The main symptoms of histoplasmosis are: Fever; Chill; Headaches; Difficulty breathing; Dry cough; Chest pain; Development of arthritis; Night sweats; Weight loss; Reddish lesions on the skin; The symptoms described above can be treated with taking Itraconazole or ...
Cervicitis is inflammation of the cervix, the lower part of the uterus that attaches to the vagina, which causes symptoms such as pain when urinating, discharge and bleeding. Take our free online test to find out if you may have Cervicitis and see the main causes of this inflammation
Symptoms of the cervical rib, which is a rare syndrome that causes the growth of a rib in one of the vertebrae of the neck, can include: Lump in the neck; Shoulder and neck pain; Tingling in the arms, hands or fingers; Purple hands and fingers, especially during cold days; ...
Excessive tiredness, muscle and joint pain, loss of appetite and a strong desire to eat salt may be indicative of Addison's disease. Know the symptoms of Addison's disease and how the diagnosis is made.
Synovitis is inflammation of the synovial membrane, a tissue that lines the inside of some joints, and is common in the knee and ankle. Treatment is done with anti-inflammatory drugs, corticosteroids and physical therapy.
Knee water is common after a fall from the knees on the floor, or in the case of chronic diseases such as arthritis, osteoarthritis or gout. See the symptoms, when it can happen, and how treatment can be done to cure knee synovitis.
The main symptoms of Raynaud's disease are changes in the color of the fingers, which first become pale, then can turn yellow or even blue. See more symptoms and how the disease is diagnosed
The hand-foot-mouth syndrome occurs more frequently in children and is characterized by the presence of red spots and blisters on the hands, feet and mouth. Understand more about this syndrome, its main symptoms and how transmission occurs.
The most common symptom of Paget's disease is bone pain, which is more frequent at night, after a tiring day at work. However, about 70% of affected people have no symptoms and discover the disease when they have an X-ray scan for any other reason. The disease is ...
Rhinitis is an inflammation of the membranes (mucous membranes) that line the nose internally. When it persists for more than 3 weeks it is called chronic rhinitis. In this case, its symptoms include: Burning sensation when breathing; Irritation in the nose, mouth or throat; Eyes and nose ...
Symptoms of anaphylactic shock or allergic reaction appear when the individual is sensitive to a substance that can be inhaled, swallowed or injected. The characteristic symptoms of an allergic reaction are: General malaise; Palpitations; Tingling; Itching and redness ...
Pelvic inflammatory disease or PID is an infection located in the woman's reproductive organs, such as the uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries that can cause irreversible damage to the woman, such as infertility, for example. This disease happens more in young sexually active women, ...
In most cases, chronic kidney disease evolves without symptoms until it reaches its most advanced stage. However, some signs may appear, such as: Nausea and vomiting; Loss of appetite without apparent cause; Excessive tiredness during the day; Difficulty falling asleep; ...
Zika symptoms include low-grade fever, pain in muscles and joints, as well as redness in the eyes and red patches on the skin. The disease is spread by the same mosquito as dengue, and symptoms usually appear 10 days after the bite. See the list of symptoms to watch out for
Foot-and-mouth disease causes thrush, sores, pain and redness in the mouth, which can be treated using home, natural and homeopathic remedies.
The lack of vitamin B2 can cause problems such as sores in the corners of the mouth, light sensitive vision, decreased growth and itchy skin. See more.
The initial symptoms of pertussis are similar to those of the flu, however if left untreated and treated, pertussis can result in several complications. Learn how to identify whooping cough and what are the possible complications.
The symptoms of vigorexia are: Always being dissatisfied with your own image; Despite being in great physical shape, he looks extremely thin; Be ashamed of your body; Take various dietary supplements and even steroids and anabolics to get more muscle; Follow a ...
The lack of niacin in the body, also called vitamin B3, causes symptoms such as poor digestion, vomiting, tiredness and depression. See what the excess causes.
Vitamin B5 deficiency can cause symptoms such as insomnia, tiredness, leg cramps and stomach pain. See more signs and when to use supplements.
The lack of vitamin B6 in the body causes symptoms such as tiredness, mental confusion, quickly, sores in the mouth and swelling on the tongue. See others.
Rheumatic fever is an inflammatory disease that causes changes and injuries in the joints, heart, skin and even the brain. The symptoms of this disease usually appear about 3 weeks after an episode of throat infection caused by group A Streptococcus pyogenes.
The appearance of red spots on the skin, high fever, gastrointestinal changes and headache, for example, can be indicative of typhoid fever. Understand how the diagnosis of Typhoid Fever is made and what are the main symptoms
Hemophilia causes symptoms such as bleeding, bruising and bruising on the body, both in babies and adults. Learn to identify and diagnose.
The first symptoms of withdrawal from smoking, such as mood swings, anger and apathy, usually appear within hours of quitting. Know other withdrawal symptoms
Changes in the color of urine and feces, yellow eyes, excessive tiredness and loss of appetite may be signs of drug hepatitis, which is an inflammation of the liver caused mainly by the incorrect use of medications. Know the main symptoms of drug hepatitis
Legionella is a lung infection, similar to pneumonia, that can cause symptoms such as bloody cough, fever and chest pain. Know how to identify.
Learn to identify the back pain caused by low back pain, the tests needed to confirm this change and the warning signs to go to the doctor right away
The symptoms of amoebiasis can vary, but in general are: Abdominal pain; Mild or acute diarrhea with blood or mucus; Fever and Chills. In the most severe cases this infection spreads through the bloodstream reaching the liver, lungs and even the brain. The skin, in ...
The main symptom of meningitis C is stiff neck, which can be accompanied by fever, nausea and even mental confusion. See other symptoms of meningitis C.
Viral meningitis is an inflammation of the membranes that line the brain and spinal cord due to the entry of a virus in this region. The symptoms of meningitis initially manifest with a high fever and severe headache. After a few hours, irritation of the meninges can be noted when reporting pain ...
Trigeminal neuralgia causes very intense pain in the face, affecting only one side of the face that can last for a few seconds or minutes, however in more severe cases the pain can persist for several days, causing a lot of discomfort. Learn to identify trigeminal neuralgia and what are the ...
Symptoms of hepatitis C, such as yellow skin, white stools and dark urine, appear in most cases about 45 days after contact with the hepatitis C virus. If you think you may have this problem, take our online test for know what your risk