
Methyldopa is a pressure-reducing medication found in pill form. Learn how to take it properly.
Methadone is an active substance present in the medication Mytedon, which is indicated for the relief of acute and chronic pain of moderate to strong intensity and also in the treatment of heroin detoxification and morphine-like drugs, with appropriate medical monitoring and for therapy of. ..
Ritalin is a remedy that acts on the central nervous system maintaining focus and concentration. This remedy is indicated for the treatment of attention deficit and hyperactivity, and for narcolepsy. Know when it should be used, who should and should not use it, and its side effects
The 3-month contraceptive injection prevents unwanted pregnancies. Know your benefits and how to use


Midazolam is the active substance in a sleep-inducing medicine known commercially as Dormonid. This medicine for oral and injectable use is indicated for individuals who suffer from insomnia and for sedation before surgery, its action alters the functioning of neurotransmitters and ...
Progesterone pill, implant or IUD can be used while breastfeeding. See which others and how they should be used during this period.
What it is: Cancer is one of the most serious diseases due to its ability to spread cancer cells throughout the body, affecting nearby organs and tissues, but also more distant locations. These cancer cells that reach the other organs are known as ...
Intestinal metaplasia are lesions that can become stomach cancer. It is usually associated with the infection of H. pylori bacteria, gastritis and gastric ulcer can cause pain and burning in the stomach, nausea and dark stools. Find out more how the treatment is done
Metformin is used to control diabetes by normalizing blood sugar levels and is ingested through tablets. See other indications of this medicine
Midazolan is a sleep-inducing remedy that works through depression of the central nervous system, being used to treat adult insomnia or as a sedative before surgery. This remedy for oral or injectable use, can be found commercially under the names of Dormonid, Dormire or ...
Pediatric Flagyl is an antiparasitic, anti-infectious and antimicrobial medication that contains Benzoilmetronidazole, being widely used to treat infections in children, especially in the chaos of giardiasis and amebiasis. This remedy is produced by the pharmaceutical laboratories of ...
Multiple myeloma is a type of cancer in the blood, in which blood cells start to be produced uncontrollably and accumulate in the bone marrow. This is a disease that produces symptoms such as severe bone pain and treatment can vary from patient to patient. Some possible ...
Menopause is characterized by the end of menstruation, at around 45 years of age, and is marked by symptoms such as hot flashes that suddenly appear and the sensation of chills that follow shortly thereafter. Treatment for menopause can be done through hormone replacement under ...
Clinical Pilates is an adapted version of the exercises created by Joseph Pilates and is excellent for rehabilitation. Check out their differences and benefits.
Methotrexate is indicated against cancer, psoriasis, rheumatoid arthritis and in case of ectopic pregnancy.


Milgamma is a medication that has as an active principle benfotiamine, a derivative of vitamin B1, an essential substance that plays important roles in the body's metabolism. Benfotiamine can be used to supply the deficiencies of Vitamin B1, caused by the excess of ...
Gynecological Flagyl is a medicine that contains metronidazole, an antiparasitic substance that helps to fight vaginal infections caused by the parasite Trichomonas vaginalis. This remedy can be purchased in the form of vaginal jelly or cream, and must be applied directly to ...
Mesotherapy consists of the application of vitamins, enzymes and medications that can be used to treat cellulite, localized fat and even hair loss. know more
Pregnancy in a woman with Myasthenia Gravis can become a risky situation for the mother and the fetus, and proper medical monitoring is very important. know more
To use the Billings Ovulation Method, also known as the Basic Infertility Pattern, to get pregnant a woman must note how her vaginal discharge is every day and have intercourse on the days when there is greater vaginal discharge. These days, where the woman feels that her vulva ...
The Billings ovulation method consists of daily observation of the cervical mucus that is present right at the entrance of the vagina, indicating the fertile days. Understand how the Billings method is done
Myasthenia gravis is a serious disease that causes muscle weakness in a progressive way, which is why the person gets worse every day. See what symptoms may appear and what treatment is available


Milrinone is the active substance in a vasodilator medicine known commercially as Primacor. This injectable drug is indicated for heart failure, since its action consists of increasing the contraction force of the heart and relaxing the smooth muscle of the ...
Minocycline is an oral medication, known commercially as Minomax. This medication is an antibacterial, which works by eliminating bacteria from the body and ameliorating the symptoms of diseases such as gonorrhea and syphilis. Indications of Minocycline Acnes; ulcerative gingivitis; ...
Microdermabrasion is an aesthetic procedure that promotes skin rejuvenation by removing the most superficial layer of the skin. Find out how microdermabrasion is done and care after the procedure.


Minesse is a contraceptive medication whose active substances are Gestodene and Ethinylestradiol. This medicine for oral use is indicated for the prevention of pregnancy, its effectiveness is guaranteed as long as the medicine is taken correctly, preferably without forgetting and all ...


Myodrine is a uterine relaxing medication that has the active substance Ritodrina. This medicine for oral or injectable use is used in case of deliveries before the scheduled time. Myodrine's action is to relax the uterine muscle by decreasing the frequency and intensity of ...
Beach ringworm, also known as white cloth or pityriasis versicolor, is a fungal infection caused by the fungus Malassezia furfur, which causes the appearance of spots on the skin. See what causes, symptoms and how to treat this disease
What it is: Ringworm is a disease caused by fungi that can affect the skin, nails, scalp, groin and genital region, leading to the appearance of several symptoms according to the site of infection. The growth of fungi happens mainly in humid environments, therefore, one of the ...
Microvlar is a low dose combined oral contraceptive, with levonorgestrel and ethinyl estradiol in the composition, indicated to prevent an unwanted pregnancy. Learn how to take
Acute Flaccid Myelitis is an inflammation, sometimes confused with polio, which generates symptoms such as back pain, muscle weakness, with decreased sensitivity and paralysis of the legs and / or arms
Congenital myasthenia is a genetic disease that causes weakness in the muscles even in the eyes and breathing, which needs treatment for life.
Ringworm on the scalp is a fungal infection that causes severe itching of the head, hair loss and dandruff. Although it is more frequent in children, it can also appear in adults. See the remedies and shampoos indicated for the treatment
Nail mycosis or onychomycosis, as it is also known scientifically, is an infection caused by fungi like mold or yeast, which leaves the nail yellow, deformed and thick. Usually, the treatment of nail ringworm is done with antifungal enamels or antifungal remedies