
Tubal ligation consists of cutting the fallopian tubes, which prevents the woman from becoming pregnant again. Know when this procedure can be done, its advantages and disadvantages
Generally, powdered milk has the same composition as equivalent milk, but from which water has been removed by an industrial process. Find out if this milk is fattening or bad for your health
Lentils can be used in weight loss diets, but in moderation. Here's how to use it so you don't run the risk of gaining weight.
The treatment for Calazar is done with medicines to eliminate the protozoan and allow the cure. Check out how it is done and the care you should take.
Cutaneous leishmaniasis is an infectious disease transmitted by mosquitoes and causes skin sores. Check out how to confirm and see ways to prevent
The low carb diet is very efficient for losing weight, but sometimes it lacks creativity for quick and tasty snacks. See 5 examples of recipes
Leukocytosis is a condition in which the number of leukocytes is above normal, which in adults is up to 11,000 per mm³. The most common causes include infections and allergies. See what other situations can cause this change
The change in leukocyte values ​​in the blood test can happen due to several problems, such as infections or even cancer. See the main causes, the symptoms that can appear and what to do
Leptospirosis occurs after contamination by the urine of infected mice, dogs and cats, and causes fever, chills and redness in the body. Know everything you can do to avoid being contaminated
Oral leukoplakia is a condition in which small white plaques grow on the tongue and sometimes inside the cheeks or gums. Learn more and see how the treatment is
Chronic Myeloid Leukemia (CML) is a rare, non-hereditary type of blood cancer that develops due to a change in blood cell genes, causing them to divide more quickly than normal cells. See what the symptoms are and how the treatment is done
Lycopene is present in several foods, with tomatoes being its main source. It has antioxidant properties, preventing the development of cancer and cardiovascular diseases. See what lycopene is for and what are the main food sources
Nutritional yeast is rich in protein, fiber, B vitamins and minerals and can be used to complement the diet and flavor food. See more about the benefits of this food and how it can be used
Lychee, known scientifically as Litchi chinensis, is a sweet, heart-shaped exotic fruit, originating in China, but also grown in Brazil. The benefits of lychee are mainly to help in the correct functioning of cells throughout the body, contrary to the ...
The appearance of large amounts of leukocytes in the urine may be indicative of infections, kidney problems or be a consequence of the use of drugs, for example. Know other causes of high leukocyte in urine and what to do
A leukogram is a blood test that assesses the leukocytes that are the body's defense cells. Know the reference values ​​and their meanings.
Lymphedema is the accumulation of fluids that cause swelling in a certain area of ​​the body. The treatment is done with physiotherapy for a few weeks or months, being very effective.
The white tongue is usually a sign of overgrowth of fungi, but it can also indicate other diseases. Know which and how to treat
In April 2011, the drug Lipostabil, whose active ingredient is phosphatidylcholine, used to reduce localized fat in cosmetic procedures, had its sale banned in Brazil, by Anvisa (National Health Surveillance Agency). That's because Anvisa still wants ...
RSI / WMSD especially affects people who work by performing the same movements repeatedly throughout the day. Symptoms are pain, muscle weakness and treatment involves physical therapy, but in more severe cases you may need to leave work
The black tongue is not usually a symptom of a serious problem and happens, in most cases, due to a small infection by fungi or bacteria. See the causes that lead to this language change and how the treatment should be done
Cervical lymph nodes, when enlarged, may indicate a throat infection, flu or cold, for example. Axillary lymph nodes may be due to a wound or infection in the hand or arm. Know other causes of lymph nodes in various parts of the body and when they can be severe
Flaxseed acts as an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory, but the benefits are only obtained when the seed is crushed. See more benefits and how to use.
What it is: Lymphocytes are a type of defense cell in the body, also known as white blood cells, which are produced in greater quantities when there is an infection, and are therefore a good indicator of the patient's health status. Normally, the number of lymphocytes can be ...
Lymphocele is the accumulation of lymphatic fluid through a cyst, which can cause symptoms such as a palpable lump or pain. Learn how to treat
The swollen tongue may just be a sign that an injury has occurred, such as a cut or burn on the tongue. However, in some cases, it may mean that there is a more serious illness that is causing this symptom. Find out what are the most common causes and what to do
Elevated lipase values ​​are linked to problems in the intestine, such as pancreatitis. See the reference values, the causes of this problem, and what to do
Lymph node enlargement can be caused by infections, conjunctivitis, mononucleosis, and in some cases, it can be cancer. Understand the most common causes and when it can be serious
Multiple symmetrical lipomatosis is a disease that causes the accumulation of fat tumors in different regions of the body, deforming the appearance. See more.
Low back pain causes pain at the end of the spine, and can radiate to the buttocks or legs. It can be chronic, when it stays for more than 3 months, and it can be caused by bad mood, inadequate posture and tiredness. Learn more causes, how is the treatment and the signs that it can be something very serious
The bacterium Listeria monocytogenes can be found in various foods, such as unpasteurized milk, cheeses and sausages like sausages. This bacterium causes listeriosis, in which the person has fever, body aches and diarrhea. Learn more about this disease and how to prevent it
Dislocation corresponds to a lesion in which there is a detachment of a bone that can happen in any joint of the body, being more frequent in the ankles, knees, shoulder and wrists, for example. Understand what dislocation is, main symptoms and how treatment is done
Lutein is a yellow pigmented carotenoid, essential for the proper functioning of the body, since it is unable to synthesize it, which can be found in foods such as corn, cabbage, arugula, spinach, broccoli or egg. Know the benefits
Poor nutrition causes headaches because the substances present in industrialized foods such as pizzas, sweeteners that are in light drinks for example, alcoholic drinks and stimulants such as coffee, intoxicate the body. In addition, spicy and spicy foods ...
Macrocephaly is a rare condition in which the child's head is larger than expected for age and sex, and it is important to perform tests to see if there is any risk to the child's development. See what is macrocephaly, symptoms, causes and how it is done ...
Intense hip pain and inability to move the leg are the main symptoms of hip dislocation. Its treatment is done with surgery.
Blue light can be dangerous to your health. Installing an application that changes the color emitted by the cell phone or using a protector on the skin, can be a good strategy to prevent damage from blue light. See more strategies