
Paralytic ileus is a disease that affects the intestine, altering or ceasing intestinal transit, which can be caused by taking some medications or be caused by other diseases. See more causes, what are the symptoms and what is the treatment
Hypovitaminosis occurs when there is a lack of one or more vitamins in the body, being almost always caused by a very restricted diet and poor in some foods, as with animal products in the case of vegetarians. However, a lack of vitamins can also happen ...
AIDS - Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome - is a serious disease caused by the HIV virus, which has no cure and no vaccine is available. This disease when left untreated can lead to death because it weakens the body, which becomes easily ill. Find out how it all started, symptoms, ...


Immunoglobulin E is a protein that is normally found in increased concentrations in the blood in response to allergic reactions. Learn more about immunoglobulin E and when it may be increased
Starvation is the complete lack of food consumption, a serious situation that quickly leads the body to consume its energy stores and its own nutrients to keep the organs functioning. If starvation lasts for many days,
Stress incontinence causes involuntary leakage of urine by making an effort such as coughing, laughing or sneezing. See treatment options.
Urinary incontinence is when the child does not control the pee during the day or at night. Know the causes and how the treatment can be done.
The cochlear implant is an electronic device that can be used in cases of deafness to allow the person to hear, especially when other forms of treatment have not been effective. Better understand what the implant is, when it is indicated and how it works
What it is: Primary Immunodeficiency, or PID, corresponds to changes in components of the immune system, which leaves the person more susceptible to various diseases, since the immune system does not function properly. The main indicative sign of PID is the occurrence of infections ...
Inflammation happens when the body fights an infection or injury and causes heat, swelling and pain. See how the treatment is and how the inflammation happens.
Pain and burning when urinating, pain in the back, foul-smelling urine and fever are characteristic symptoms of kidney infection. Learn how to identify kidney infection and how to treat it.
What it is: Acute liver failure is a serious disease that causes liver destruction and if a liver transplant is not performed urgently, it can lead to serious complications such as brain damage, changes in blood clotting and death. Causes of insufficiency ...
Infection in the blood is the presence of microorganisms in the bloodstream that can be serious if not properly identified and treated. See what are the possible causes, main symptoms and how the diagnosis of the infection in the blood is made.
To treat chronic renal failure (CRF) it may be necessary to perform dialysis, which is a procedure that helps to filter the blood, eliminating bad substances and helping to maintain the proper functioning of the body, especially when the kidney works only 15%. In addition, it can be ...
To consume honey without getting fat, you should use it in small amounts and only 1 to 2 times a day. See why it puts on less weight and its calories.
Intestinal infarction is a serious condition that needs to be treated quickly in the hospital. Know the causes, how to identify the symptoms and how the treatment is done
See what else can cause a sore neck in addition to a throat infection, flu or ear infections, and what to do in each situation.
Corticosteroid infiltration for heel spurs helps to relieve pain and discomfort. See when to do it and how long the effect lasts.
Subcutaneous injection is a very safe technique for administering injectable drugs at home, with few health risks. See how to give the injection correctly and where to do it
What it is: Heat stroke is a situation characterized by redness of the skin, headache, fever and, in some cases, changes in the level of consciousness that occurs due to the rapid increase in body temperature due to prolonged exposure to the sun, permanence in very environment ...
Wheat intolerance is related to the difficulty in digesting gluten, which is also present in other cereals such as barley, rye or oats. Therefore, anyone who has food intolerance to wheat generally has an intolerance to gluten. Symptoms of wheat intolerance Symptoms ...
The infiltration of medications can be done in the knee and in other joints, such as the shoulder and hip, and serves to treat pain, inflammation and recover the wear and tear on the joints. Know when to do the infiltration, the main drugs used, benefits and side effects
Breast engorgement corresponds to the accumulation of milk in the breasts, causing pain, swelling and discomfort for the woman. Find out what are the main symptoms of breast engorgement, causes and what to do.
The use of iodine against radioactivity is a strategy used to prevent injuries caused by nuclear radiation and, therefore, all individuals who have been exposed to this type of radiation must take 1 capsule of iodine daily, under medical guidance. The use of iodine is important ...
Liver failure occurs when the liver is unable to effectively participate in the body's detoxification process and all other metabolism functions. Find out what causes, symptoms and how treatment is done
The swelling on the face can happen as a consequence of several situations, such as after sleeping for many hours, after dental surgery or due to infections. Know the main causes of swollen face and what to do to deflate
What it is: Interpersonal intelligence is the ability to understand emotions and act correctly in the face of other people's attitudes, whether related to other people's sense of humor, ideas, thoughts or any other people's attitude. A person with interpersonal intelligence ...
In food intolerance the body does not have the enzymes necessary for the correct digestion of food and therefore has difficulties in digesting food and symptoms such as diarrhea, for example. The foods that cause the most food intolerance are mainly milk and ...
Gluten intolerance usually causes symptoms in the digestive system such as diarrhea, abdominal pain and bloating, and can start as early as childhood. See other symptoms that help to identify this intolerance, what are its possible causes and what is the best treatment
Contact with DDT disrupts estrogen production, decreasing fertility and increasing the risk of type 2 diabetes and the likelihood of cancer.
Orotracheal intubation is an emergency medical procedure that helps to maintain breathing in situations of serious illness or during surgeries with general anesthesia. Better understand when it is indicated, what it is for, how it is made and possible complications
Iodine is a mineral that has functions in the body such as preventing cancer, thyroid problems and infertility. See how much to consume and which rich foods.