


Ertapenem is an antibiotic indicated for the treatment of moderate or severe infections, such as intra-abdominal, gynecological or skin infections and must be administered through an injection into the vein or muscle by a nurse. This antibiotic, known commercially as Invanz, ...
Chumbinho is an illegal poison that has the appearance of a small, dark gray granule that can end up causing several cases of intoxication, which can lead to death. Check how the substance acts in the body, what the symptoms are and what to do in case of suspected poisoning
Mouthwash should be used only once a day, especially in case of caries, gingivitis, plaque or after extraction or dental treatment
Epididymitis is an inflammation of the epididymis, a small duct that connects the vas deferens to the testis. The most common symptoms include swelling of the scrotum and pain, and treatment is usually done with antibiotics. See how to identify and what antibiotics are used.
Frequent canker sores have several causes, which can arise due to the use of dental appliances or signify a more serious disease, such as AIDS. See what are the 7 main causes of frequent thrush and when to go to the doctor.
Epinephrine, also known as adrenaline, is an emergency medicine used in cases of severe allergic reaction. See how to apply.
Epiglottitis is a severe inflammation caused by an infection of the epiglottis, which is the valve that prevents fluid from passing from the throat to the lungs. See the symptoms, causes and treatment
Epiduo gel should be applied to acne twice a day, and helps to dry out the pimples and lighten the spots left by them. See more details.
What it is: Epispadia is a rare defect of the genitals, which can appear in both boys and girls, being identified early in childhood. This change makes the opening of the urethra, the channel that carries urine from the bladder out of the body, not to be located in the right place, ...
Adequate breastfeeding sweaters, bathrobe or postpartum brace are some of the essential items that mom's hospital bag should contain. See the list.
Complete sets of clothes, blankets and disposable diapers, are some items that the baby's suitcase for the hospital. See the full list.
Getting pregnant with an IUD is a very rare situation, but it can happen. In these cases, it should be removed to avoid complications, such as abortion.
Epocler is a medication used in case of digestive problems, also caused by excess alcohol in the body. See what it is for, how to take it, when it should not be used and what harm this medicine can cause
Erenumab is an innovative substance that is being developed for the prevention of migraine. See how it works
Erythema multiforme is an inflammation of the skin characterized by lesions and red spots on the skin, especially the arms and legs. Find out what are the causes, symptoms and treatment of erythema multiforme.
Bullous epidermolysis is a rare disease that causes painful blisters to appear on the skin with minimal friction. The treatment for this disease consists mainly of dressing to prevent infection from occurring. See more other symptoms and how the dressing should be done


Tarceva is a drug indicated to treat lung and pancreatic cancer, which must be taken once a day under medical advice.
From the age of 5 the child is able to wake up so as not to pee in bed. See what you can do to help her control her urine at night.
Erysipelas is a skin disease that can be cured and causes red, inflamed and painful wounds on the skin, especially on the legs. See what the disease consists of, how it manifests itself and how the treatment is done
The Moroccan brush is a definitive way to straighten hair that contains keratin, collagen and formaldehyde. It is sold as a kit consisting of shampoo, smoothing, neutralizing cream and argan oil. When using the Moroccan brush, the individual must read the label and confirm ...
Escabin is a medication that has Deltamethrin as its active ingredient. This topical medicine has pediculicidal and scabicidal properties and is indicated for the elimination of lice and tick infestations in general. Escabin acts on the parasitic nervous system, causing ...


Esbriet is a drug indicated for the treatment of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, reducing scarring and swelling in the lungs. Know more.
Scabies is the technical name given to scabies, a skin disease that produces reddish papules on the skin and is itchy. See what it is, what the symptoms are and how to treat scabies. Take the test to find out if you have this disease
The APGAR scale is made at the 1st and 5th minute of the newborn's life to assess its vitality. Understand what is evaluated and how to interpret the result
See what you can do to release more endorphins, serotonin, dopamine and oxytocin to increase happiness, fighting bad mood
Escetamine is a substance for intranasal administration, indicated for the treatment of depression resistant to other treatments, in adults. know more
Bed sores, also known as pressure ulcers, are very common skin wounds in bedridden people. See how you can prevent its appearance and how they should be treated
Escitalopram, marketed under the name Lexapro, is an oral antidepressant used to treat or prevent depression in adults. See how it is used and what are the possible side effects.
Scleritis is curable in most cases, and its treatment can be done using antibiotics, immunosuppressants or surgery. Here's what to do.
Blue sclera is the condition that occurs when the white part of the eyes turns bluish, being normal in babies up to 6 months of age. However, it can indicate diseases such as iron deficiency anemia or imperfect osteogenesis. Learn more what can cause blue sclera and what to do
Erythema nodosum is an inflammation of the tissue under the skin, which happens due to some infections, medication use or even cancer.
Systemic sclerosis is an autoimmune disease that causes changes in the skin. Check out what other symptoms may appear, who is at greater risk of developing the disease and which treatment options are most used
Multiple sclerosis is an autoimmune disease characterized by degradation of the myelin sheath that covers neurons, resulting in neurological problems. Know everything about this disease.
Erythrasma is a skin infection characterized by the presence of pink or dark and irregular spots under the breasts, in the armpits or in the intimate region, for example. Learn more about erythrasma and how treatment is done.
Glucose sclerotherapy is used to treat varicose veins and microvarices present in the leg where a hypertonic glucose solution is injected directly into the varicose vein. Find out how glucose sclerotherapy is done and what side effects are.
Laser sclerotherapy is a non-invasive procedure used to decrease or eliminate small vessels that may appear on the face, trunk and legs. Understand what laser sclerotherapy is, how it works and what care you should take.


Esperson is an anti-inflammatory drug that has Dexamethasone as its active substance. This topical medicine is indicated for the treatment of various skin infections dermatitis, dermatosis and white cloth. This medicine soothes and softens the skin, reducing itching and irritation ...