
The eye exam is a test that serves to assess the eyes and can be done at the ophthalmologist's office, especially when there are suspicions of some type of eye problem. Understand what is assessed during the exam and when it should be done
Pregnancy tests include blood tests, ultrasounds, gynecological and urine tests, but there are others that can be ordered in special situations. Check out all the tests that must be performed by all pregnant women for a healthy pregnancy.
Preparatory exams for pregnancy assess the history and general health status of both women and men, with the aim of planning a healthy pregnancy, helping the future baby to be born as healthy as possible. These exams must be performed at least 3 months before ...
Diagnosis of glaucoma can be done through tests that measure the pressure of the eye, the integrity of the optic nerve and the visual field. See how they are made.
Excessive exercise decreases training performance, impairing muscle hypertrophy. See other health problems caused by intense exercise.
Aerobic and anaerobic exercises are great for increasing caloric expenditure and improving fitness. See what are the benefits of aerobic and anaerobic exercise and how to lose weight in a healthy way.
The exercise for male or female sexual impotence is divided into three stages, and is based on the perception of sensations. This technique stimulates intimate contact and emotional warmth, removing the great tension of the relationship and encouraging the establishment of an intimate relationship.
The diagnosis of asthma can usually be made only through clinical evaluation performed by a pulmonologist or immunoallergologist, through symptoms such as severe coughing, wheezing or shortness of breath. Check out how the diagnoses are made, what tests can be done and how ...
The ideal exercise for those who want to lose weight in a healthy way should combine aerobic and anaerobic exercises, so that one exercise completes the other. Some examples of aerobic exercise are walking, running, swimming or cycling, while some examples of exercise ...
Learn the exercises you can do at home or on the street to burn fat and lose belly.
Fasting aerobic exercise, popularly known as AEJ, is a training method that aims to stimulate the body to use fat as the first source of energy. Understand how AEJ works and know if this method really slims
Ultrasonography, spermogram and hysterosalpingography are tests that can help to understand why the couple is not managing to get pregnant. See more about tests to assess male and female fertility
The shoulder exercises aim to strengthen the muscles of the region and ensure the performance of various movements, such as raising the arms, for example. Discover 5 shoulder exercise options and how to do them correctly
The functioning of the heart can be assessed through various tests that must be indicated by the cardiologist or general practitioner according to the person's clinical history. Check out what they are and what they are for
See how to do simple exercises that fight astigmatism in a few minutes and have great results.
When people speak words with oral vowels and there is a deviation of air flow to the nasal cavity, they get a voice that is nasalized. Learn how to correct with exercises
Loss of balance and falls are problems that can affect some people. Find out which exercises can improve balance and how to do it
See the stretches that the elderly can do at home to increase flexibility and blood circulation.
Stretching exercises for walking should be done before walking because they prepare muscles and joints for exercise and improve blood circulation, but they should also be performed right after walking because they help to remove excess ...


Ezetimide is the active substance in a cholesterol-lowering drug known commercially as Ezetrol. This medicine for oral use works by decreasing the absorption of cholesterol by the small intestine and decreasing the amount of intestinal fat for the liver. Indications of Ezetimibe ...


Fagolipo is an anorectic drug that has Manzindol as its active ingredient. This oral medicine used to treat individuals who intend to lose weight. Fagolipo is effective in reducing weight, since its mechanism of action consists of stimulating the nervous system ...


Falmonox is a medicine used against amoeba that has Teclozam as its active substance. This medicine for oral use has a very strong action, eliminating amoebae from the intestines through contact. Indications of Falmonox Amebiasis. Falmonox price The 100 mg Falmonox box ...
Mindfulness exercises, or mindfulness, can bring numerous health benefits, such as reducing anxiety, anger and resentment, for example. Learn how to do these exercises
Regular exercise increases sexual desire because it releases hormones that increase libido, such as testosterone. Find out which are the best.
Yoga exercises for pregnant women stretch and tone the muscles, relax the joints and increase the flexibility of the body, helping the pregnant woman to adapt to the physical changes that occur during pregnancy. Read about the 5 good reasons to exercise in pregnancy.
Famotidine is a medicine used to treat ulcers in the stomach or in the initial part of the intestine in adults, and it can also be used to decrease stomach acidity as in cases of reflux, gastritis or Zollinger-Ellison syndrome. Famotidine can be purchased at pharmacies in ...
Exodus is an antidepressant whose active ingredient is Escitalopram. Learn how to take, how it works on the body, effects and who should not use.
To lose visceral fat, it is important to focus on aerobic exercise, such as running or cycling, to burn calories and eliminate extra pounds.
Exophthalmos or bulging eyes is a medical condition in which one or both eyes of a person are more prominent than normal, which can be caused by an inflammatory process or some problem that leads to narrowing of the orbital cavity. Find out what the causes are and how the ...
It is possible to lose weight fast even by practicing aerobic exercises at home. Know what they are and how to do them
Exercising regularly is a great strategy to burn fat and improve mood in menopause, but in addition, physical activity brings benefits such as decreased risk of heart disease, strengthens bones, combats sudden changes in mood and also .. .