


Mesalazine is the active substance in a gastrointestinal anti-inflammatory known commercially as Mesacol. This medication for oral and rectal use is indicated for the treatment of colitis and for the prevention of Crohn's disease. Indications for Mesalazine Ulcerative colitis; proctitis; ...
Meloxicam is an anti-inflammatory substance that helps to relieve pain in cases of joint problems. See the dose to be taken in each case.
Mesna is an antineoplastic remedy used to prevent and treat the toxic effects of drugs used to treat various types of cancer, such as Ifosfamide or Cyclophosphamide, for example. Mesna cannot be purchased in conventional pharmacies, as it can only be used ...
Memantine hydrochloride is an oral medication used to improve the memory function of people with Alzheimer's. See the right way to use it.
Melatonin is a supplement similar to the hormone naturally produced by the body that helps you fall asleep. Know when and how to take
Proviron is an oral medicine indicated to treat problems such as infertility, potency or hypogonadism that result from the low production of male sex hormones. Proviron, whose active substance is mesterolone, is produced by Bayer laboratories and can be purchased at ...
What it is: Memoriol B6 is a vitamin and mineral supplement used to treat chronic illnesses, mental tiredness and lack of memory. Its formula contains glutamine, calcium, ditetraethylammonium phosphate and vitamin B6. This remedy can be purchased in pharmacies, in packs of 30 or ...


Metadoxil is a medication used in case of liver alcohol intoxication. Metatarxil, pyridoxine pidolate, is produced by the Boldacci laboratory. Metadoxil works by reducing blood alcohol levels and the time of exposure of the tissue to the harmful action of alcohol, facilitating metabolism and ...
Metaraminol is the active substance in a vasopressor medicine known commercially as Aramin. This injectable drug is indicated for low blood pressure (hypotension) since its action compresses the peripheral vessels, causing an increase in cardiac output. Indications ...
Methenamine is the active substance in a medicine for urinary tract infection. This medicine for oral use, acts against bacteria in the urinary system, reducing pain and discomfort caused by infection. Its absorption is fast, thus controlling the acidity of the urine and ensuring ...
Methylcellulose is a laxative found easily in pharmacies in association with other products, which increases the mass and moisture of the stool, stimulating intestinal functioning. Indications Constipation. Side effects Abdominal colic, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting.
Women can become pregnant before menopause, a period called climacteric, characterized by hot flashes and missed periods.
The contraceptive method of temperature is a strategy to prevent pregnancy, where the woman determines the temperature of her body at rest, measuring her temperature every morning before getting up. For this method to work the couple must avoid the relationship from the beginning of ...


Methionine is a medicine used to treat liver problems, as it acts as a liver detoxifier. In addition, this remedy can also be used as an antidote in case of acetaminophen poisoning. Methionine is the active ingredient of several medicines, such as Xantinon, because ...
Early menopause is caused by the aging of the ovaries before the age of 40, and causes hot flashes and irregular menstruation. It can be treated with hormone therapy, indicated by the gynecologist. Find out more details.
The sympothermic method, is one of the many contraceptive methods of rhythm, which is based on changes in the woman's menstrual cycle and depends on abstinence from sexual intercourse during a certain phase of the month, which is the fertile period, where the probability of becoming pregnant is greater . This one...
The best cream to end sagging and increase the firmness of the face is one that contains a substance called DMAE in its composition. This substance increases the production of collagen and acts directly on the muscle, increasing the tone with a tensor effect, conferring a lifting effect. The...
Oily skin should be treated and cared for with specific products for oily skin, as these products help to control or reduce excess oil and the shiny appearance of the skin, in addition to helping to reduce skin impurities, without harming it. Therefore, it is important to use the products ...
Natural fruit juices are great allies for lowering bad cholesterol, reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease and improving quality of life. The juices most suitable for controlling blood cholesterol should be prepared with fresh fruits and peels and should, ...
Mentoplasty is a surgical procedure that aims to reduce or increase the size of the chin, in order to make the face more harmonious. Learn about surgery and recovery


Metoprolol is an oral and injectable medicine, known commercially as Lopressor. This is a medication that works by keeping the heart rate and pressure stable, being very effective in treating individuals with hypertension and other heart problems. Indications of ...
Menstruation that takes more than 8 days to end may be a sign of myoma or uterine polyp. See more causes and when it is normal.
Meperidine is an analgesic substance from the opioid group that prevents the transmission of the painful impulse in the central nervous system, similarly to morphine, helping to relieve several types of very severe pain. This substance can also be known as Pethidine and can be ...


Mexitil is an oral medicine that has Mexiletine as its active substance. This is a medication used to stabilize the heart rate, preventing heart problems and decreasing the risk of life due to heart disorders. Indications of Mexitil Cardiac arrhythmias; ...
Merthiolate is a medication with 0.5% chlorhexidine in its composition, which is a substance with antiseptic action, indicated for the disinfection and cleaning of the skin and small wounds. See how to use


Mianserin is an oral antidepressant with strong sedative action. Commercially, this medicine can be found as Tolvon and does not have a generic version. Indications Mental depression. Side effects Alteration in the blood; bone marrow depression; swelling; pressure drop ...
Miantrex CS is an antineoplastic and antirheumatic medication that has Methotrexate as its active substance. This medicine for oral use is injectable and is indicated for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis and leukemia. Its effect has an effect on the multiplication of cells and helps to metabolize the ...


Micardis is a medicine that has Telmisartan as its active substance. This oral medication is indicated for the treatment of high blood pressure. Its action decreases the effects of contraction of blood vessels, facilitating circulation and keeping blood pressure stable. Indications ...
Mycophenolate is an oral medication, known commercially as Cellcept. This medication is an immunosuppressant, used to treat individuals who have undergone organ transplants. Mycophenolate acts by preparing the body to accept the transplanted organ and inhibiting possible ...
Mesotherapy on the face is an aesthetic treatment that uses micro-injections that add shine and hydration to the skin, reducing wrinkles and expression lines.
Mesigyna is a contraceptive in injection that is indicated to prevent pregnancy. Learn how to use and what are the most common side effects
Enamel mycolamine is a topical medication that has Cyclopirox as its active ingredient. This remedy is an anti-fungal, used in the treatment of ringworm of the nails. The enamel Mycolamine acts by preventing the mechanism of action of the fungi and altering its structure. That way the fungi ...


Metamucil is used to regulate the intestine and lower cholesterol levels, and its use should be done only after medical advice. This medicine is produced by Psyllium laboratories and its formula is in powder form, it is necessary to prepare it before ingesting the solution. Price of ...
Mesotherapy is a procedure used to treat hair loss in men and women. Understand what it is and how this procedure is done.
For women who do not use hormonal contraceptives, menstruation will depend only on how breastfeeding is done. Understand.
Meteorism corresponds to the accumulation of gases in the digestive tract. This excess of gas leads to bloating, pain and bloating. Learn more about the weather and how the treatment is done.