
Anosognosia is the loss of consciousness and denial of the disease itself and its limitations. This condition is usually a symptom or consequence of neurological diseases and causes the person to act normally as if he has nothing. Learn more about anosognosia, signs and main ...
Anisakiasis is a parasitic disease caused by the larva Anisakis, which is present in raw fish. See the symptoms and how to protect yourself.
Vomiting is the urge to vomit that arises after consuming very fatty foods or due to gastritis, for example. See what can be the retching and what to do
The antibiogram is the test that is done with the objective of identifying which antibiotics the bacteria is resistant and sensitive to, and it is important for the doctor to determine the most appropriate treatment. Understand how the antibiogram is made and how to interpret the result
Exam cea

Exam cea

The carcinoembryonic antigen is usually requested to assist in the diagnosis and accompany the patient with colorectal cancer, but it may also be increased in other situations. Understand what the CEA exam is and reference values.
Medullary aplasia is curable when the treatment is properly guided by the doctor. Treatment is usually done with the use of immunosuppressive drugs, which will act by stimulating the production of blood cells by the bone marrow, but bone marrow transplantation can be indicated ...
What it is: Thyroid antiperoxidase (anti-TPO) is an antibody produced by the immune system and that attacks the thyroid gland, resulting in changes in the levels of hormones produced by the thyroid. Anti-TPO values ​​vary from laboratory to laboratory, with values ​​increased ...
Anuscopy is an examination performed by a proctologist in order to verify the diagnosis of diseases such as internal hemorrhoids, perianal fistulas, fecal incontinence and HPV injuries, for example. Learn more what it is for and how it should be prepared
While in Anorexia there is food deprivation, in Bulimia there is a compulsive desire to eat and then vomit due to the fear of gaining weight. Understand what each disorder consists of and how to differentiate them
Anthrax is a serious and fatal disease that has already been used as a biological weapon in an attempt to poison people through contaminated letters
A great way to combat stress and anxiety is to take advantage of the soothing properties present in medicinal plants and certain foods because its regular consumption helps to keep the stress level under control, relaxing the body and avoiding problems with concentration, insomnia or ...
The appendix is ​​an attached organ that is part of the large intestine and that when inflamed can be life-threatening. See what it is for and when to withdraw.
The antibiotic is a type of medicine that is used to fight bacteria, fungi or parasites and should be used according to medical advice. See what are the common questions and the most used antibiotics
Antioxidants are substances that prevent the harmful action of free radicals on cells, which favor cell aging, DNA damage and the appearance of diseases such as cancer. In food, antioxidants are present in foods such as orange, acerola, olive oil ...
What it is: The term apnea refers to the momentary stop of breathing due to the obstruction of the air flow to the lungs that can happen due to lung diseases, overweight, nasal obstruction and genetic factors, for example. Apnea is usually noticed during sleep, ...
The name of the device used to measure blood glucose is a glucometer, a small, easy-to-use device used to indicate the amount of sugar in the individual's blood at that very moment. Having a device to measure blood glucose is very important for individuals ...
Burning when urinating is almost always a sign of urinary tract infection, but it can also indicate yeast infection or an STD. See what to do in each case
The burning or burning sensation on the tongue is a relatively common symptom, especially after drinking a very hot drink. However, it can also indicate a health problem. See the main causes and what to do
Arrowroot, also known as arrowroot, maranta or arrowroot, is a medicinal plant that is widely used in the form of starch or starch.
Burning eyes can be caused by exposure to dust, wind, or other conditions such as dengue, sinusitis or eye changes. Know the most common causes and what you can do to get rid of this annoyance
The relationship between alcohol and medications can be dangerous, since the consumption of alcoholic beverages can increase or decrease the effect of the medicine, alter its metabolism, activate the production of toxic substances that damage the organs, in addition to contributing to the exacerbation...
Increased muscle mass and improved sexual function are some of the benefits, meet others.
Arteriography, also known as angiography, is a diagnostic tool that allows you to observe the circulation of blood and blood vessels in a specific region of the body. know more
Stalks, leaves and peels of vegetables are rich in nutrients and prevent diseases such as cancer and atherosclerosis. See 5 recipes to use these ingredients
Arepa is a food widely consumed in Venezuela and made from corn flour that can also be added to healthy diets to help with weight loss. See all the benefits of this typical Venezuelan food and check out some healthy recipes
Headache, fever and even loss of vision can be symptoms of temporal arteritis, also known as giant cell arteritis. Find out how the diagnosis and treatment of this disease is done, and find out if it can be cured.
Knee arthroscopy is a minor surgery, widely used in cases of knee pain, to assess the structures within the joint.
Infantile arthritis or juvenile rheumatoid arthritis is a rare disease that occurs in children up to the age of 16 and causes inflammation of one or more joints. See what the symptoms, causes and how is the treatment done
Rheumatoid arthritis has no cure and symptoms include pain, swelling and redness in the joints. Treatment requires medication, physiotherapy and diet.
Find out if arthritis and arthrosis are the same disease, what are their symptoms and treatments to relieve joint pain.
Congenital Multiple Arthrogryposis is a serious disease in which the baby is born with some deformities that prevent movement of the affected joints. It can be discovered in pregnancy or after birth and requires treatment that involves surgery and physical therapy.
Shoulder arthroscopy is a simple surgery that helps the doctor to diagnose or treat any joint problem, relieving pain. See more about this surgery, what the risks are and how the recovery is made
Wild rice is a very nutritious seed produced from some aquatic algae. This type of rice is considered a whole grain because it has a high amount of fiber, as well as other nutrients. Discover the health benefits of wild rice, how to prepare and some ...
What it is: Asbestosis is a disease of the respiratory system that is caused by the inhalation of dust containing asbestos, also known as asbestos, which usually occurs in people who work performing functions that leave them exposed to this substance, which can lead to fibrosis. ..
Acromioclavicular arthrosis consists of the wear and tear of the joint between the clavicle and a bone called the acromion. know more
Medicines and physiotherapy can fight the spread of osteoarthritis and eliminate symptoms completely. See what to do to feel better and what are the chances of curing osteoarthritis in the hands, knees and hips.
Arthrosis in the hands is the wear and tear on the joints of the hands that leads to pain, difficulty in writing and tingling of the hands in more severe cases. Find out what are the symptoms of arthrosis in the hands, causes and how the treatment is done.