
Tuberous sclerosis is a rare genetic disease characterized by the abnormal growth of tumors in various organs of the body. See what the symptoms are.
What it is: Sclerosis, also known as granite bone disease, is a rare genetic mutation that causes bone overgrowth. This mutation causes the bones, instead of decreasing in density over the years, to become increasingly thick and dense, ...
American researchers have identified a way to remove the HIV virus from the latency phase, which makes its identification easier and can be eliminated entirely from the body. Understand how the research was carried out and what are the next steps
Sclerotherapy is a very effective treatment for eliminating and reducing varicose veins. It can be made with foam, glucose or laser, depending on the size of the vessels. Know when to do sclerotherapy and what to do to prevent varicose veins from coming back.
The definitive brush is a type of hair straightening that guarantees definitive results. Find out how the final brush is made and how much it costs.
Scleroderma causes changes in the skin and in organs such as the heart and lungs. Learn how to identify and treat this disease.


Spiramycin is a medicine known commercially as Rovamycin. This medicine for oral use is an antibacterial, indicated for the treatment of infections caused by germs that usually attack the respiratory system, the skin and the genital regions. Indications of Spiramicin ...
The progressive brush of amino acids is a type of straightening performed through the action of amino acids in the structure of the wires. Understand how this progressive brush is made and possible risks.
Toxic erythema is a common skin problem in newborns that causes small red patches to appear on the skin, especially on the face, chest, arms and butt. Usually, neonatal toxic erythema appears a few hours after birth and lasts for about 2 weeks, being a ...
Hereditary spherocytosis is a type of hemolytic anemia, caused by changes in blood cell membranes, which causes its destruction and gives rise to some symptoms, such as pallor, tiredness and enlarged spleen. Understand what is spherocytosis, main symptoms and ...
What it is: The progressive brush without formaldehyde aims to straighten the hair, reduce frizz and leave the hair silky and shiny without the need to use products with formaldehyde, since besides representing a great health risk, the its use was prohibited by ANVISA. That...
See how to prepare different homemade scrubs that can be used on dry, oily, sensitive skin and even on children.
Understand how it is done and what are the risks of the treatment that eliminates varicose veins and small spider veins with just a local injection
Scotoma is characterized by total or partial loss of vision. See more and know what types, what causes and how the treatment is done


Esmya is indicated to treat symptoms caused by uterine fibroids, which should be taken under the doctor's advice.
Spermatocele is a problem that can arise in the region of the testicles and cause symptoms such as pain or discomfort, as well as the presence of a lump in the testicle. Better understand what it is, other symptoms and how treatment is done
Esophagitis is curable when identified and treated correctly. Check out the food tips you should follow and what other treatment options you can use, including pharmacy remedies and home options
Esophagitis is the inflammation of the esophagus, between the throat and stomach, which causes symptoms such as heartburn and burning in that region. Some of the most common types include reflux esophagitis and eosinophilic. See other types, symptoms and causes


Stavudine is an antiretroviral medicine known commercially as Zeritavir. This medicine for oral use is indicated for the treatment of AIDS, its action consists of incorporating in the DNA of the virus and preventing its multiplication, which would leave the immune system very weak and ...
Pediatrician indicates what to do to eliminate the pimples on the baby's skin.
Barrett's esophagus is considered a complication of gastroesophageal reflux, and symptoms such as heartburn and burning may appear. Treatment for Barrett's esophagus can be done with medication, but food is also important to control symptoms. Learn more ...
To remove dark spots on the skin caused by pimples, one can resort to homemade strategies such as exfoliation and the use of a whitening facial mask, which lightens the skin quickly. However, other stronger treatments may be needed. Find out what they are.
Spermatogenesis is the process of sperm formation, which is intensified after puberty and continues throughout life, decreasing only in old age. Know what spermatogenesis is and how it happens
Rosemary, basil, oregano and parsley add a delicious taste to food and replace salt well in several recipes. See how to plant and how to use aromatic herbs in various recipes.
Spironolactone is indicated to control high blood pressure and treat swelling and should be taken according to the instructions given by the doctor.
Exfoliation is a technique that aims to remove dead skin cells and thus improve their appearance and texture. Some options are sugar with honey or oats. See recipes and how to use correctly
What it is: Spina bifida is characterized by a set of congenital malformations that develop in the baby during the first 4 weeks of pregnancy, which are characterized by a failure in the development of the spine and an incomplete formation of the spinal cord and structures ...
Estradiol is the main active compound of the drug sold commercially under the name of Cliane. Indications Common complications after 1 year of menopause, such as hot flashes, urogenital atrophy and osteoporosis. Contraindications Cancer, pregnancy, endometriosis, thrombophlebitis, diseases ...
Estradiol is one of the active ingredients of a drug recommended for reducing menopausal discomfort, sold commercially under the name of Prefest. Indications Menopause, vulvovaginal atrophy, prevention of osteoporosis. Contraindications Pregnancy, breast tumor, bleeding, ...
Streptokinase is an anti-thrombolytic remedy for oral use, used to treat various diseases such as deep vein thrombosis or pulmonary embolism in adults, for example, as it speeds up and facilitates the destruction of clots that obstruct blood vessels. Streptokinase is ...
What it is: Schizophrenia is a mental disorder in which the person completely or partially loses contact with the objective reality, and these people tend to see, hear and feel sensations that do not exist in reality. Paranoid schizophrenia is the most common subtype of schizophrenia in ...


Essure is a metal spring that is placed in the fallopian tubes, which protects women from becoming pregnant. Know the side effects that can arise.
Sporotrichosis is an infection caused by fungi that can arise after contact with cats that live on the street. See what are the symptoms of sporotrichosis and how is the treatment done
Cracking the neck can be harmful if not performed correctly or if it occurs too often. In addition, if done with too much force it can injure the nerves in the area, which can be extremely painful and make it difficult or impossible for the neck to move. know more