
Alveolitis is characterized by an infection of the alveolus, which occurs after a tooth is extracted and when a blood clot does not form or move, and an infection develops. Find out how long it lasts, what the symptoms and causes are and how the treatment is done
Common urine changes are related to the different components of urine, such as color, smell and the presence of substances, such as proteins, glucose, hemoglobin or leukocytes, for example. Generally, urine changes are identified in the urine test result requested ...
Some of the main foods that prevent wrinkles are chestnuts, berries, avocado and salmon. See others and know how much to consume.
Check the list and find out which foods have gluten and which are exempt, being released to eat.
The woman can breastfeed the baby if she has hepatitis B but it is necessary that the baby receives treatment with the vaccines indicated by the pediatrician, so that he does not develop chronic hepatitis B.
Amoebiasis or amoebic dysentery is a parasitic infection caused by the protozoan Entamoeba histolytica, which causes severe diarrhea, fever, chills or feces with blood or whitish secretions. See all symptoms and how to treat


Yellowing is the name of a disease caused by worms that turns the skin yellow and has other symptoms such as abdominal pain and diarrhea. Know how to protect yourself.
Bacterial tonsillitis is an inflammation of the tonsils caused by bacteria that causes intense symptoms, such as fever, severe sore throat and difficulty swallowing, which leads to loss of appetite. Find out what are the main symptoms of this type of tonsillitis, how to get it and what are the ...
Asbestos is a material that was widely used in the production of construction materials, such as tiles, plumbing and insulation. However, this material appears to severely affect health, especially at the lung level. See all the risks and how to protect yourself
Viral tonsillitis is an infection and inflammation in the throat caused by viruses, leading to symptoms such as pain and swelling in the throat, difficulty swallowing, fever and cough. Treatment consists mainly of measures to relieve symptoms. Learn more about possible causes, how to treat and ...
The examination of amylase is done in order to identify diseases of the pancreas and evaluate the function of this organ. Learn more about this exam and what the result means
Proteinuria is the elevated presence of proteins in the urine and can have several causes. Find out the causes, symptoms and how the test is done.
Peanut butter is an easy way to add calories and good fats to the diet, stimulating muscle growth. See how to make and use.
Amniocentesis is an exam that can be done in pregnancy to identify health problems in the baby, such as Down syndrome. See what the risks are.
Amnesia is a memory loss that can last for a few hours or be permanent. There are several types of amnesia and the treatment may not completely reverse this condition.
Anasarca is a medical term that refers to a swelling, also called edema, which is widespread in the body due to the accumulation of fluid and can be caused by heart failure, severe allergic reactions and liver problems. See more other associated signs and symptoms, causes and ...
Anabolics are composed of testosterone and derivatives and serve to rebuild tissues or to gain muscle, lean body or bone mass.
Tonsillitis is the inflammation of the structures at the bottom of the throat, the tonsils, and is usually due to infections by bacteria or viruses. Understand what tonsillitis is, symptoms and how treatment is done
Hookworm, popularly known as yellowing, is a disease caused by worms that cause stomach ache, diarrhea or anemia, and that can be treated with worm medicine for 3 days. Know better what it is, what the symptoms are and how it is treated
Sideroblastic anemia is characterized by a disease in which there is an inappropriate use of iron for the synthesis of hemoglobin, causing symptoms such as weakness, pallor and dizziness. Know the causes and how the diagnosis and treatment is made
General anesthesia is capable of causing loss of consciousness, blocking movements and even forgetting. Understand how it works and how long it lasts.
The new Food Wheel teaches how to eat healthy, which is varied, complete and balanced. In a varied diet you should eat different foods within the same food group, for example, several fruits and not always eat the same. A food ...
Unstable angina is characterized by chest discomfort, which usually occurs at rest, and may persist for more than 10 minutes, be severe and have a recent onset and be progressive. See what causes and symptoms and how treatment is done
Hereditary angioedema is a genetic disease that causes symptoms such as swelling in the body and recurrent abdominal pain, with nausea and vomiting. See more.
Coronary angioplasty is a procedure that allows you to open an artery in the heart that is blocked by cholesterol, for example. Check out how this procedure is done and what are the possible risks.
It is a diagnostic test that allows you to better visualize the inside of blood vessels and diagnose aneurysms or thrombosis through an injection.
Angiotomography is a quick exam that allows the perfect visualization of the veins and arteries of the body, using modern equipment in 3D, very useful in coronary, cerebral and other parts of the body. Find out how this exam is done and how to prepare
Ruby angioma is characterized by the presence of red pellets on the skin, usually on the trunk, which do not produce symptoms and are quite common in the population. Learn more about ruby ​​angioma and how treatment is done
Venous angioma is a benign tumor in the brain, most of the time, present at birth, characterized by malformation and abnormal accumulation of some brain veins that, in general, are larger than normal. Know your symptoms and how is the treatment
Anosmia corresponds to the loss of smell that can result in decreased taste. Learn more about anosmia, main causes and how treatment is done.
Epidural anesthesia blocks pain in certain parts of the body, performed in minor surgeries or during childbirth, and is different from spinal anesthesia. Check the difference between them, when each one is indicated and its risks
Anisocoria happens when one of the pupils is more dilated than the other, and may also be accompanied by other symptoms such as difficulty in seeing or sensitivity to light. See the most common causes and what to do in each case
Cerebral anoxia corresponds to a lack of oxygen in the brain that, if not reversed, can lead to brain death. See what are the symptoms of cerebral anoxia and how the treatment is done.
Cavernous angioma is a benign tumor formed by an abnormal accumulation of blood vessels in the brain or spinal cord and, rarely, elsewhere in the body. Know the symptoms and how the treatment is done.