath in patients with asthma, consisting of Budesonide and Formoterol, which work in combination with a corticosteroid to decrease inflammation, helping to relax the lung muscle and facilitating breathing. O...
It is usually indicated to take 1 capsule of DHEA 100g per day. See its benefits and effects on the body
To prepare detox juices for drying, it is important to choose ingredients with a diuretic and detoxifying action. Find out which ingredients to choose and see how to prepare these juices
The fibers of oats and beets in capsules besides helping to relieve constipation, help to lower bad cholesterol and contribute to weight loss because it improves intestinal function and increases satiety, being a great option to control hunger. This supplement can be ...
The syndrome of bacterial overgrowth in the small intestine, also known by the acronym SBID, or in English SIBO, is a condition that affects the intestine and that can cause the appearance of symptoms such as swollen belly, abdominal pain and constant diarrhea. See other symptoms and what are the ...


Check the indications, mode of use, side effects and contraindications of the Melatonin supplement, which helps to improve the quality of sleep.
Tafamidis is a medicine used to treat amyloidosis, a rare disease in which amyloid protein, which is normally not in the body, accumulates in the body's tissues, preventing the proper functioning of various organs. This medicine can be purchased at pharmacies ...
Treatment with vitamin D overdoses has been used to treat autoimmune diseases, such as multiple sclerosis, vitiligo and psoriasis. know how
The food supplement Jack 3D helps maintain endurance during a very intense workout, contributing to the increase of muscle mass quickly and helping to burn fat. The use of this supplement should be done before training, but it should only be used as directed by a professional ...


Talerc is an antiallergic medication that has Epinastine as its active ingredient. This medication for oral use is indicated for the treatment of rhinitis, hives and other skin allergies. It can be found in pharmacies in the form of pills and syrup. Indications for Talerc Rhinitis ...
The vitamin B6 supplement serves to increase energy levels, improve muscle mass production, improve the production of brain neurotransmitters and the production of blood cells. It is also useful in case of metabolic disorders, depression, PMS and gestational diabetes.


Tamaril is a medicine whose active substances are Licorice and Sena. This medication for oral use belongs to the class of laxatives, being used in all situations of constipation, whether caused by lack of fiber, by sudden changes in food or by diseases such as ...
Some vitamins and minerals such as calcium, magnesium and vitamins C, D and E can help to reduce symptoms such as hot flashes that get to wet the body with sweat, vaginal dryness and the accumulation of fat in the belly. But these food supplements should only be consumed with the indication of ...
Tanaceto is a herbal medicine based on the Tanacetum parthenium L. plant, which is indicated for the prevention of migraine in adults. See how to use and what side effects


Tamsulosin is an anti-adrenergic medication that is known commercially as Secotex. This medication for oral use is indicated for the treatment of prostate hyperplasia, since its action promotes the relaxation of smooth muscles in the bladder and prostate, thus improving the flow ...
The glycerin suppository is indicated to loosen the stool, being indicated for adults, children and babies. Know how it should be placed and how long it takes to have the expected effect.