Chronic venous insufficiency is a very common disease, and is usually caused by the malfunction of the valves that exist in the veins. Find out what causes, symptoms and how treatment is done
Isostretching is a method created by Bernard Redondo, which consists of performing stretching postures during a prolonged exhalation, which is performed simultaneously with contractions of the deep vertebral musculature. See the benefits and examples of exercises
Know what menu should follow in fructose intolerance, a disease that hinders the absorption of sugars by the intestine.
Isosporiasis is an infectious disease caused by the protozoan Isospora belli, being more common to occur in environments with poor hygiene conditions. Find out how to identify Isospora belli infection and how treatment is done
Intelligender is a urine test that lets you know the sex of the baby in the first 10 weeks of pregnancy, which can be easily used at home, and which can be purchased at pharmacies. The use of this test is very simple, but it should not be used when there is a change ...
Radioactive iodine is used for iodine therapy, which is the treatment indicated for cases of hyperthyroidism or thyroid cancer. Iodine 131 or 123 can also be used to perform thyroid scintigraphy. Find out how this radioactive medication works and when it is indicated
The jackfruit is an edible fruit, obtained from a plant called jackfruit, of scientific name Artocarpus heterophyllus, which is a large tree, of the Moraceae family. This fruit has numerous health benefits because it has important nutrients in its composition, ...
Researchers have come to the conclusion that fasting regularly is good for your health, and that not eating anything for just 1 or 2 days a week, eating normally on other days, has health benefits. According to the researchers this type of fasting helps to lose weight, decreases the risk of ...
Cerebral ischemia occurs when a clot prevents blood from flowing to the brain, which can lead to brain cell death and, consequently, permanent brain damage. Understand more about what cerebral ischemia is, its main symptoms and treatment.
Valgus knee is when the knees are misaligned, facing inwards, touching each other. The exercises should be to strengthen the inner thigh and stretch the back of the thigh
Intermittent fasting is a type of diet where you need to spend some periods of the day without eating, drinking only water and teas. Understand the possible health benefits of this diet and how to do it correctly
Find out how many hours of fasting are required for each major type of blood test, such as blood count, cholesterol, blood glucose and TSH. And check out important care before exams
Cracking in the joints, scientifically known as joint crackling, usually occurs due to friction between the bones present in the joint and due to a decrease in the production of synovial fluid within the joint. Most of the time, the knee cracking does not ...
The immune window is the period between infection and the body's production of antibodies against infection. Tests performed during the immune window can be false-negative, so it is important to know the immune window for each infection. Learn all about the window ...
Emotional labyrinthitis, which causes symptoms such as nausea, tinnitus and imbalance, is linked to problems such as depression, panic syndrome and excessive stress and anxiety. See other symptoms and what treatment options are available
Labyrinthitis can be cured, and treatment must be carried out correctly, with medications guided by the doctor, physiotherapy and natural therapies.
Lactate examination is important in diagnosing disease and monitoring the patient, as well as being useful for assessing the athlete's performance. Understand what lactate is, what it means when it's high and when to take the test
Bile mud appears when the gallbladder does not empty completely and usually appears before there are gallstones in the gallbladder. Know the symptoms and how to treat
Jabuticaba is a Brazilian fruit that has the unusual characteristic of sprouting on the stem of the jabuticaba tree, and not on its flowers. It has few calories and carbohydrates and is rich in nutrients like vitamin C, vitamin E, magnesium, phosphorus and zinc. Check out the benefits of this fruit for the ...
Wood's lamp is a diagnostic device used for aesthetic and dermatological purposes that aims to evaluate the characteristics of lesions present on the skin or scalp, for example. Understand what Wood's lamp is for and how it works
Labyrinthitis is an inflammation of the ear that affects the labyrinth, a region of the inner ear responsible for hearing and balance. This inflammation causes dizziness, vertigo, lack of balance, hearing loss, nausea and general malaise and appears more easily in the elderly. This disease has ...
Exploratory laparotomy is a medical diagnostic test that can be used when internal bleeding is suspected, bowel perforations or even inflammation of the appendix. Understand better when this exam is indicated, how it is done and what are the possible complications
Stridulous laryngitis is characterized by a dry cough that can lead to vomiting. Learn more about this type of laryngitis and how it is treated
What it is: Laryngitis is an inflammation of the larynx whose main symptom is hoarseness of varying intensity. It can be acute when it is caused by a viral infection like a common cold, or chronic, caused by the excessive use of the voice, serious infections, allergic reactions and ...
The low-power laser is widely used in physiotherapy for acute injuries, to aid in tissue healing. See how it works, when it's a good option, how to use it correctly and who can't use it
Lactobacillus acidophilus are a type of "good" bacteria, known as probiotics that protect the intestine and facilitate the digestion of food. However, they can also have many other health benefits. See what they are and how to take them correctly
The child should take healthy snacks to school every day because it helps in their growth and learning. Some examples are simple cake, made at home, without filling or topping, yogurt and fruit. See more.
Gastric lavage is a technique that allows to wash the inside of the stomach, being used, in the hospital, in cases of intoxication with toxic substances or medicines. Understand how it is done, what the risks are and when not to do it.
The varus knee is a condition in which the legs are knee-shaped. Check the treatment options available and when they are used
Leclercia adecarboxylata is a bacterium that is part of the intestinal microbiota, but that can cause infection in people with compromised immune system and who are admitted to the hospital, for example. Find out what are the risk factors for Leclercia adecarboxylata infection and ...
What it is: Leiomyosarcoma is a rare type of malignant tumor that affects the soft tissues, that is, it can appear in the uterus, mainly in women in the post menopausal period, gastrointestinal tract and in the blood vessels. This type of sarcoma is serious and tends to spread easily to others ...
Intestinal lavage is a natural method that consists of inserting fluids in the intestine to remove waste. This procedure must be performed by a health professional, however it can also be done at home with great care. Understand what it is and how it is done ...
Ear washing is a very simple technique that allows you to remove excess wax from your ear, but it can also be used to clean the dirt that accumulates in the ear canal. See when washing is recommended and what are the possible risks
Birdseed milk is a healthy alternative for those who want to lose weight, gain muscle mass or just don't like the taste of cow's milk.
Soy milk is a good option to replace cow's milk but should be avoided by children and people with anemia or thyroid problems.
Tetris, 2048, Sudoku or Candy Crush Saga are some examples of games to stimulate the brain, which improve agility, memory and reasoning. Know more.