
Bactroban ointment should be applied to the skin that will be treated 3 times a day, for 10 days, or according to medical advice. See more details.


Muscoril is a muscle relaxant whose active substance is Tiocolchicoside. This medication for oral use is injectable and is indicated for muscle contractures caused by neurological syndrome or rheumatic problems. Muscoril acts by central action, reducing pain and ...


Muricalm is an antiallergic that has Pimetixene as an active ingredient. This medication is for oral use and has sedative properties that help in the treatment of children with allergic disorders, however it can cause a lot of drowsiness leaving the child apathetic. Indications of Muricalm ...


Nabumetone is a medicine known commercially as Relifex. This oral medication has anti-inflammatory and anti-rheumatic action, reducing the pain caused by rheumatisms and arthrosis. It is important not to use Nabumetone with diuretics, as it can decrease the effectiveness of ...
Mylanta Plus is a medicine that results from the combination of aluminum hydroxide, magnesium hydroxide and simethicone used to treat poor digestion and relieve heartburn. It also has an effect on relieving symptoms caused by gas formation in the intestine. Mylanta Plus is produced ...
Nafarelin is a hormonal remedy in the form of a spray that is absorbed from the nose and helps to decrease the production of estrogen by the ovaries, helping to reduce the symptoms of endometriosis. Nafarelin can be purchased from conventional pharmacies under the trade name Synarel, ...
Naphazoline is the active ingredient in a medicine that is sold commercially under the name Nitrylene. This nasal medication acts as a decongestant, facilitating the passage of air from the nasal cavities to the lungs, thus improving the breathing of those who suffer from nasal congestion. O...
Myalept is a medicine that contains an artificial form of leptin, a hormone produced by fat cells and that acts on the nervous system regulating the sensation of hunger and metabolism, and is therefore used to treat the consequences in patients with low fat, as in the case ...
Mosaicism is a type of genetic failure, in which the person carries 2 genetic materials in his body. Understand how it happens and the diseases it causes


Mycospor is a remedy used to treat fungal infections such as mycoses and whose active ingredient is Bifonazole. This is an antimycotic medication and is topical and its action is very fast, with symptom improvement right after the first days of treatment. O...


Naldecon is an analgesic medication whose active compound is paracetamol and phenylephrine hydrochloride, from the Bristol laboratory. It also acts as a nasal decongestant and anti allergic. Indications Headache, flu, cold, rhinitis, sinusitis, stuffy nose, fever. Price The price of ...
Monuril is an antibiotic indicated for the treatment of urinary infections. Learn how to take and what are the most common side effects


Nadolol is an antihypertensive medication known commercially as Corgard. This medication for oral use is indicated for the treatment of high blood pressure and angina pectoris, since it works as an antianginal because it reduces the oxygen demand by the heart. Indications of Nadolol Angina do ...
Morphine is a potent analgesic medication, used in the form of a tablet, injectable or oral solution. Understand when it is needed and its side effects
Naltrexone is a remedy to stop drinking that acts on the nervous system by decreasing the desire to drink and makes the person feel less the pleasant effects of alcohol. Naltrexone is sold under the trade name Revia, produced by the Cristália laboratory. Indications of Naltrexone ...


Nandrolone is an anabolic medication known commercially as Deca- Durabolin. This injectable drug is mainly indicated for individuals with anemia or chronic diseases, since its action promotes a greater absorption of proteins, stimulates appetite and ...
Carbon monoxide poisoning is a relatively common but very serious domestic accident, which can end up putting life at risk in a short time. Check out which signs may indicate poisoning by this gas and what to do
Molluscum contagiosum is an infectious disease, caused by the poxvirus virus, which affects the skin, leading to the appearance of small spots or pearly blisters. See more and learn how the treatment is done
Sudden death is when the baby dies unexpectedly while sleeping, learn the causes and how to protect the baby.
Everything you need to know about the most used contraceptive methods: pill, implant, ring, IUD, diaphragm, condom, injectable, surgery and natural methods.


Nasacort is a medicine for adult and pediatric nasal use, belonging to the class of corticosteroids used for the treatment of allergic rhinitis. The active ingredient of Nasacort is triamcinolone acetonide which works by reducing nasal allergy symptoms such as sneezing, itching and secretion ...


Nasonex is a steroidal anti-inflammatory remedy used to treat allergic rhinitis and allergy. The active ingredient in this medication is mometasone. Nasonex can be used by adults and children, being sold in nasal spray by the Splough laboratory. Nasonex Indications Nasonex ...
Natalben Preconceptivo is a supplement that helps to get pregnant, which stimulates fertility and compensates for the nutritional needs of women during pregnancy.
Breastfeeding is a delicate moment in the life of the mother and baby, and it is usually a difficult period that brings with it several fears, such as the fear that the milk will dry, be too little or be weak for the baby. Find out these and other questions answered here.
Cervical mucus is a liquid secretion produced by the cervix that protects the uterus against bacteria and indicates the fertile period. Understand how
Mucositis is one of the most common side effects of chemotherapy and radiation therapy, which causes inflammation of the lining of the mouth and a lot of pain when eating. Better understand what symptoms can arise, who is at higher risk and how treatment is done
Moxibustion, or moxotherapy, is an acupuncture technique that consists of applying heat directly or indirectly to the skin that can be used as a complementary treatment for back pain, anxiety and diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis. Learn more what moxibustion is for, how it is made and ...
The multi billion dophilus is a potent probiotic, as it contains billions of lactobacillus and bifidobacteria in its composition. Learn how to use and benefits.


Natele is a vitamin supplement used during pregnancy to give a woman the necessary nutrients for baby development and breastfeeding. Natele's composition consists of vitamins A, C, D, E and B complex, folic acid, iron, zinc and calcium. Natele is sold in the form of ...
One of the treatment options for autism is music therapy because it uses music in all its forms with active or passive participation by the autistic person, achieving good results. Through music therapy the autistic person can communicate in a non-verbal way expressing his feelings and, ...


Natalben Supra. is a dietary supplement to compensate for a woman's nutritional needs from planning a pregnancy to breastfeeding.
Skin ringworm is a disease caused by several types of fungus. See what types of ringworm, what symptoms and what is the most appropriate treatment.
What it is: Mucopolysaccharidosis is characterized by a group of inherited diseases that result from the absence of an enzyme, whose function is to digest a sugar called mucopolysaccharide, also known as glucosaminoglycan. This is a rare and difficult to diagnose disease, ...
Floaters are dark or transparent floating points that appear in the vision, due to changes in the vitreous of the eye, and can be cured with treatment by the ophthalmologist. Understand what can cause this change and when to worry.
Nateglinide is the active substance in the medicine known as Starlix. This medication for oral use is indicated for the treatment of type 2 diabetes, one that does not depend on the daily application of insulin. The action of this remedy restores insulin secretion, balancing the ...
Nebaciderm ointment is antibiotic and can be used to treat skin infections such as burns or boils. See more directions and how to use.


Naturetti is a natural laxative used in situations where intestinal emptying is necessary. Based on Sene + association, sugar-free and can be found in capsules and jelly. Indications Constipation, pre and post surgery, preparation for imaging exams ...
Naramig is a drug indicated to treat migraine, with or without aura, and should be taken once a day under medical advice.