


Mioflex is an oral medicine that has Phenylbutazone as its active ingredient. This medication is an anti-inflammatory and anti-rheumatic used in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. In addition to reducing local inflammation, Mioflex acts as an analgesic, softening ...
Microphysiotherapy is a type of therapy developed by two French physiotherapists and osteopaths, Daniel Grosjean and Patrice Benini. Understand the theory behind the technique, what problems can be addressed and how it is done
Mitomycin C is an antineoplastic medication known commercially as Mitocin. This injectable drug is indicated for the treatment of cancer patients, as it changes the DNA of cancer cells and prevents the disease from spreading to other organs. Indications of ...
Mirtazapine is an antidepressant medicine that acts on the central nervous system, increasing the effect of norepinephrine and serotonin, two important substances that stimulate the nervous system. Mirtazapine can be purchased from conventional pharmacies under the trade name Remeron, being ...


Mirtax is a medication that has Cyclobenzaprine as its active ingredient. This medication is a muscle relaxant for oral use, used to treat muscle disorders such as spasms and pain. Mirtax acts on the brain by decreasing somatic motor activity, which results in the relaxation of ...
Mycosis fungoides is a type of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma characterized by the presence of skin lesions that, if left untreated, can affect internal organs. Understand more about mycosis fungoides and how treatment is done.


Mitotane is an antineoplastic medication known commercially as Lisodren. This medicine for oral use is indicated for the treatment of kidney cancer, since it has a direct effect on the adrenal gland. Indications for Mitotane Kidney cancer; Cushing's syndrome. Price of ...
The child who does not eat, does not enjoy eating, and has a very restricted diet, may have an eating disorder, and need treatment, guided by a psychologist and occupational therapist. Learn to identify when the child has an eating disorder and when to go to the doctor.
What it is: Myelomeningocele is the most serious type of spina bifida, in which the baby's spine bones do not develop properly during pregnancy, causing the appearance of a pouch on the baby's back containing the marrow, nerves and cerebrospinal fluid.
Myelofibrosis is a hematological disease characterized by the presence of mutations that lead to dysregulation of cell signaling and proliferation, which results in decreased bone marrow activity. Understand what is myelofibrosis, symptoms and how is the diagnosis and ...
Minoxidil is indicated for the treatment and prevention of androgenic hair loss, since it acts by stimulating hair growth, by increasing the caliber of blood vessels, improving blood circulation at the site and prolonging the anagen phase, which is the birth phase and growth...
Microplastics are plastic particles less than 5 mm in diameter, which can result from the fragmentation of larger plastics or be produced by the industry. Know the impact of microplastics on the oceans and the food chain


Moderine is an anorectic drug that has Menzidol as an active ingredient. This medication is an appetite suppressant, indicated for the treatment of individuals who intend to lose weight. Moderine due to its strong side effects should only be used with medical advice.
Micropigmentation or Permanent Makeup is an aesthetic treatment that corrects flaws and improves the design of the eyebrows by implanting pigments in the skin.
Moclobemide is an oral medicine known commercially as Aurorix. This medication is an antidepressant, which acts by increasing the concentration of serotonin and dopamine in the central nervous system, which are neurotransmitters responsible for the feelings of pleasure and well-being, ...
Minancora is an ointment with antiseptic, antipruritic, mildly analgesic and healing action, which can be used to prevent and treat wounds, chilblains, bedsores or insect bites. know more
Mionevrix is ​​a strong muscle relaxant and analgesic that contains carisoprodol and dipyrone in its composition, helping to relieve tension in the muscles and allowing a reduction in pain. Therefore, it is widely used to treat painful muscle problems, such as sprains or contractures. This one...


Monopril is a medicine that has the active substance Fosinopril. This medication is an antihypertensive indicated for the treatment of high blood pressure. Its action has a vasodilating effect, which decreases the resistance of the vessels, improving circulation and keeping blood pressure stable.
Singulair is an adult and pediatric oral medication that acts on patients' airways, improving asthmatic inflammation. Indications Chronic asthma (prophylaxis and treatment); exercise-induced bronchoconstriction; aspirin-sensitive asthma patients (treatment); rhinitis ...
Submucosal fibroids are a type of lump that can appear in the uterus and are closely related to the difficulty in getting pregnant. Find out what the symptoms of submucosal fibroids are and how the treatment is done.


Mirapex is a drug indicated for the treatment of Parkinson's disease and restless legs syndrome, which should be taken under medical advice.
Monocordil is a vasodilator remedy that helps treat heart disease because it dilates the arteries of the heart, increasing the amount of oxygen to the heart and decreasing the pulmonary effort, as well as the pressure in the pulmonary artery. Monocordil contains in its composition ...
Surgery to remove fibroids from the uterus is indicated when the drugs do not relieve the symptoms, and the woman plans to become pregnant in the future. Know the types of surgery that exist, their risks and how recovery is.
Monster Nitro Pack is a food supplement that contains in its formula different nutrients such as whey protein, vitamin C and guarana. This supplement for oral use is indicated for athletes and the main purpose of using this food supplement is to tone the muscles.
What it is: The minoxidil solution, which is available in concentrations of 2% and 5%, is indicated for the treatment and prevention of androgenic hair loss. Minoxidil is an active substance that stimulates hair growth, since it increases the caliber of blood vessels, improving ...
Cytotec is a medicine that was originally created to treat stomach problems, but that currently can only be used in the hospital, due to the high rate of side effects, especially on pregnancy. Understand more about what this medicine does and why its sale was prohibited
The 2019 coronavirus is a new infection that is affecting several people in China, with numbers that are constantly growing. Some of the countries with cases reported outside of China include Thailand, Japan and South Korea. Understand better what this virus is, how it came about and how ...
This surgery is indicated to eliminate flaccidity and localized belly fat, making recovery easier than classic abdominoplasty.


Mythomania is a personality disorder where the person has a compulsive tendency to lie. One of the great differences of the sporadic or "traditional" liar for the mythomaniac, is that in the 'normal' liar the discovered lie causes discomfort and in mythomania, there is never guilt or ...
Ringworm in the groin causes itchy spots, and arises from excessive heat and humidity in the region. Check out ointment treatments and homemade options


Motivol is an oral medication based on ginseng extract. This herbal medicine works by balancing the body's functions and thus reducing physical and mental fatigue. Motivol can be found in pharmacies in packs of 30 or 60 tablets with 100 mg of panax ginseng extract ...
What it is: Myocarditis is an inflammation of the heart muscle that can arise as a complication during different types of infection in the body, causing symptoms such as chest pain, shortness of breath or dizziness. In most cases, myocarditis arises during a virus infection, ...
Intramural myoma is a type of benign tumor, which can cause symptoms such as pain, cramps and menstrual changes. Know if it is dangerous.
Find out how the Modafinil remedy, also called the intelligence pill and what its health risks are.


Moxonidine is an antihypertensive medication known commercially as Cynt. This medicine for oral use is indicated for the treatment of individuals with high blood pressure, since its action decreases resistance in blood vessels, improving circulation and maintaining pressure ...
Moxifloxacin is the active substance in an antibacterial medicine known commercially as Avalox. This medication for oral and injectable use is indicated for the treatment of bronchitis and for infections in the skin, since its action consists in inhibiting the DNA synthesis of the bacterium, which ...
Myopia, astigmatism and hyperopia are very common eye diseases in the population, which are different between them and can still happen at the same time, in the same person. See the differences between them