
Accolate is an oral antiasthmatic medicine used to prevent asthma attacks in adults and children under 12, whose active ingredient is zafirlucast. Accolate is produced by the AstraZeneca laboratory and can be purchased in pharmacies in the form of pills. Price of ...


Zanidip is an antihypertensive medication that has Lercanidipine as its active substance. This medication for oral use is indicated for the treatment of high blood pressure, since its action decreases vascular resistance and stabilizes blood pressure. Indications for Zanidip High blood pressure.
It is an inflammation of the intimate region that can be caused by viruses, fungi or bacteria, but that can be treated easily. See your symptoms, possible causes and how treatment is done
Zanamivir is an antiviral used to treat flu symptoms quickly and can also be used to prevent flu. This medicine is produced by the Glaxo laboratory and is a powdered medicine that is intended to be inhaled through the mouth and into the lungs. Zanamivir price Zanamivir costs ...
Guaco syrup is a herbal remedy indicated to clear the airways because it helps in eliminating phlegm. See the recommended dose for adults and children and when this medicine should not be used.


Xarelto is a medication indicated to prevent the formation of blood clots in the veins, which must be taken once a day under medical advice.
Maximum VO2 is the person's body's ability to consume oxygen during physical activity, so this number best represents a person's aerobic capacity. Learn more about VO2 max


Zitromax is an antibacterial medication that has Azithromycin as its active substance. This injectable drug is indicated for the treatment of pneumonia and pelvic inflammatory disease, since its action binds to the ribosomes of bacteria and suppresses protein synthesis, ...
Seaweed can help you lose weight because it is rich in fiber, which makes it stay longer in the stomach, providing satiety and decreased appetite. In addition, seaweed contributes to the proper functioning of the thyroid, being especially indicated for ...


Melxi is a herbal medicine that promotes the elimination of phlegm and mucus, especially indicated for children over 1 year.
Check the names of some syrups that fight dry cough or phlegm in adults and children.
Zidovudine is an antiretroviral drug widely used in the treatment of HIV patients to decrease the chances of developing infections, and is not a way to cure the disease. Zidovudine can be purchased from conventional pharmacies under the brand name Retrovir AZT, Zidovir or ...
Whey protein is a supplement to increase muscle mass and, in general, you should take 30g per day after training. See the types and contraindications.
Xolair is an injectable medicine indicated for adults and children with moderate to severe persistent allergic asthma. Know how to use, who should not use and what side effects
What it is: Xtandi 40 mg is a drug that is indicated to treat prostate cancer in adult men, resistant to castration, with or without metastasis, which is when the cancer spreads to the rest of the body. Usually this remedy is administered to men who have already performed ...
Zuclopentixol is the active substance in an antipsychotic medication known commercially as Clopixol. This medicine for oral and injectable use is indicated for the treatment of schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and mental retardation. Indications for Zuclopentixol Schizophrenia (acute and chronic); ...
Yasmin is a contraceptive pill of daily use, with drospirenone and ethinylestradiol in the composition, indicated to prevent an unwanted pregnancy, reduce fluid retention and acne. See how to take and what are the most common side effects
Zometa is a remedy indicated to treat and prevent problems related to the skeleton such as fractures, compression of the spine or surgery on the bones.


Vulvodynia is a disease that causes pain, irritation, redness or stinging in the genital region. See the causes and how is the treatment.
Xanthomas are small deposits of cholesterol or triglycerides in the skin, which are more common in people with excess cholesterol. Better understand why they appear, what are the main types and treatments available


Zoplicona is a hypnotic remedy used to treat insomnia, as it improves the quality of sleep and increases its duration. In addition to being hypnotic, this remedy also has sedative, anxiolytic, anticonvulsant and muscle relaxant properties. Zoplicona is the active ingredient in ...
Zemplar is a medicine that has Paricalcitol as an active ingredient, which works by strengthening bones. It is indicated in the treatment of hyperparathyroidism in case of chronic renal failure and in case of vitamin D deficiency. But to complement the treatment with this medication, one must do ...


Zurampic is a drug indicated for the treatment of gout, helping to lower the levels of uric acid in the blood. Here's how to take it.
Zavesca is a miglustat medication that can be used to treat Gaucher disease or Niemann-Pick disease.


Yaz prevents pregnancy, decreases the effects of PMS and improves acne but is contraindicated in liver disease and can cause headache.
Xeroderma Pigmentoso is a characterized genetic disease that leads to the appearance of freckles and spots on the skin, in addition to a tendency to severe skin burns
Zerbaxa is an antibiotic used to treat infections by superbugs. See in what situations it is indicated and what dosage to use.
Researchers have recently found that the inactivated Zika virus is able to decrease the rate of tumor cell replication and can be used to treat prostate cancer. Understand what was verified by the researchers and what are the next steps


Biovir is a medicine with lamivudine and zidovudine indicated for the treatment of AIDS, which must be taken under the doctor's recommendation and according to the weight.
Zoladex is a medicine for injectable use that has the active ingredient goserrelin, which is useful for the treatment of breast cancer and other diseases related to hormonal dysfunctions, such as endometriosis and myoma. See how to use and what side effects
Zolpidem is a remedy that acts on sleep centers, which are located in the brain, and is therefore indicated for the treatment of occasional, transient or chronic insomnia. Learn how to take and what are the most common side effects
ZMA is a dietary supplement, widely used by athletes, which contains zinc, magnesium and vitamin B6 and which is able to increase muscle endurance, guarantee the normal functioning of the nervous system, maintain adequate testosterone levels and contribute to the formation of proteins at the...
Zomig is an oral medicine, indicated for the treatment of migraine. Know how to use, who should not use and what are the most common side effects


Zostrix or Zostrix HP cream to relieve pain from nerves, in cases of osteoarthritis or herpes zoster and can be applied up to 4 times a day.
Xerophthalmia arises due to the lack of vitamin A in the body, causing symptoms such as dry eye and difficulty seeing.
Zytiga is a medicine used in the treatment of prostate cancer that has as its active ingredient abiraterone acetate. Know how to use, who should not use and what are the most common side effects
The remedies indicated for cough with sputum in children, should help to fluidize and release the phlegm, to speed up the treatment. See which syrups and solutions are the most common, learn how to give each child to them and what side effects can occur
Expectorant drugs help to fluidize and eliminate phlegm, treating cough with expectoration more quickly. See which expectorants can be used by children and also know which are the best herbal syrups and home remedies