
Elephantiasis is mainly characterized by swelling of the lower limbs, in addition to muscle pain, fever, malaise and the appearance of red spots on the leg, for example. Symptoms can take months to appear, however, in case of suspicion, it is important to go to the emergency room ...
Migraine is a genetic and chronic neurological disease that causes symptoms such as intense and pulsating headache, nausea, vomiting or dizziness.
Epilepsy can manifest itself through involuntary contractions of all the muscles of the body or is subtle, where the person seems disconnected from the world
Cervical spondylosis is a normal degeneration of age that appears between the vertebrae of the cervical spine, in the neck region. See the symptoms that help you identify and what tests to do
STDs, or STIs, are sexually transmitted infections that can cause different types of symptoms. However, the most common include itching and redness in the intimate area, as well as altered discharge. See other common symptoms and possible causes
Symptoms of a lack of calcium in the body usually appear in the long term, with weakness in the bones, depression and loss of memory. See more.
Emotional stress causes symptoms such as headache, mood swings, lack of appetite and changes in the bowel rhythm. Know what to do.
Endometriosis is a very painful syndrome in which the tissue lining the uterus, known as the endometrium, grows elsewhere in the abdomen, such as the ovaries, bladder or intestine. See how to identify the main symptoms of each type
Streptococcal pharyngitis corresponds to inflammation of the pharynx caused by bacteria of the genus Streptococcus spp., Causing severe throat pain and difficulty swallowing. Learn to recognize the symptoms of streptococcal pharyngitis and how treatment is done
Uterine fibroma, also known as uterine fibroid, is a benign tumor formed by muscle tissue, which is located in the uterus and can take on different sizes. Find out what causes, symptoms and how treatment is done
Valley fever, also known as coccidioidomycosis, is an infectious disease caused by fungus and which is common in people who are in direct and frequent contact with the soil, for example. Understand what fever is worth, symptoms and how transmission occurs.


The main symptoms of fracture are pain, swelling and limited movement of the fractured area. See what other fracture symptoms are, and how fractures are classified.
The first symptoms of lack of vitamin A are difficulty in adapting to night vision, dry skin and recurrent infections. See more.
The lack of vitamin C causes bleeding, spots on the body and hair loss, and its treatment is done through food and supplements.
Symptoms of chronic gastritis include mild nausea and pain in the upper abdomen, especially when you don't eat for a long time. Understand why chronic gastritis, main symptoms and how treatment is done
Gastroenteritis is an infection of the stomach and intestine that causes vomiting, nausea and diarrhea. Take the test online to see if you can have it.
Gout is an inflammatory arthritis of the joint, which causes intense pain, redness and swelling, which arises in people with high uric acid. Know how to identify the signs and symptoms and what to do to confirm.
The symptoms of scleroderma, which is an autoimmune disease in which collagen accumulates in the body's tissues, vary according to the type of scleroderma and the location of the affected body. Thus, in localized scleroderma, where the disease affects only the skin, symptoms usually occur ...
Difficulty breathing, persistent cough with phlegm or blood, recurrent respiratory infections, difficulty gaining weight and constipation are some of the symptoms of cystic fibrosis. Understand what this disease is and how treatment is done
Pain in the anus, bleeding, itching and a small pellet in the anal area are the main symptoms that can indicate hemorrhoids, learn more symptoms and what to do if you discover you have hemorrhoids
The main symptoms of cervical disc herniation are neck pain, tingling and numbness, and muscle weakness. See how to identify cervical hernia symptoms
Some of the most common symptoms of a lack of B vitamins in the body include easy tiredness, irritability and tingling. See others.
The symptoms of lead poisoning, which can occur when the individual ingests lead, can be different in adults and children. The symptoms of lead poisoning can be: Children: Irritability; Loss of interest in games; Violent vomiting; Lack of balance; ...
Most of the time, infection with the hepatitis A virus does not cause symptoms, however, there are some cases in which the person can have manifestations between 15 to 50 days after the infection, which can be mistaken for a flu. See which symptoms to watch out for and take our test ...
Symptoms of respiratory poisoning can appear during a fire and up to 5 days after the incident. Symptoms of respiratory intoxication are: Cough; Shortness of breath; Fever; Wheezing in the chest; Dizziness and seasickness. If you have any of these symptoms it is recommended not to take any medication and ...
The main symptoms of giardiasis are heartburn and nausea, which usually improve when food is eaten. See others and learn how to prevent and treat this infection
Hiatal hernia is a condition characterized by heartburn, burning in the throat, difficulty in swallowing and frequent belching, it is important to consult the doctor so that the treatment is started and the symptoms are relieved. Learn to recognize hiatal hernia symptoms and what to do ...
Leptospirosis is caused by the urine of rats and causes high fever, chills and pain in the calf that can appear up to 14 days after the contamination.
Most of the time, hyperglycemia does not cause symptoms, only when blood sugar levels are very high or when this elevation is persistent, an increase in hunger, dry mouth, increased urination, drowsiness and excessive tiredness can be noticed. It is considered...
The symptoms of HIV in the baby are more frequent in the children of mothers with the HIV virus, especially when they do not carry out the treatment correctly during pregnancy. Symptoms are difficult to perceive, but persistent fever, frequent occurrence of infections and delayed ...
Hysteria is a psychological disorder whose symptoms appear mainly in cases of extreme anxiety, in which the person is unable to control his emotions and his way of acting, overreacting or losing consciousness, for example. Treatment for hysteria should be done ...