
What it is: Sorine is a medicine that can be used in cases of nasal congestion to clear the nose and facilitate breathing. There are two main types of this medication: Adult Sorine: contains naphazoline, a fast-acting decongestant; Sorine spray: contains only ...
The mucocele is characterized by a blister, which usually appears in the mouth, tongue or lips. It is generally harmless, but in some cases it does not go away on its own and may need minor surgery
Naproxen is a remedy with anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antipyretic action. See what it is for, what situations it can be used for, how to use it and what are the most common side effects that may occur during treatment


Neozine is an antipsychotic and sedative medication that has Levomepromazine as its active substance. This injectable drug has an effect on neurotransmitters, reducing pain intensity and agitation states. Neozine can be used to treat disorders ...
Narcissism is a psychological condition characterized by the overvaluation of the self. However, this excessive valuation happens from the devaluation of the other. Understand what this narcissistic personality disorder is and what the characteristics of a narcissistic person are.
Simple strategies like having company for training and diet increase the incentive to stay focused and get into a healthier routine. See how these tips can help and check out others


Natubolic is a vitamin supplement that contains in its formula antioxidant substances, proteins and amino acids essential for a good performance and for the development of muscles. This supplement for oral use is indicated for high performance athletes, since Natubolic removes ...
Narcan is a medicine that contains Naloxone, a substance that is able to cancel the effects of an overdose by opioid drugs. See when this medicine is used and what its side effects are.
Nebacetin is indicated to fight and treat infections in the skin or mucous membranes, caused by bacteria. This ointment should be applied 2 to 5 times a day.
Dwarfism is a condition that arises as a result of hormonal and genetic changes and has as a consequence the change in growth, so that the person has a maximum height below the average of the population of the same age and sex. Understand what stunting is, main causes and ...
The sensation of a burning nose can be caused by several factors, but it is usually not severe, although it can cause a lot of discomfort. See what are the 6 main causes of burning nose and what to do in each disutation
Eye color is determined by genetics and therefore remains very similar from the moment of birth. However there are 3 techniques capable of changing the color of the eye temporarily or permanently. Find out which ones and how they work
The cross bite is a misalignment of the teeth that causes, when the mouth is closed, the upper teeth do not align with the lower ones. See what treatment options are available and how to care for your teeth to avoid complications


Neulastim is a hematopoietic stimulating medication that has Pegfilgrastima as its active substance. This medication for oral use is indicated for the treatment of neutropenia related to chemotherapy. Indications for Neulastim (What it is for) Neutropenia. Side effects of Neulastim Pain ...
The person with Narcolepsy sleeps anytime and anywhere, even at a business meeting, having no control over his sleep. Understand what narcolepsy is, symptoms and how treatment is done
Neopuntia is a set of fibers based on an Indian fig, which bind to the ingested fat eliminating it in the feces in a totally natural way and that is why it can be used as an aid in weight loss diets. Neopuntia slims because the body needs fat to do it properly ...


Navelbine is an antineoplastic drug that has the active substance Vinorelbine. This injectable drug is indicated for the treatment of lung cancer, its action consists in altering the functioning of cancer cells mainly in the cell division phase, ...


Neuleptill is an antipsychotic medication that has Periciazine as its active substance. This oral medication is indicated for behavioral disorders such as aggression and schizophrenia. Neuleptil acts on the central nervous system by altering the functioning of neurotransmitters and ...


Nicotine is an aid in smoking control that can be found in pharmacies under the names of Nicorette or Niquitin. This medicine can be applied to the skin in the form of an adhesive or can be ingested in the form of chewing gum. The use of nicotine helps to reduce the symptoms of ...
Neupro is an adhesive indicated for the treatment of Parkinson's disease, also known as Parkinson's disease, which must be applied to clean, dry skin.
Nicergoline is the active substance in a cerebral vasodilator medicine known commercially as Sermion. This medication for oral use is indicated for cerebral arteriosclerosis and for thrombosis. Indications for Nicergoline Arteriopathy (organic and functional of the limbs); arteriosclerosis...
Neurofibromatosis is a rare disease that can cause changes in the skin and nervous system. See what is neurofibromatosis, what are the most common types and what are their causes
The drug Nifedipino sold under the name Adalat Retard is a vasodilator widely used for circulatory and heart problems. Indications High blood pressure, stable angina pectoris, pulmonary arterial hypertension. Contraindications Acute myocardial infarction, arterial hypotension, ...


Neodex is a medicine used to treat infections and inflamed wounds on the skin, caused by diseases such as dermatitis, psoriasis or dermatoses.
What it is: Nephritis is a set of diseases that cause inflammation of the renal glomeruli, which are structures of the kidneys responsible for eliminating toxins and other components of the body, such as water and minerals. In these cases the kidney has less capacity to filter the blood. The...
Optic neuritis is inflammation of the optic nerve, causing changes in vision. It can be a sign of multiple sclerosis, but it can also arise from infections, tumors or unclear causes. Learn how to identify and how the treatment is done.
This medication is used to treat idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis and works by reducing scarring and stiffness in the lungs, thus facilitating breathing.
Niclosamide is an antiparasitic and anthelmintic remedy used to treat intestinal worms problems, such as teniasis, popularly known as solitary, or himenolepiasis. Niclosamide can be purchased from conventional pharmacies under the trade name Atenase, under ...


Nipride is an antihypertensive medication that has Nitroprusside as its active substance. This injectable drug is indicated for individuals who suffer from high blood pressure, since the action of Nipride has a direct effect on the smooth muscle of the veins and arteries causing the ...
Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis is a rare disease characterized by the presence of skin rashes throughout the body. Learn more about this disease, symptoms and how treatment is done.
What it is: Neuroblastoma is a type of cancer that affects the cells of the sympathetic nervous system, which is responsible for preparing the body to respond to emergency and stress situations. This type of tumor develops in children up to 5 years, but the diagnosis is more common than ...
Silver Nitrate is an ophthalmic antiseptic remedy used to prevent infections in the eyes of newborn babies. This compound is used in the eye drops formula. Indications of Silver Nitrate Silver Nitrate is indicated for the prevention of infections in the eyes of newborns. Mode...
Nitrendipino is a medicine known commercially as Nitrencord. This medication is an antihypertensive drug for oral use, which decreases the concentration of calcium in the heart muscle cells. Nitrendipine indications Chest pain; arterial hypertension; cardiac insufficiency.
Neurasthenia is a psychological disorder characterized by mental and physical exhaustion, headache and sleep disorders, for example. Understand what neurasthenia is, main symptoms and how treatment is done


Nexium is an anti-ulcer medication that has Esomeprazole as its active substance. This medication for oral use is indicated for the treatment of heartburn and ulcers. The action of Nexium is to decrease the acid secretions of the organism by decreasing the burning and burning sensation ...


Nimorazole is an anti-protozoan medication known commercially as Naxogin. This medicine for oral use is indicated for the treatment of individuals with worms such as amoeba and giardia. The action of this medication alters the DNA of the parasites that end up weakened and eliminated from the ...