
Know the symptoms of Toxoplasmosis during pregnancy or in the case of weakened immune system, to identify when to start treatment.
Check out 5 exercises to strengthen the middle gluteus and cure dead butt syndrome, which can affect sedentary and even joggers
ADEM is a rare inflammatory disease that affects the central nervous system after an infection caused by a virus or after vaccination. Find out which symptoms cause this disease and how the treatment is done.
Neurosyphilis is a complication of syphilis, when the brain is affected by the disease, and usually arises in people who have not done the correct treatment. It can cause symptoms such as loss of movement, blindness, seizures and memory loss, and treatment is done with antibiotics
Asperger's syndrome is a psychiatric condition similar to autism, which manifests itself since childhood and causes changes in the way of relating and communicating with others. Understand which signs to watch out for
Children with Down syndrome are usually identified shortly after birth due to their physical characteristics associated with the syndrome. Some of the most frequent physical traits include: Oblique eyes, pulled upwards; Small and slightly flat nose; Mouth...
Strongyloidiasis can cause abdominal pain, diarrhea and cough. Know how to identify the symptoms and what to do to avoid this worm.
Respiratory allergies are reactions of hypersensitivity of the immune system to substances that come into contact with the organism, such as animal hair, dust or pollen and can cause symptoms such as sneezing, coughing or runny nose. see more
A panic attack can be identified by the presence of symptoms such as shortness of breath, dizziness and heart palpitations. See more and know what to do to help a person in this situation
The main symptom of asthma is shortness of breath, which can appear suddenly at any age, and may also cough and wheeze when breathing. See other signs to watch out for, such as confirming a suspected asthma case and what to do during a seizure
Although neurofibromatosis is a genetic disease, which is born with the person, the symptoms can take several years to manifest. See what are the typical symptoms of each type of neurofibromatosis
Ascaris lumbricoides is the parasite most often associated with intestinal infections, especially in children, since they have a completely undeveloped immune system and because they do not have such correct hygiene habits. So, infection by this parasite ...
Forcing vomit after eating is the main symptom of bulimia, but excessive concern about weight and the presence of calluses on the hands are also signs.
The presence of wide and red streaks and accumulation of fat in the abdomen may be indicative of hormonal changes and, probably, of Cushing's Syndrome. See what are the main symptoms and how the diagnosis is made.
Bronchitis is an inflammation of the bronchi that can lead to the onset of constant coughing and difficulty breathing. See other symptoms that help identify this problem, who is most at risk and when to go to the doctor
Food allergy causes symptoms such as redness and itching of the skin or swelling in the eyes, mouth and tongue. See what to do and how is the treatment
Know the most common symptoms of anguish, what this feeling means and what to do to treat it
Intestinal dysbiosis is characterized by an imbalance of the intestinal bacterial flora that reduces the absorption capacity of nutrients and vitamins, causing symptoms such as: Flatulence; Motion sickness; Abdominal discomfort; Diarrhea; Constipation; Hair loss and weakening ...
The first symptoms of kidney stones are mild pain and burning when urinating, which can get worse and be severe. Check out other symptoms, take our test online and check the risk of having a kidney stone


The initial symptoms of brucellosis are similar to that of the flu, however they can progress to tremors, generalized pains in the body and changes in memory if not treated properly. See what are the symptoms of brucellosis and how is the diagnosis made
Cysts are small fluid-filled sacs that grow in the spinal cord and are most common in the neck area, but they can grow anywhere along the cord and press on nerves and other structures, resulting in some symptoms such as muscle weakness, dizziness, pain on the back and ...
Most of the time, the presence of cyst in the breast does not cause symptoms, but in some cases it can cause pain and heaviness in the breast. Learn to recognize the symptoms of cyst in the breast and how the diagnosis is made
In general, cysts on the ovaries do not cause symptoms, but when there are complications, abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting may occur. see more
The lack of magnesium can cause several diseases and these can be treated with supplementation of magnesium in the diet. Some symptoms of lack of magnesium are: Tremors, sensitivity to noise, fatigue, depression, nervousness, tension, insomnia, PMS, hyperactivity, seizures, calculations ...
Early cirrhosis of the liver has no symptoms, but when more advanced it can lead to a loss of appetite, weight loss without apparent cause, weakness and yellow skin and eyes. Know the main symptoms of cirrhosis of the liver and how the diagnosis is made
In the second trimester of pregnancy, women are more likely to have candidiasis, which is manifested by itching in the vagina and pain in intimate contact. Check all the symptoms, confirm if it can be candidiasis and what to do
Symptoms of cancer in the vagina, such as bleeding after intimate contact and a foul-smelling vaginal discharge, usually appear after the age of 50 in women infected with the HPV virus, but can also appear in younger women. See the main symptoms and treatment options ...
Dysentery corresponds to diarrhea with mucus and blood and is caused mainly by bacterial infections. Learn to recognize the symptoms of dysentery, how the diagnosis is made and how the treatment is