
The appearance of fat in the liver is a serious complication with a risk of death for the mother and baby, being treated with delivery. See more.
Estriol is a female sex hormone used to relieve vaginal symptoms related to the lack of the female hormone estriol. Estriol can be purchased from conventional pharmacies under the trade name Ovestrion, in the form of vaginal cream or tablets. Price of Estriol O ...
Schizophrenia is a mental illness characterized by distortion of thinking and perception, which usually translates into delusional ideas, auditory and visual hallucinations and altered speech and behavior. Know the characteristic symptoms of this disease in children
Anti-inflammatory drugs, physical therapy and regular exercise are the treatments usually indicated for ankylosing spondylitis. Understand how the treatment is done


Etopósido is a medicine known commercially as Vepesid or Etosin. This medicine for oral and injectable use is an antineoplastic, indicated for the treatment of individuals with lung and testicular cancer. Indications for Etopósido Cancer in the lungs; testicular cancer; ...
Etophenamate is the active substance in an anti-inflammatory drug known commercially as Aspisport. This topical drug is used to treat muscle breakdowns, as its action acts locally providing an immediate refreshing effect and in a few hours after its ...
Etomidate is a sedative and anesthetic remedy that acts quickly to depress the central nervous system and promote loss of consciousness and, therefore, is widely used in surgeries, together with inhaled anesthetic. Ethomidate is known commercially as ...
Homemade foot scrubs can be made at home, with simple ingredients such as sugar, salt, almonds, honey and ginger, for example. See recipes to learn how to prepare
Estradiol is a female sex hormone that can be used as a medicine to treat problems with the lack of estrogen in the body, especially during menopause. Estradiol can be purchased from conventional pharmacies with a prescription, under the trade name Climaderm, ...
Streptomycin is an antibacterial medication known commercially as Streptomycin Labesfal. This injectable drug is used to treat bacterial infections such as tuberculosis and brucellosis. The action of Streptomycin interferes with bacterial proteins, which ...
Cranial facial stenosis is a genetic alteration that causes the bones of the head to close before the expected time, generating some changes in the baby's head and face, which will require some surgeries during childhood.
Schizophrenia is a mental illness that causes symptoms such as psychotic attacks, hearing voices, talking to oneself, changes in movement, concentration and memory. She must be properly treated by the psychiatrist, with antipsychotic medications, in addition to psychotherapy. Understand how.
Efortil is a vasopressor medication for oral or injectable use, it has in its formula the active substance Ethylephrine, which acts as a direct sympathetic stimulant. This medicine can also be found in pharmacies under the name of Ethilefril. Indications Low blood pressure when getting up ...
Homemade scrubs can eliminate oiliness, preventing the formation of blackheads and pimples. Check out recipes with honey, sugar, baking soda or coffee.
Aortic stenosis corresponds to the narrowing of the aortic valve, decreasing blood flow to the entire body. Know the symptoms of aortic stenosis and how the treatment is done.


Etambutol is a medication that has Etambutol Hydrochloride as its active substance. Its active substance acts against the microorganism that causes tuberculosis, stopping its multiplication and reducing the symptoms of the disease in a few weeks. Ethambutol is used orally and for ...
During pregnancy, aesthetic treatments and the use of acids are not recommended, so at this stage it is better to opt for homemade treatments, with natural ingredients, such as anti-stretch marks cream, use a brace and drink plenty of water.
Stress and anxiety alter the hormones of women and men, and harm couples trying to conceive. Understand better why this happens.
Mitral stenosis is the thickening of the mitral valve and the consequent narrowing of the opening that allows blood to pass from the left atrium to the left ventricle. Understand what mitral stenosis is, symptoms, main causes and how treatment is done
Foot-and-mouth disease is a disease that causes thrush and blisters in the mouth that cause pain and discomfort. Learn how to treat.
Etna is indicated to treat peripheral nerve injuries, caused by blows, fractures or compressions, which must be taken under medical guidance.
Ovulation can be stimulated naturally, through food, or through medication. Here's how to stimulate ovulation.


Everolimo is the active substance in an immunosuppressive drug known commercially as Certican. This medication for oral use is indicated for the treatment of individuals who have had organ transplants, preventing rejection and eliminating malignant cells. Indications of Everolimo ...
It is usually indicated to avoid acidic and salty foods and to prefer foods like yogurt and gelatin, but the pediatrician can prescribe Paracetamol and Zovirax.
Pantogar, Finasteride and Multivitamins can be indicated by the dermatologist to fight alopecia. See more examples.
The treatment for strabismus in the baby should be started right after the diagnosis of the problem with the placement of an eye patch in the healthy eye, in order to force the brain to use only the eye that is misaligned and develop the muscles on that side. The eye patch must be kept ...
An excellent homemade sexual stimulant is to drink the watermelon juice with strawberry, but the acai in the bowl is also an excellent option. Check out more recipes to increase energy, blood circulation and sexual potency.
The touch exam in pregnancy serves for the gynecologist to evaluate the evolution of pregnancy or labor, for this the doctor introduces 2 fingers to touch the cervix and evaluate the time that labor should still last, in this case of normal delivery, based on the dilation of ...
American researchers recently developed a test capable of identifying the HPV virus associated with oropharyngeal cancer directly from saliva, which makes the diagnosis faster and increases the chances of a cure, since treatment can be started soon after. Learn more about this ...
What you can do to eliminate red streaks is to perform a homemade exfoliation, 3x a week and deeply moisturize your skin every day.
The diagnosis of menopause is made through the symptoms presented and having blood tests that evaluate the hormone FSH. See other tests that should be done to confirm menopause
Male fertility can be verified through laboratory tests that aim to verify the sperm production capacity and its characteristics, such as shape and motility. In addition to ordering the exams, the doctor usually checks the general health status of the ...
To diagnose anemia, a blood test is necessary to assess the amount of red blood cells and hemoglobin, which is usually indicative of anemia when hemoglobin levels are below 12 g / dL for women and 14 g / dL for patients men. However, the ...
Right after birth, the baby needs to have tests that help detect diseases or genetic problems, which can be the test of the little foot and the little ear. Find out more about the other tests indicated for the newborn
Colonoscopy, opaque enema, stool examination, tomography or sigmoidoscopy are some of the tests indicated to detect cancer in the intestine, mainly in the colon and rectum. Know when they are needed and how they are done.
Preventive exams make men healthier by helping to identify diseases before they get worse, which facilitates treatment and cure, in addition to indicating a possible disease trend so that the patient can protect himself before the disease manifests itself, as in the case gives...