
Foods rich in saponins are mainly those of plant origin, such as oats, chickpeas, beans and peas. Saponins are part of the group of phytosterols, nutrients that bring benefits such as lowering cholesterol, helping to control blood sugar and preventing cancer.
Selenium is present in foods such as Brazil nuts, wheat, rice and egg yolk, being important for performing functions in the body such as strengthening the immune system and regulating the production of thyroid hormones


The main foods rich in phosphorus are sunflower and pumpkin seeds, dried fruits, fish such as sardines, meats and dairy products. Phosphorus is important for functions such as the formation of bones and teeth, and for the transmission of nerve impulses in the body
Glycine is an amino acid found in foods such as eggs, fish, meat, milk, cheese and yogurts, for example. In addition to being present in foods rich in protein, glycine is also widely used as a food supplement, sold under the name ferric glycinate, and in this case its ...
Histidine is an essential amino acid that gives rise to histamine, a substance that regulates the body's inflammatory responses. When histidine is used to treat allergies it should be taken as a supplement in portions that can vary between 100 to 150 mg per day, and that are ...
Inulin is a kind of fiber with sugar, of the fructo-oligosaccharide class, which is present in some vegetables such as onions, garlic, burdock, chicory or wheat, for example, but which can also be ingested in the pre-biotic form purchased at the pharmacy, to balance the ...
Leucine is an amino acid found in foods like cheese, egg or fish. Leucine serves to increase muscle mass and can be used as a dietary supplement, both for those who exercise and want to gain muscle mass, as well as for the elderly to improve physical mobility, ...
Isoleucine is used by the body especially to build muscle tissue. Isoleucine, leucine and valine are branched-chain amino acids and are better absorbed and used by the body in the presence of B vitamins, such as beans or soy lecithin. The...
Foods rich in lysine are mainly milk, soy and meat. Lysine is an essential amino acid that can be used for herpes, because it decreases the viral replication of the herpes virus, reducing the recurrence, severity and recovery time of cold sores ...


Tyramine is present in foods such as meats, chicken, fish, cheeses and fruits, being found in greater quantities in fermented and aged foods. Know more.
Foods rich in omega 6 are important for maintaining the proper functioning of the brain and regulating the normal growth and development of the body, as omega 6 is a substance that is present in all body cells. However, omega 6 cannot be produced by ...
Some foods rich in oxalates of plant origin are spinach, beets, okra or cocoa powder, for example. Oxalates are substances found in some foods that facilitate the formation of kidney stones. Therefore, avoiding oxalate-rich foods is important for ...
Foods rich in vitamins serve to keep your skin healthy, your hair beautiful and your body balanced, avoiding diseases such as anemia, scurvy, pellagra and even hormonal or developmental problems. The best way to ingest vitamins is through a colorful diet because ...
Foods rich in proline are mainly gelatin and eggs, for example, which are the most protein-rich foods. However, there is no Daily Recommended Recommendation (RDA) for consuming proline because it is a non-essential amino acid. Proline is an amino acid that ...
Foods rich in quercetin are a great way to stimulate and strengthen the immune system, since quercetin is an antioxidant substance that eliminates free radicals from the body, preventing damage to cells and DNA, and can therefore prevent the appearance of cancer , for example.
Niacin, also called vitamin B3, is found in foods like meat, chicken, fish, peanuts and fortified foods like flour. See more.
Vitamin B2 can be found in foods such as milk, cheese, yogurt, liver, almonds, eggs and spinach. See more examples and know how much to consume.
Serine-rich foods are mainly egg and fish, for example, because they are rich in protein, but it is a non-essential amino acid, which is synthesized by the body if there is no intake. Despite this, some individuals are unable to produce this amino acid and, therefore ...
Taurine is an amino acid produced in the liver from ingestion of the amino acid methionine, cysteine ​​and vitamin B6 present in fish, red meat or seafood. Taurine supplements exist in the form of capsules, or powder, for oral ingestion. They help to decrease ...
Foods rich in vitamin B6, also known as pyridoxine, are important for proper metabolic and brain function, and can be found in foods such as bananas, chicken, salmon and nuts. Check a table with foods rich in this vitamin
Tyrosine is an important amino acid for the functioning of the body and must be obtained from the consumption of some foods, such as cheese, fish and nuts, for example. Learn more about tyrosine, benefits and where else can be found
Foods rich in threonine are mainly foods rich in protein, such as fish or eggs, for example. Threonine serves mainly to help keep the skin firm and beautiful because it is important in the formation of collagen, which gives firmness and elasticity to the skin, so it is ...
Foods rich in vitamin E are mainly high in fat, such as seeds and nuts. See table with quantity and menu
Foods rich in valine are mainly eggs, milk and dairy products. Valine serves to help in muscle building and tone, in addition, it can be used to improve healing after some surgery, as it improves the quality of tissue regeneration. However, ...
Foods that help you lose weight are those that improve intestinal transit, fight fluid retention and speed up metabolism. Find out which foods help you lose weight