
Chronic gastritis is an inflammation of the lining of the stomach that occurs because of bacterial, viral infections or prolonged use of medications. Learn what chronic antral gastritis is, mild and moderate and how the treatment is done.
Gastrectomy is a type of bariatric surgery that can help you lose up to 40% of your initial weight. See when it is indicated, how it is done, what are the advantages and how is the recovery
Gastritis is curable when identified and treated quickly and correctly, otherwise it can progress to chronic gastritis, where treatment and cure are more difficult. Here's how to cure gastritis.
Find out what calories you spend when exercising, such as walking, running, cycling and playing football, taking into account your weight
What it is: Enanthematous gastritis, also known as enanthematous pangastritis, is an inflammation of the stomach wall that can be caused by an infection by the H. pylori bacteria, autoimmune diseases, excessive alcohol consumption, or frequent use of medications such as aspirins and ...
Gastroschisis is a genetic alteration in which the baby's intestine is out of the abdomen due to the complete closure of the abdominal wall and which can happen due to habits related to the mother, for example. Understand what gastroschisis is, symptoms, causes and how it is done ...
Gastrostomy is used when feeding through the mouth cannot be maintained due to the presence of tumors in the throat or severe problems with swallowing. See how to feed properly and how to care for the wound, to avoid an infection.
Fish gelatin in capsules is a dietary supplement that serves to strengthen nails and hair and fight sagging skin, as it is rich in proteins and omega 3. However, these capsules should only be consumed after the recommendation of the doctor or nutritionist and can be purchased in ...
A study carried out in the USA showed that a protein present in royal jelly produced by bees, royalactin, can be used for new discoveries in the treatment of degenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer's. See more what the research found
To eliminate gas during pregnancy and relieve abdominal discomfort, you can consume peppermint tea, for example, due to its anti-spasmodic actions, which help to relieve pain and discomfort. To make tea, just add 2 to 4 g of fresh peppermint leaves ...
Glibenclamide is an antidiabetic for oral use, indicated in the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus in adults, as it promotes the reduction of blood sugar. Glibenclamide can be purchased at pharmacies under the trade name of Donil or Glibeneck. The price of Glibenclamide varies between 7 and ...


Glicel is a laxative medication that has Glycerin as its active substance. This medicine for rectal use is indicated for patients suffering from constipation and has great difficulty in excreting feces. The action of this medication is effective in this type of treatment as it attracts water to ...
Intestinal gases are normally produced by the body, however, due to some habits there may be greater production of gases, and there may be discomfort. Find out what are the main causes of excess gases
The cosmetic industry says yes, but does the reducing gel really work? Find out here if you are being cheated.
What it is: The parasitic twin, also called fetus in fetu, corresponds to the presence of a fetus within another that has normal development, usually within the abdominal or retoperineal cavity. The occurrence of parasitic twin is rare, and it is estimated that it happens in 1 in every 500 000 ...
Glycerin is a laxative remedy that works by increasing the peristaltic movements of the intestine and attracting water to the stools, lubricating and softening them. Glycerin can be purchased from conventional pharmacies under the trade name Glicerin, in the form of a suppository, produced by ...
Glycosamine sulphate helps to decrease joint pain by facilitating movement. Here's how to take it properly
Nisulid is an anti-inflammatory remedy indicated to treat sore throat and muscle pain. Here's how to take it.
Glimepiride is the active substance in a medicine known commercially as Amaryl. This oral medication is indicated for the treatment of type 2 diabetes, one that does not depend on insulin. The action of Glimepiride stimulates the release of insulin from the cells of the pancreas, ...


Glitisol is an antibacterial medication whose active substance is Tiafenicol. This medication for oral use is indicated for the treatment of donovanosis, meningitis and typhoid fever. Glitisol alters the mechanism of action of bacteria, leaving them weak and eliminating them from the body.
Swollen gum usually indicates that the teeth will be born. Here's what to do to relieve that discomfort.
Gingivitis is a common pregnancy problem that can cause complications for pregnancy, but that can be treated at home. See what to do!
Acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis can cause symptoms such as red gums, bad breath and very painful wounds.
Flaxseed gel is a great homemade curl activator for curly and wavy hair because it activates natural curls, helps to reduce frizz, forming more beautiful and perfect curls. This gel can be easily made at home and, when stored in the refrigerator, can last up to 1 week, the ...
Gum bleeding can be a sign of gum disease or another health problem. Know how to identify the cause and what to do
Royal jelly in capsules is a natural nutritional supplement that helps to increase energy and appetite, strength and vitality, in addition to fighting infections, as it is composed of vitamins and minerals such as calcium, magnesium, potassium and zinc, for example. This supplement can be purchased at ...


Glybera is a drug capable of curing a rare genetic disease caused by a deficiency of lipoprotein lipase (LPLD) that affects the pancreas. The drug alters the individual's genetic load and completely cures the disease and was created by the UniQure laboratory. Indications of Glybera ...
What it is: Gerovital is a supplement that has vitamins, minerals and ginseng in its composition, indicated to prevent and combat physical and mental tiredness or to compensate for the lack of vitamins and minerals, as in cases where the diet is deficient or inadequate. This product can ...
Glyvenol is indicated to reduce pain, swelling and inflammation, it is recommended to take 1 tablet, 3 to 4 times a day with meals.
What it is: Gestinol 28 is a continuous contraceptive that is used to prevent pregnancy. This medicine has in its composition two hormones, ethinyl estradiol and gestodene, which have the function of inhibiting the hormonal stimuli that lead to ovulation, also causing ...
Giamebil is a natural remedy indicated for the treatment of amebiasis and giardiasis, which must be taken twice a day, for 3 days.


Goldar is a drug that has Tibolone as an active substance. This medicine for oral use is indicated to relieve the symptoms of menopause such as hot flashes, excessive sweating and even emotional instability, the improvement of symptoms can be noticed after a few weeks of ...
Gigantism, also known as acromegaly in adults, occurs when there is excessive production of growth hormone. See the signs
Pearly papules are caused by the presence of visible Tyson glands, being one of the most common changes in the penis, which can be similar to pimples on the penis. Learn more about the Tyson glands and when treatment is needed
Taking 2 capsules a day of Ginseng is a great strategy to improve your performance at school or at work because it has a tonic brain and energizing action, fighting physical and mental tiredness. The capsules are prepared with the Panax ginseng plant that grows mainly in ...
Gino-Canesten 1 in tablet or cream is indicated for the treatment of vaginal infections caused by fungi, such as vaginal candidiasis.
What it is: Glifage is an oral antidiabetic remedy with metformin in its composition, indicated for the treatment of type 1 and type 2 diabetes, which helps to maintain the normal blood sugar level. This remedy can be used alone or in combination with other oral antidiabetics.
Salivary glands are structures present in the mouth that help in the process of digesting food. Learn about the function of the salivary glands and what problems can arise in these small structures