


Glipizide is an oral hypoglycemic medicine widely used in the treatment of patients with type 2 diabetes. However, this medication must be associated with regular exercise and a balanced diet to help keep sugar levels under control. Glipizida ...


Gracial is a contraceptive whose active substances are Desogestrel and Ethinylestradiol. This medication when used correctly reduces the chances of getting pregnant and helps prevent skin problems such as acne. It should be noted that despite its effectiveness the Gracial as well as ...
Precious drops is a medicine used to facilitate digestion, whose active ingredient is belladonna. Indications Poor digestion, stomach pain, intestinal cramps, headache caused by poor digestion, heartburn, bad breath, stimulating the production of bile, fighting gases. Against...
Functional training is a type of physical activity that is not done with gym equipment and aims to improve physical conditioning, with several health benefits. Understand more about what functional training is, main benefits and how to do it


Glivec is a indicated medication used to treat some types of cancer, such as leukemia tumor in the stomach or intestine, in children and adults.
Granisetron is a remedy for adult use, used to treat or prevent nausea and vomiting associated with chemotherapy or that arise after surgery. Granisetron can be purchased in pharmacies in the form of tablets or ampoules, and can also be found under the trade name of ...
Every diabetic pregnant woman should check her blood glucose daily to reduce the risk of the baby undergoing malformations during pregnancy and not developing type 2 diabetes in the future. Treatment for diabetes in pregnancy Treatment for diabetes in pregnancy must be very strict, and ...


Glucantime is an injectable antiparasitic medication used to treat cases of cutaneous or visceral Leishmaniasis, which must be administered in the hospital. This medicine is produced by Sanofi-Aventis laboratories and has the active substance of meglumine antimoniate, which ...
What they are: Skene's glands are located on the side of the woman's urethra, near the entrance to the vagina and are responsible for releasing a whitish or transparent liquid representing female ejaculation during intimate contact. The development of Skene's glands can ...
Gluteoplasty is done to reshape the buttocks. Find out how it is done, the price and the care that should be taken after surgery.
Congenital glaucoma can cause symptoms such as sensitivity to light, swelling and blurred vision and its treatment is usually done with surgery to prevent vision loss. See more about congenital glaucoma
The bartholin gland can become inflamed and give rise to a cyst that can infect, requiring treatment. See how it is done and what the symptoms are.
Glioblastoma multiforme is a type of severe brain cancer with little chance of cure. know how to identify symptoms and treatment options.
Gordophobia is characterized by a prejudice against fat people, due to a standard of beauty imposed by society, in which the ideal and perfect body is a tall, thin body, with curves and without cellulite. know more
Ginkgo biloba is an ancient medicinal plant from China that is well known as the elixir of mental health. However, this plant has many other health benefits. See which and how to take
Gonorrhea in men is an infection by the bacteria Neisséria gonorrhoeae that causes inflammation in the urethra, with discharge. Know what to do.
Glucosamine + Chondroitin is indicated to strengthen the joints, being useful to relieve pain and improve the mobility of the body. See more.
Gotu kola

Gotu kola

Gotu Kola, improves blood circulation, increases collagen and improves memory. See more benefits and how to use.


What it is: Glucometer is a small device for measuring glucose in the bloodstream. Some brands that market this device are Roche, Breeze and One touch ultra and Bayer. How to use the glucometer All of them are easy to use because they contain instructions on how to use the ...
Gonorrhea is a sexually transmitted disease caused by the bacterium Neisseria gonorrhoeae, which can happen in both men and women causing some symptoms, such as pain and burning when urinating, abdominal discomfort and the appearance of secretions. Understand what Gonorrhea is, ...
Wegener's granulomatosis is a rare and chronic disease that causes inflammation in the blood vessels and symptoms such as fever, weight loss, tiredness, fatigue or cough. Although it has no cure, it can be treated with medications such as corticosteroids and immunosuppressants, which help regulate the system ...
Pyogenic granuloma is a relatively common skin disorder that causes the appearance of a reddish lesion between 2mm to 2cm. It may appear on the head, neck, nose and fingers, and may appear during pregnancy. Learn more about the causes and how the treatment is done
The 2nd degree burn hurts a lot and forms a bubble, which should not be burst. First aid includes removing the heat source and cooling the skin with cold water for 10-20 minutes. Check out more treatment details


Guanabenzo is a medicine known commercially as Lisapres. This medication for oral use is an antihypertensive, which decreases the resistance of blood vessels leaving blood pressure stable. Guanabenzo indications Hypertension. Side Effects of Guanabenzo Boca ...


Glucerna powder is a food supplement that helps to keep blood sugar levels stable, as it promotes slow carbohydrate intake, which reduces sugar spikes throughout the day and is therefore a recommended supplement for individuals with diabetes. In addition, it is rich in ...
Griseofulvin is an oral medication known commercially as Fulcin and Sporostatin. Griseofulvin is an antifungal, which acts by preventing the proliferation of fungi, helping in the treatment of mycoses in the skin. Indications for Griseofulvin Skin infection; leather infections ...


Guaramil is a fast-absorbing energy tablet that contains a high dose of caffeine and natural guarana. The energetic effect can be seen within 30 minutes of taking it. Indications Tiredness, lack of energy, indisposition, lack of attention and concentration.
Stool fat usually arises when you consume large amounts of high-fat foods, but it can also be a sign of illness.
Guanfacine is an antihypertensive drug, normally used in cases of high blood pressure, which can also be used to treat symptoms of hyperactivity and attention deficit in children between 6 and 17 years old, as it regulates norepinephrine levels, controlling impulses ...
Molar pregnancy, also called hydatidiform mole, is a rare condition that consists of the growth of abnormal tissue in the uterus during pregnancy. This type of change causes symptoms such as severe vomiting, vaginal bleeding and high blood pressure. See more other symptoms, possible ...


Gynopac is a medicine that has Ticonazole as its active substance. This medicine for vaginal use is used to treat gynecological infections caused by fungi and bacteria. Indications for Gynopac Candidiase; urethritis; vaginitis; bacterial vaginoses. Side effects of ...
Gout or gouty arthritis, popularly called rheumatism in the feet, is an inflammatory disease caused by excess uric acid in the blood that causes a lot of joint pain. Check out the symptoms and know what to do to fight the pain and feel better
The pregnant woman should not do artificial straightening throughout the pregnancy, especially during the first 3 months of pregnancy, and also during breastfeeding, as it is not yet proven that the straightening chemicals are safe and do not harm the baby. The straightening with ...
Haoperidol is an antipsychotic that can help relieve disorders such as delusions or hallucinations in cases of schizophrenia, or in elderly people with agitation or aggression, for example. This medicine can be sold by the Jassen Cilac laboratory, and can be sold under the name ...


Harmonet is a contraceptive medication that has the active substances Ethinylestradiol and Gestodene. This medication for oral use is indicated for the prevention of pregnancy, having its effectiveness guaranteed, provided it is taken according to the recommendations. Harmonet indications (For ...
What it is: Hartnup's disease is a rare and hereditary disorder characterized by the production of skin rashes and brain changes. This disorder affects the way the body processes amino acids and people with this disease are unable to absorb some amino acids at the level ...