
Hydronephrosis consists of swelling of the kidneys that causes symptoms such as constant pain in the abdomen, low fever and frequent urge to urinate. See other symptoms that help you identify why hydronephrosis happens and how to treat it
What it is: Food hygiene concerns the care related to the handling, preparation and storage of food in order to reduce the risk of contamination and the occurrence of diseases, such as food poisoning, for example. So, it is important to wash your hands thoroughly before handling ...
Hypercapnia is characterized by an increase in carbon dioxide in the blood, which can cause symptoms such as headache, drowsiness or dizziness. Find out what causes hypercapnia and how treatment is done
The sweat control surgery is more used in cases of hyperhidrosis in the armpits, palms and feet. See how it is done and the necessary care.
Hyperparathyroidism is a disease that causes increased production of the hormone PTH, which can increase calcium levels in the blood and decrease in the bones. It can be of the primary, secondary and tertiary type. Understand the main differences and what to do to treat with medicines or ...
Focal nodular hyperplasia is a benign tumor about 5 cm in diameter, located in the liver. Know the symptoms and how the treatment is done
Ocular hypertelorism is characterized by an exaggerated gap between the orbits, more than what is considered normal, and may be associated with other craniofacial deformations. See the causes, symptoms and how the treatment is done
Hypercalcemia is usually a sign of hyperparathyroidism, but other causes like tuberculosis or cancer can also increase calcium levels
Hypermagnesemia is a change in magnesium values ​​in the blood, which may not cause symptoms, but which may arise due to the presence of kidney problems. See why it happens and how the treatment is done
Intracranial hypertension occurs when the pressure inside the skull is greater than 15 mmHg. See the main causes, symptoms and how treatment is done
Hydrotherapy, also known as aquatic physiotherapy or aqua therapy, is a therapeutic activity that consists of performing exercises in a pool with heated water, which has numerous benefits, see which ones.
Malignant hyperthermia consists of an uncontrolled increase in body temperature, which is usually aroused by the administration of inhaled anesthetics. Know the causes and how the treatment is done
Portal hypertension is a condition that usually arises in people who have some liver disease, such as cirrhosis. The most common symptoms include a swollen belly, the appearance of esophageal varices and swollen legs, for example. See other signs and how to treat
What it is: Hypokalemia, also called hypokalemia, corresponds to the situation in which a low amount of potassium is found in the blood, which can cause muscle weakness, cramps and changes in heart beats, for example, and which can happen due to use of laxatives, ...
Hypochlorhydria is characterized by a decrease in the amount of hydrochloric acid produced in the stomach, leading to the appearance of signs and symptoms of poor digestion. Understand what hypochlorhydria is, symptoms, causes and how you should be treated
OMNI hypnotherapy aims to identify the cause of the emotional disorder and make the person face it, in order to improve the person's quality of life quickly. Understand what OMNI hypnotherapy is, how it works and what it is for.
Hypomagnesemia is a change in the magnesium values ​​in the blood, which may not cause symptoms, but which is more common in people with serious or hospitalized illnesses. See why it happens and how the treatment is done
Hypoparathyroidism is a disease caused by the lack of the PTH hormone produced by the parathyroid glands, and causes symptoms such as muscle spasms, weakness, cardiac changes and seizures. See other symptoms, how is the treatment and what is the difference for ...
Hypothermia is a sudden drop in body temperature, usually caused by prolonged exposure to cold. Learn to recognize your symptoms, what are the main causes and how treatment is done.
Therapeutic hypothermia is a medical technique used after cardiac arrest to decrease the risk of complications. Better understand why it is used, how it is made and why it works
Diagnostic hysteroscopy is an examination that identifies lesions in the lining of the uterus and is used in cases of abnormal bleeding.
Histoplasmosis is an infectious disease caused by a fungus that can be transmitted by pigeons and bats, with the most frequent symptoms of infection appearing in people with compromised immune systems. Know the symptoms of histoplasmosis and understand how the treatment is done
The 24-hour Holter is a type of electrocardiogram that is performed to assess the heart's rhythm over a period of 24, 48 or 72 hours. Generally, the 24-hour Holter exam is requested when the patient has frequent symptoms of dizziness, palpitations or shortness of breath, which can ...
The ACTH exam is used to assess hormonal changes such as Cushing's Syndrome, Addison and some types of cancer.
Delayed bone age does not always mean disease or growth retardation, due to the fact that in the population children grow at different rates, as well as falling teeth and first menstruation, but, in some cases, a decrease in the production of growing hormone,...
Homocysteine ​​is an amino acid in the blood that can cause health risks. Understand what it means when it is high or low and how to treat
HIV-1 and HIV-2 are distinct types of viruses, known as human immunodeficiency viruses, which are responsible for causing AIDS. Find out the differences between them
What it is: Sodium hypochlorite is used as a disinfectant and is also used to purify water for human use and consumption. Sodium hypochlorite is popularly known as bleach, which is sold in a solution of 2.0 to 2.5% sodium hypochlorite. You can buy the ...
The ointment was created by Brazilian researchers and is effective in eliminating symptoms and even the virus, but has not yet been approved by Anvisa.
Hypoxia is a situation that occurs when the amount of oxygen transported to the tissues of the body is insufficient, leading to the appearance of symptoms such as fingers and a purple mouth, drowsiness and even fainting. See more what causes hypoxia and how treatment is done
Examination of the fallopian tubes, which is hysterosalpingography, serves to assess the causes of infertility, malformations, fibroids or obstructed tubes, for example. Know how it is done, what preparation is necessary and understand the possible results.
Hymenolepiasis is a verminosis caused by the parasite Hymenolepis nana whose transmission occurs mainly through the consumption of contaminated water or food. See the biological cycle of this parasite and how it is treated
FSH (Follicle Stimulating Hormone) is a hormone that allows you to check that your testicles and ovaries are functioning correctly, being useful for assessing fertility. See the FSH reference values
What it is: HTLV, also called human T-cell lymphotropic virus, is a type of virus in the Retroviridae family and, in most cases, does not cause disease or symptoms, being underdiagnosed. So far, there is no specific treatment, hence the importance of ...
The LH hormone is produced by the pituitary gland and has a fundamental role in female and male reproduction. Understand what luteinizing hormone is, what it is for and reference values
The hysteroscopy exam is done to observe the cavity of the uterus, being able to diagnose and treat diseases. Although it doesn't hurt, it can be uncomfortable.
Hysterosonography is an exam done to observe the bottom of the uterus to the tubes, important to investigate injuries in the uterus and infertility. See how it's done.
The hCG hormone does not lose weight, as the weight loss effect is due to the very low calorie diet that must be done during treatment. See more.
IgG and IgM are important antibodies in the defense of the organism, which act in infections and prevent them, such as rubella for example. See the differences.