
Crossfit is a high intensity training modality that should ideally be done in suitable gyms or training studios. However, there are some basic exercises and movements that are safe enough to be done at home. See which and how to do it correctly
What it is: Eylea is a medication that contains aflibercept in its composition, indicated for the treatment of age-related eye degeneration and loss of vision associated with certain conditions. This medicine should only be used upon medical recommendation, and should be administered ...
Check out 6 Pilates exercises to do at home and strengthen your abs, glutes and back in a few minutes.
Check out how to do the most suitable exercises to start practicing Pilates on the ground. These are exercises that can be done at home and help to lose weight and abandon sedentary lifestyle
Faseolamine is a substance removed from white beans that acts by inhibiting the digestion of starch, which contributes to the number of calories ingested, and is therefore used in weight loss diets. In addition, Faseolamine helps to reduce blood sugar levels after meals, ...
A study by a group of researchers showed that elderly people who speak more than one language are diagnosed and have symptoms of Alzheimer's disease 4 years later than elderly people who speak only one language, indicating that being bilingual delays Alzheimer's. See more...
Calf exercises are a very important part of leg training, as they help to strengthen this muscle group in addition to increasing its volume. See better exercises and how to do each one correctly
Shortness of breath in pregnancy is considered normal because as the baby grows, the diaphragm and lungs are compressed. See what to do to improve this symptom
Functional exercises are those that involve several muscle groups and are usually performed in circuits, improving muscle endurance and physical conditioning. Check out some examples of functional exercises and how to do
Do not exercise in the first 24 hours, avoid hot food and apply ice on the face are some of the precautions. See which others.
The premature aging of the skin occurs when the skin has damage such as wrinkles and blemishes. To fight, skin care is needed.
Amenorrhea is when there is no menstruation, which can happen in girls who are taking too long to have their 1st period, or due to stressful situations, excessive physical activity or certain diseases. Know the possible causes and when you should go to the doctor.
Paused inhalation, breathing out through the mouth and making bubbles in the water with a straw, are some ways to stimulate the breathing muscles. Learn about other exercises and their benefits
The exercises for after cesarean section serve to strengthen the abdomen and combat sagging belly. They can be started about 6 weeks after cesarean delivery as long as the doctor has released exercise and the healing is good. Postpartum exercises ...
Baby pharyngitis is more common in younger children and can cause symptoms such as fever, lack of appetite, drowsiness, coughing and nasal discharge. See what other symptoms may appear, what are the possible causes and how the treatment is done
Eyelash Extension or Eyelash Extension is a technique that increases the volume of the lashes, covers flaws and defines the look. See how it's done.


Fedrilato is the active substance in an anti-cough medicine commercially known as Gotas Bineli. This medication for oral use is indicated for the treatment of cough, acts on the central nervous system, reducing spasms. Fedrilato indications (What is it for) Cough (no ...
To increase the muscular mass of legs and glutes, keeping them toned and defined, the elastic can be used, as it is a lightweight, very efficient, easy to transport and practical to store. This training equipment, which can be used at home or at the gym, makes it possible to ...


Felodipine is the active substance in the anti-depressant and anti-anginal Splendil. This medicine can be found in pharmacies in the form of prolonged-release tablets. Indications Indicated in arterial hypertension, chronic stable angina pectoris (effort angina). Effects...


Femina is a contraceptive pill that contains the active substances ethinyl estradiol and progestogen desogestrel, being used to prevent pregnancy and regularize menstruation. Femina is produced by Achée laboratories and can be purchased at pharmacies ...


Femme is a medication whose main active substance is Retinol (Vitamin A). This medicine is a vitamin supplement for oral use, indicated to improve the nutrition of pregnant women and in the postnatal period. Pregnancy and the postnatal period are moments of great ...
Phenazopyrine also known as fempiridine is an analgesic used to relieve urinary tract pain caused by infections, trauma or after surgery. This medicine is marketed as the names Pyridium or Urovit in tablets used by adults. Phenazopyridine price ...
Phencyclidine (PCP, angel dust) was developed in the late 1950s to be used as an anesthetic, but its legitimate medical use of PCP was discontinued in 1962, because of the side effects caused by the drug (severe anxiety, delusions and psychoses ). Symptoms Phencyclidine ...
Exercises to strengthen the inner thigh are great for fighting sagging and cellulite in this region, giving you more shapely and beautiful legs. Check out a series of 6 exercises you can do at home
Phenylbutazone is an anti-rheumatic, anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antipyretic remedy widely used in the treatment of rheumatisms, such as spondylitis, gout or rheumatoid arthritis, for example. Phenylbutazone can be purchased from conventional pharmacies under the name butazone or ...
Nasal phenylephrine is a medication used to treat a stuffy nose. There is also phenylephrine in ophthalmic version, which is used to dilate the pupil in surgery for example. This medicine for nasal application has the main action of causing a vasoconstriction of the ...
Fenirax cream is a medication that has the active substance Dexchlorpheniramine Maleate. This topical medication is an anti-allergic from the Multilab laboratory, indicated for the treatment of mild skin irritations such as hives, allergies and insect bites. Its action relieves ...
Lassa fever is an uncommon infectious disease in Brazil, but common in Africa that is transmitted by spiders and rats. Know what the symptoms are, how the transmission happens and how the treatment is done
It is used to treat seizures, epilepsy and trigeminal neuralgia in the form of pills or injections.
Pharmacokinetics studies the organism's action on the drug and pharmacodynamics studies the drug's action on the organism. See the differences.
Lerin is a medicine for ophthalmological use, with a vasoconstrictive, sedative and decongestant action promoting relief from eye irritations, caused by: foreign bodies, dust, wind, smoke, exposure to intense light and congestion that accompanies acute coryza. Indications ...
Fenofibrate is an oral medicine used to lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the blood when, after diet, the values ​​remain high and there are risk factors for cardiovascular disease such as high blood pressure, for example. Fenofibrate can be purchased at pharmacies in ...
Emotional fever, or psychogenic fever, is a condition in which the body temperature rises because of stress and anxiety, causing a sensation of intense heat, excessive sweating and headache. Find out more about other symptoms, causes and how treatment is done