
The allergy test is requested by the doctor to identify the causes of an allergy. Know when and how it can be done.
Tiapride is an antipsychotic substance that blocks the action of the neurotransmitter dopamine, improving symptoms of psychomotor agitation and is therefore widely used in the treatment of schizophrenia and other psychoses. In addition, it can also be used to treat alcoholic patients who ...
Thyrogen is indicated to help in the treatment and detection of thyroid cancer and should be taken according to the instructions given by the doctor.


Tetracilil is an ocular antibacterial medication that has Tetracycline as its active substance. This ophthalmic medicine is indicated for eye infections, acting on the ribosomes of bacteria and altering its functioning. Thus the characteristic symptoms of ...
What it is: The paternity test is a type of DNA test that aims to verify the degree of kinship between the person and his supposed father. This test can be done during pregnancy or after birth by analyzing the blood, saliva or hair strands of the mother, child and the alleged ...


Tienam is an antibacterial medication that has as its active substance Imipenem and Cilastatin. This injectable medication is indicated for the treatment of bacterial endocartitis, joint infection and pneumonia, since this medication alters the bacterial cell wall, ...


Thiopentax is an anesthetic medication whose active substance is Tiopental. This injectable drug is indicated for general anesthesia for short procedures and in cases of seizure after some type of anesthesia. The action of this medication is very short, it has ...
Durateston is a testosterone-based remedy that can cause some side effects like itching, acne, nausea, muscle pain, increased cholesterol and PSA levels, prolonged and painful erection and enlarged breasts in men. This medicine is indicated for men who have low ...
Stereo blindness is a change in vision that causes the observed image to have no depth, so it is difficult to see in three dimensions. In this way, everything is observed as if it were a kind of photograph. Take the test and learn how to handle this change


Tideglusib is a drug still in the testing phase that promises to treat and reverse the effect of Alzheimer's, and that can also treat tooth wear.
Fallot's tetralogy is a rare genetic disease that arises due to four changes in the heart, which modify its functioning and reduce the amount of blood with oxygen that is pumped. Thus, children with this type of cardiac alteration usually present a ...


Tibolone is a medication intended for the group of hormone replacement therapy and is used during menopause to replace the amount of estrogens and reduce their symptoms, such as hot flushes or excessive sweating, and also acts to prevent osteoporosis. This medicine can be sold with ...


Theracort is a steroidal anti-inflammatory drug that has Triamcinolone as its active substance. This medicine can be found for topical use or in suspension for injection. Topical use is indicated for skin infections such as dermatitis and psoriasis. Its action relieves itching and ...
Tetracycline is an antibiotic used to fight infections caused by microorganisms sensitive to this substance. Learn how to use and what side effects
THD surgery is performed without cuts, causing no pain and recovery is usually quick. See how this surgery is performed and where it can be performed.
It can be used to treat various types of infections. See what the price is and how it should be used correctly.
Thymoma is a tumor in the thymus gland, which is a gland located behind the breast bone, which develops slowly and is usually characterized as a benign tumor not spreading to other organs. This disease is not exactly a thymic carcinoma, and so it is not always ...


Tiotepa is the active substance in an antineoplastic medicine. This injectable drug is indicated for the treatment of bladder and ovarian cancer, since its action prevents the replication of cancer cells. Indications for Tiotepa Bladder cancer; Adenocarcinoma in ...
Tiocolquicoside is a muscle relaxant widely used, in the form of an injection, to relieve muscle pain caused by muscle contractures or torticollis, for example. Tiocolquicosido can be purchased in conventional pharmacies under the trade name of Coltrax or Muscoril, under the ...
Vegetable coloring is an excellent option to dye your hair 100% naturally and can even be used during pregnancy because it does not contain chemicals that can harm the baby. The product was made in partnership with a cosmetologist with French laboratories ...
Thioconazole is an antifungal medicine, which can be used in the form of an egg or vaginal cream, widely used in the treatment of women with vaginal yeast infections. Tioconazole can be purchased from conventional pharmacies under the trade name Gino-tralen or Gynopac, for ...
Thiopental is an anesthetic medicine that depresses the central nervous system promoting hypnosis and anesthesia, being widely used for general anesthesia of surgeries or to assist surgeries with local anesthesia, for example. Tiopental is an injectable medicine that should only be used by ...
Tilatil is a remedy indicated for the treatment of inflammatory and degenerative diseases. See what the indications, how to use and side effects of the drug
Find out what the dyeing options are, the necessary daily care and the answers to the most common questions about dyeing hair.
Conjunctivitis is an inflammation in the conjunctiva of the eye, which can be viral, bacterial or allergic, depending on its cause. Understand the difference between the main types and what symptoms can appear
Thyrotricin is the active ingredient in a throat lozenge sold under the name of a drug, which can be consumed by diabetics. Indications Sore throat, flu, cold, difficulty swallowing, pharyngitis, hoarseness, thrush, gingivitis and stomatitis. Contraindications You should not ...


Tolnaftate is a medication used to treat athlete's foot and white cloth. This topical medicine works by changing the structure of the fungi, which end up weakened and eliminated from the body. Tolnaftato indications Athlete's foot; White cloth; Tinia capitis; Tinea cruris; Tinea ...
Tobramycin is an antibiotic used to treat infections in the eyes and acts by preventing the growth of bacteria and is used in the form of drops or ointment by adults and children. This medicine, can be commercially called Tobrex is produced by the pharmaceutical laboratory ...
Tizanidine is a muscle relaxant with central action that reduces muscle tone and can be used to treat pain associated with muscle contractures or torticollis, or to decrease muscle tone in the event of a stroke or multiple sclerosis, for example. Tizanidine, known commercially as ...
When taking growth hormone (GH) the individual must be aware of the possible side effects caused by it, such as the development of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, for example. Usually the doctor advises taking the growth hormone injectable form, daily. Him...
The muscular system corresponds to the set of muscles that form the body and allow its support and movement. See how muscles are classified and know the types
When the eardrum is perforated, it is normal for a person to experience pain and itching in the ear. Usually, the eardrum perforation can heal on its own, but it should always be evaluated by a doctor. Check which signs to watch for and what treatment options are used


Tobradex is a drug that has Tobramycin and Dexamethasone as its active ingredient. This anti-inflammatory medication is used in an ophthalmic way and works by eliminating bacteria that cause eye infections and inflammation. Tobradex provides patients with a reduction in their ...
Learn the differences of the main types of sclerosis: multiple, systemic, tuberous and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
Iron deficiency, megaloblastic, pernicious or hemolytic anemia have similar symptoms, but their treatment must be adequate to avoid complications.