


Hematology is the part of medicine intended for the study of blood. It aims to know all the constituent elements of blood such as red blood cells, leukocytes and platelets, studies how they are produced and in which organs, including bone marrow, spleen and lymph nodes. In addition to studying the ...
Even though it is a common disease, there are several doubts about the flu, such as whether the vaccine causes flu or whether it can become pneumonia. So, take your questions
What they are: Fordyce granules are tiny yellowish or whitish spots, which can appear on the lips, inside the cheeks or on the genitals, which appear naturally and have no health consequences. These granules are enlarged sebaceous glands and therefore ...
Halibut is an ointment indicated to combat diaper rash in babies, treat first-degree burns and promote the healing of superficial wounds. Learn more and see how it should be used
See how to take the Gynera pill not to get pregnant and know its main side effects and contraindications.
Facial harmonization, also known as orofacial harmonization, is indicated for men and women who want to improve the appearance of the face and consists of performing a set of different aesthetic procedures. See which are the most common


Helmiben is indicated to treat infections caused by worms and parasites that can be taken for 1 or 3 days. Know more.
Heparin is an anticoagulant for injectable use that prevents thrombus formation and can be found on the market under the name of Liquemine. Its administration must be made by a nurse or doctor and can be carried out through an injection into the skin or vein and is for exclusive use ...


Helmizol is a drug indicated for infections caused by worms, parasites such as amoebiasis, giardiasis, trichomoniasis or some bacteria, including Gardnerella
Playing with the spinner helps to increase the concentration of the hyperactive child, but also to decrease the anxiety of the anxious adult. Understand why.


Herceptin is a drug based on monoclonal antibodies, from the Roche laboratory, which acts directly on the cancer cell and is very effective against some types of cancer. This medicine has a price of approximately 10 thousand reais and is available in SUS - Sistema Único de ...
Gastrointestinal bleeding occurs when bleeding appears in some part of the digestive system, which can be classified into two main types: Upper gastrointestinal bleeding: when the bleeding sites are the esophagus, the stomach or the duodenum; Lower gastrointestinal bleeding: when bleeding ...
Stomach bleeding, also known as gastric bleeding, usually happens due to an untreated ulcer, which eventually causes bleeding. See how to identify a hemorrhage of this type, understand the causes and see how to treat
Contact lenses are an alternative to prescription glasses, but their improper use can cause vision problems or blindness. Find out more here.
The Low Poo technique consists of replacing the hair wash with a regular shampoo with a shampoo without sulfates, silicones or petrolates, which are too aggressive for the hair. See which brands of shampoo can be used and which ingredients to avoid
Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria is a rare genetic disease characterized by the destruction of red blood cells, leading to symptoms such as weakness, drowsiness and abdominal pain. Learn more about this disease and how the diagnosis is made.
The altered hemoglobin values ​​may indicate diseases such as anemia, thalassemia and dehydration. See other problems and what are the reference values.
Hemovirtus is a hemorrhoid ointment that should be used with an applicator to insert the medication into the anal area and also outside.
Acute alcoholic hepatitis is caused by an excess of alcoholic beverages, which cause symptoms such as severe abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting and loss of appetite. This condition is curable as long as the person stops drinking alcohol and makes the treatment with the medications indicated by the doctor.
Autoimmune hepatitis is an inflammation of the liver caused by changes in immunity and is therefore not contagious. Understand what it is, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of autoimmune hepatitis
Chronic hepatitis is an inflammation of the liver that is usually caused by the hepatitis B virus. Check out the most common symptoms of this disorder, what are the other possible causes and how can treatment be done
Hemochromatosis can be hereditary or secondary, and is characterized by excess iron in the body that is deposited in the organs and causes many symptoms such as fatigue, body pain, cirrhosis and sexual impotence. Check the tests to confirm and how to treat.
Hemorrhoid is a dilated vein in the anal area, which can be internal or external and treatment includes the use of ointments, surgery or sitz bath. Also know what causes hemorrhoids, what are the symptoms and the best treatment


Hesperidin is a medication known commercially as Diosmil. This medication for oral use is used to treat poor circulation, in diseases such as varicose veins, venous insufficiency and hemorrhoids. Hesperidin acts on the vascular system, normalizing circulation and increasing ...
Internal hemorrhoids are those in which the veins inside the rectum are dilated, not being visible and being noticed when signs and symptoms appear, especially bright red blood in the stool. Learn how to identify internal hemorrhoids, main symptoms, degrees, causes and how ...


Hiberix is ​​an injectable vaccine that protects against Haemophilus influenza B in children, a microorganism that can cause very serious bacterial infections, such as meningitis. Hiberix is ​​a vaccine that is included in the vaccination program and that must be administered in 3 doses, ...
Hyaluronidase is an enzyme used to facilitate the absorption of injectable fluids, temporarily reducing the viscosity of connective tissue making it more permeable to the diffusion of fluids. This drug for injectable use, administered subcutaneously or intramuscularly, can be ...
Hepatitis is an inflammation of the liver that can be treated with medicines at home. See the symptoms, causes and main forms of treatment.
To treat hemorrhoids in pregnancy, it is necessary to consume fiber and water, to sit down and the use of medicines should only be done as directed by the doctor.


Hidantal is an anti-seizure medication that has the active substance Phenytoin. This medication for oral use is indicated for the treatment of epilepsy and isolated seizures. Its action on the central nervous system prevents the spread of any epileptic activity.


Hexomedine is an antiseptic and anesthetic medication that has Hexamidine and Tetracaine as active substances. This medication for oral use is indicated for inflammation in the oral cavity such as thrush, stomatitis and pharyngitis, its action relieves the pain and discomfort of inflammation.