
Foods to strengthen hair are mainly foods rich in protein. But it is also important to eat certain vitamins and minerals like zinc, iron, omega 3 or biotin. See a list of the best foods to eat and easy recipes to make at home
Some foods, such as bananas, avocados and peanuts, have properties that help fight fatigue, improving the disposition for everyday tasks. See more examples
The poorest carbohydrate foods are meats, eggs and olive oil. See full list and a low carb menu to lose weight.
Aspartic acid is present mainly in protein-rich foods, such as meat, fish, chicken and eggs. In the body, it acts to stimulate the production of energy in the cells, strengthen the immune system and increase the production of testosterone
Foods rich in asparagine are mainly foods rich in protein, such as eggs or meat. Asparagine is a non-essential amino acid that is produced in sufficient quantities by the body and, therefore, does not need to be ingested through food. One of the functions of ...
Foods rich in beta-carotene are of vegetable origin, usually orange and yellow in color, such as carrots, apricots, mangoes, squashes or cantaloupe melons. see more
Understand once and for all what gluten is and where it is to know what to eat without suffering from the gut.
The foods indicated to prevent prostate cancer are those rich in lycopene, such as tomatoes and papaya, and those rich in fiber and antioxidants, such as fruits, vegetables, seeds and nuts, should be consumed for
What they are: Regulatory foods are those responsible for regulating the body's functions, since they are rich in vitamins, minerals, fibers and water, acting on the immune system and facilitating digestion, for example. Regulatory foods are mainly fruits, vegetables and ...
The sausage contains beef, pork, chicken, turkey and even sausage flavor. See other foods with intriguing ingredients in the composition.
There are foods and beverages that can cause heartburn and burn the esophagus or that can aggravate this problem in people with a tendency to suffer from reflux, such as caffeine, citrus fruits, fats or chocolate, for example. Most of the foods that cause ...
Arginine is a non-essential amino acid, that is, it is not essential in normal situations, but it can be in some specific situations, as it is involved in several metabolic processes. Like other amino acids, it is present in protein-rich foods, such as ...
To avoid the accumulation of toxins in the kidneys and to facilitate the functioning of the kidneys and blood purification, special care with food is important
Foods rich in phytoestrogens, such as soy and flaxseed, have benefits such as preventing breast cancer and reducing symptoms of menopause. See other health benefits and check the composition of the foods richest in these compounds
Biotin, also known as vitamin B7, B8 or H, can be found in foods such as peanuts, wheat bran, oats and egg yolks. See others.
Caffeine can be found in foods such as coffee, green tea and chocolate, which can both improve health and harm. Know how much to consume.
Calcium is an essential mineral to improve the structure of bones and teeth, improve muscle strength and contraction, assist in the blood clotting process and maintain blood pH balance. Thus, it is important that foods rich in calcium are included in the diet, being ...
Carbohydrates are the body's biggest source of energy, providing between 50 and 60% of the calories that must be ingested during the day. There are two types of carbohydrates: simple and complex. Simple carbohydrates are absorbed quickly at the intestinal level, leading to increased ...
Water-rich foods like radish or watermelon, for example, help deflate the body and regulate high blood pressure because they are diuretics, decrease appetite because they have fibers that keep your stomach full for longer and still relieve constipation because they facilitate elimination ...
Check out a list of foods that contain glutamic acid and what their functions are in the body.
The main foods rich in alanine are foods rich in proteins like egg or meat, for example. What Alanine is for Alanine is for preventing diabetes because it helps to regulate blood sugar levels. Alanine is also important for increasing immunity. THE...
Foods rich in antioxidants are fruits and vegetables with high concentrations of vitamins A, C or E, as well as beta-carotene, minerals such as selenium and zinc, and amino acids such as cysteine ​​and glutathione. There are also other antioxidant substances, such as bioflavonoids ...
CLA is a fatty acid from the same family as omega-6, and brings health benefits such as weight control, reduction of body fat and strengthening of the immune system. Because it is produced in the intestines of ruminant animals, it is present mainly in foods such as meat,
The richest foods in Collagen are animal proteins, such as meat, fish, eggs and conventional gelatin. See example menu
Choline is an essential nutrient that fulfills various functions in the body, being directly related to brain function as well as cell structure. There are some dietary sources of choline, the main one being the egg. See other sources and understand better so that ...
Foods rich in folic acid, such as liver, beans and lentils are very suitable for pregnant women, and also for those trying to conceive. See more foods and why it's important to consume folic acid in pregnancy
Cysteine ​​is an amino acid that the body can produce and, therefore, is said to be non-essential. Cysteine ​​and methionine have a close relationship, as the amino acid cysteine ​​can be produced through the amino acid methionine. Cysteine ​​is important for the growth of ...
Methionine stimulates hypertrophy and is present in foods such as eggs, Brazil nuts, milk, fish, seafood and meats. See more.
Some foods rich in copper, which are used to ensure the maintenance of blood health, include cooked veal or beef liver, mussels, raw or cooked oysters, whole grains, cashews, peanuts, almonds, nuts or chocolate, for example. Copper deficiency in ...
Good fats are present in fish and foods like olives and avocados, while bad fats are in meats and processed products. See more.
Glutamine is the most abundant amino acid in the body since it is naturally produced in the body, however, it can also be found in some foods such as meat, eggs and beans, for example. Check out a list of foods of both animal and vegetable origin and the amount of glutamine that ...
Foods rich in phenylalanine are those that contain many proteins, such as meat, fish and milk and dairy products. People with phenylketonuria have to control the consumption of phenylalanine, as they accumulate this amino acid in the body, which leads to problems such as developmental delays ...
The foods most rich in iodine are those of marine origin such as mackerel or mussels, for example. But, there are other foods rich in iodine, such as iodized salt, milk and eggs. On the other hand, vegetables are generally low in iodine. Iodine is important for the production of hormones ...