
Vincristine is the active substance in an antineoplastic medication known commercially as Oncovin. This injectable drug is used to treat individuals with different types of cancer including leukemia, lung and breast cancer. Its action consists of ...
Vitamin B12 is the substance found in the injectable medicine known as Rubranova used to treat anemia as directed by a doctor. This medicine can be sold in pharmacies with the name Rubranova or CronobĂȘ and is prepared in liquid for injection with 2ml. Price Each package ...


Viagra is a medicine used to treat erectile dysfunction, when it is difficult to have an erection during intimate contact. This medicine can be found commercially under the name of Pramil, and its active ingredient is Sildenafil Citrate, which works by increasing the ...
Verutex is a cream indicated for the treatment of skin infections. know more
The sublingual route of administration happens when a drug is administered under the tongue. See the advantages and disadvantages
The lazy gallbladder usually happens when digestion problems arise, especially after eating fat. See what symptoms can arise, what are the possible causes and how the diet should be
Vitamin B6 or pyridoxine is an important vitamin for the metabolic balance of the blood, the nervous system and the skin and is essential to transform foods that contain fats and proteins into energy. Pyridoxine is usually sold in pharmacies in the form of pills and ...
Vicodin serves to treat severe pain, acting almost instantly on the body and which should be taken every 8 hours as instructed by the doctor.
In June 2019, a drug called Vyleesi was approved by the FDA, indicated for the treatment of hypoactive sexual desire disorder in women. Learn why it should not be confused with Viagra
Vasculitis consists of inflammation of the blood vessel walls, which can occur in any region or organ of the body. See what types of vasculitis and associated symptoms and how treatment is done.
Vick Vaporub ointment is used to relieve coughing, nasal congestion and muscle malaise that occurs in case of colds and flu. See how to use and what side effects
Vildagliptin is an oral hypoglycemic remedy that helps to reduce and control blood sugar levels, especially when combined with a regular exercise plan and a balanced diet. Vildagliptin can be purchased in isolation from the pharmacy under the trade name Galvus or ...
In the treatment with suction cups, the skin detaches from the muscle, being useful to fight back pain and cellulite. Know when to use, how to do it and what are the main contraindications of this treatment
Visadron is a decongestant eye drops indicated to reduce swelling and inflammation in the eyes, indicated for the treatment of uveitis and conjunctivitis.
The redness on the face can happen due to the practice of physical activity or prolonged exposure to the sun, but it can also be indicative of diseases, such as infectious erythema, lupus or rosacea. Know the main causes of red face and what to do
What it is: Vitacid acne is a topical gel used to treat mild to moderate acne vulgaris, also helping to reduce blackheads on the skin, due to the combination of clindamycin, an antibiotic and tretinoin, a retinoid that regulates the growth and differentiation of ...
Learn why addiction to social networks can increase the fear of being left out and the risk of depression. Learn how to use facebook and other networks without harming your health
Xantinon B12 is an oral or injectable medication that acts as a protector and restorer of the liver and its functions. It can also be used as a complementary medication in allergic conditions. Indications Treatment of liver disease, food and drug poisoning.
Voriconazole is the active substance in an antifungal medicine known commercially as Vfend. This oral medication is injectable and is indicated for the treatment of aspergillosis, since its action interferes with ergosterol, an essential substance for the maintenance of ...
Effervescent vitamin C is indicated for the prevention and treatment of this vitamin deficiency, which has numerous benefits. See which ones, what is it for and how to take it
Researchers from USP have discovered how a virus can be found in the protozoan Leishmania sp. can make the disease more serious and lead to complications. Learn all about this new discovery


Vytorin is an antidislipidemic remedy with ezetimibe and simvastatin that helps lower levels of total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol and other fatty substances known as triglycerides. Vytorin is produced by MSD laboratories and can be purchased at pharmacies ...
Vitanol a

Vitanol a

Vitanol-A is a drug indicated for the treatment of expression lines, blemishes and rough skin of the face and for the treatment of mild acne.
Vitrix Nutrex is a testosterone-stimulating supplement that helps to naturally increase testosterone in men, thus increasing sexual potency and libido and helping to overcome periods of greater tiredness and discouragement. Vitrix Nutrex acts directly on the endocrine system, making ...
Vick syrup

Vick syrup

Vick's Syrup is an expectorant syrup suitable for adults and children over 6 years. The active ingredient in Vick's Syrup is guaifenesin, a substance that fluidizes phlegm, making it less viscous and looser. Vick syrup is produced by the Protector laboratory. Indications of ...
Vorinostat is indicated for the treatment of skin manifestations in patients with cutaneous T-cell lymphoma, which is also used to treat AIDS.
Using vitamin C on the skin is an excellent strategy to eliminate the spots caused by the sun, leaving the skin more uniform, and to fight the signs of aging. See more benefits, how to use in creams and how to make a homemade mask with vitamin C.
What it is: Viticromin is a herbal medicine, which acts by increasing the pigmentation of the skin, therefore it is indicated for cases of vitiligo or problems related to skin pigmentation, in adults and children. This remedy can be purchased in pharmacies in the form of a tablet, ...
The respiratory syncytial virus is a microorganism that causes infection of the respiratory tract and affects mainly babies under 6 months, and the symptoms can be runny nose, cough and fever. Know other symptoms, how it is transmitted and what treatment


Xylocaine is a local anesthetic remedy, topically applied, which is widely used to relieve pain in the skin and mucous membranes, due to its active ingredient, lidocaine, which blocks the nervous impulse of pain to the brain. Xylocaine can be purchased from conventional pharmacies under ...


Xyloproct is an ointment indicated to relieve irritation, pain, itching and discomfort in the anus and rectum. This ointment has in its composition lidocaine, hydrocortisone, aluminum subacetate and zinc oxide, which have analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic action and which constricts blood vessels ...
Vitamins, such as Pantogar and Innéov Nutri-Care, are great for preventing hair loss because they provide the body with the necessary conditions for healthy hair growth, as it provides vitamins that are missing in the body and that hinder growth of the wires. At...
Zaleplon is a hypnotic remedy, used for a short period of time to treat individuals who have difficulty falling asleep and is indicated only when the disorder leads the individual to great suffering. Zaleplon is sold commercially under the name of Sonata and should only ...