
Hydralazine is a medication known commercially as Apresoline or Nepresol. It is an oral and injectable medication, which acts as a vasodilator, being very effective in the treatment of individuals with high blood pressure. Hydralazine Indications Hypertension; cardiac insufficiency,...
A great way to achieve smooth hands and feet, with strengthened nails, is to adopt paraffin hydration. Hydration is done by dipping your hands or feet, one at a time, in a container suitable for liquid paraffin, at a temperature of approximately 37ยบ C. It is necessary ...
An excellent homemade moisturizer for the body can be made at home, using natural ingredients, such as grapefruit and frankincense and neroli essential oils, which help to rejuvenate and maintain skin elasticity. However, skin hydration can also be complemented with ...
Hiatal hernia can be cured with surgery, but the diet, in most cases, is sufficient to decrease symptoms and improve quality of life. Understand better why the hernia happens and when surgery is indicated
Scrotal hernia corresponds to a consequence of inguinal hernia, in which the bulge seen in the groin reaches the scrotum, causing pain and swelling. Learn about other symptoms, how scrotal hernia diagnosis and treatment is made
Cerebral hemorrhage or hemorrhagic stroke occurs when a blood vessel in the brain is usually ruptured as a result of a blow. This bleeding is serious and can be fatal if it is not identified immediately. Find out what are the main symptoms and causes of bleeding ...
Hermaphroditism is a genetic condition in which a person is born with two genitals, both male and female. Understand what it means to be a hermaphrodite and what are the possible causes and how treatment is done.
Topical hydrocortisone, sold commercially as Berlison, can be used to treat inflammatory skin conditions such as dermatitis, eczema or burns, for example, as it helps to relieve swelling and swelling. Berlison can be purchased in pharmacies in the form of cream or ...
Hydrochlorothiazide hydrochloride is a diuretic remedy widely used to treat high blood pressure and swelling in the body, for example. Hydrochlorothiazide can be purchased under the trade name Moduretic, which also has amiloride in its formula, which is a medicine that belongs to ...
Injectable hydrocortisone is an intramuscular or intravenous steroidal anti-inflammatory that is used to reduce the symptoms of pain, swelling, redness and heat caused by allergies, rheumatism or respiratory diseases, for example. Injectable hydrocortisone does not ...
Hepatitis B in pregnancy can be dangerous, as there is a high risk of the pregnant woman infecting the baby at the time of delivery. See what are the real risks for the baby, for the mother and how the treatment should be done
Genital herpes passes from one person to another and has no cure, but the use of medications can relieve symptoms
Pepsamar is a drug that can be purchased without a prescription that fights acidity in the stomach, whose active ingredient is aluminum hydroxide. Indications Combat heartburn and stomach acidity, gastritis, stomach ulcers or small intestine. Contraindications Individuals with ...
Engov is a medication based on acetyl salicylic acid and aluminum hydroxide that fights a hangover and if taken before consuming the alcoholic drink it reduces its appearance. Indications of aluminum hydroxide (Engov) Relieves hangover, headache, indigestion, allergy, ...
Aluminum hydroxide is an antacid used to treat heartburn in patients with gastric hyperacidity, helping to reduce this symptom. The medicine can be sold under the trade name Sineco Plus or Pepsamar, Alca-luftal, Siludrox or Andursil and can be purchased in pharmacies under the ...
Slip hiatal hernia is a condition that occurs when a part of the stomach passes through a hiatus, which is an opening in the diaphragm, leading to the appearance of symptoms such as heartburn, stomach pain and burning. Know the possible causes and how the treatment is done
What it is: Cystic hygroma, also called lymphangioma, is a rare disease, characterized by the formation of a benign cyst-shaped tumor that occurs due to a malformation of the lymphatic system during pregnancy or during adulthood, whose causes are not yet ...
Cystic hygroma is curable, but it is possible that the tumor may return after some time and it is not yet known why. Treatment for cystic hygroma consists of an injection with a sclerotic substance that can destroy the fluid that fills the tumor. That...
Heterochromia is when the eyes have different colors, and is usually caused by genetic inheritance, when it does not cause vision problems. See other cases.
What it is: Fetal cystic hygroma is characterized by the accumulation of abnormal lymphatic fluid located in a part of the baby's body that is identified on ultrasound during pregnancy. Treatment can be surgical or sclerotherapy depending on the severity and condition of the ...
Inguinal herniorrhaphy is surgery for the treatment of inguinal hernia, which can be done with an open technique or by video. Before surgery it is recommended to fast for 8 to 12 hours and not to do very intense physical activities. See how herniorrhaphy is performed, care after the procedure and ...
Inguinal hernia is more common in men and causes a small swelling in the groin area. See what are the other common symptoms, how to confirm if it really is a hernia and how the treatment surgery is done
In hyperaldosteronism, excessive amounts of aldosterone, a hormone produced by the adrenal glands, are produced. This excessive production ends up generating an insufficient amount of potassium leading to an increase in blood pressure. Most of the time this disease is the cause ...
Hibiscus capsules are widely used to facilitate weight loss and accelerate weight loss, however, they can also be used to lower cholesterol or prevent premature aging. Understand how to take it, when to avoid it and what are the possible side effects.
Herniated discs in pregnancy can cause severe back pain, treatment can be done with physiotherapy and osteopathy, for example. Find out what the risks are, how the delivery is and what else you can do to fight the pain
See how to wash and use the right products to hydrate, nourish or rebuild your hair, to keep your hair beautiful, soft and hydrated.


Hipericin is a herbal medicine that has Hypericum perforatum as its active substance. This medicine for oral use is indicated for the treatment of individuals with psychological disorders such as depression, since its action alters the functioning of neurotransmitters leaving the ...
Cold sores cause sores in the mouth and just below the lip, itching, pain and redness, caused by the Herpes Simplex virus. See photos, how is the treatment and how to prevent
Ocular herpes causes symptoms similar to conjunctivitis such as itching, redness and irritation in the eye and should be treated with antivirals.
Hydrogel filling can be used to enlarge the lips, hide wrinkles and increase the butt. Know your risks and contraindications.
Hydroxychloroquine is a drug indicated for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, lupus erythematosus, dermatological and rheumatic conditions and also for the treatment of malaria. This active substance is sold commercially under the names Plaquinol or Reuquinol, and can be purchased in ...
The clariderm ointment is used to remove dark spots on the skin caused by the sun, acne, melasma, freckles and others, safely lightening the skin
Hydroquinone is a substance indicated in the gradual lightening of spots, such as melasma, freckles, senile lentigo, and other conditions in which hyperpigmentation occurs due to excessive melanin production. See how to use, how it works and what precautions to take
Hydrogel is a sterile gel used in the treatment of wounds, as it promotes the removal of dead tissue and promotes hydration, healing and skin protection. In addition, the Hydrogel relieves the patient's pain at the wound site, as it moistens the exposed nerve endings. Hydrogel ...
Both water aerobics and hydrotherapy consist of exercises performed inside a swimming pool, however, these are activities that have different exercises and objectives and are also guided by different professionals. Water aerobics is a set of exercises done in ...
Fetal dropsy is a rare condition where fluid accumulation occurs in different parts of the baby's body. Understand how this happens, how to identify and what forms of treatment are available