
Septic arthritis is a medical emergency that can lead to joint destruction and causes symptoms such as severe difficulty in moving the joint, swelling and fever. Better understand what this condition is, why it can happen, what symptoms to watch out for and ...
What it is: Ascariasis is an infectious disease caused by the parasite Ascaris lumbricoides, popularly known as roundworm, which in the intestine cause abdominal discomfort, difficulty defecating or diarrhea and vomiting. Despite being found more often in the intestine, Ascaris ...
Reactive arthritis is characterized by inflammation of various parts of the body as a result of an infection. Understand what reactive arthritis is, symptoms and how treatment is done
Selective attention is an ability of the brain that selects important information and ignores irrelevant information. The selected information will appear sharper and more intense, and are chosen according to the interest and meaning for the subject most of the ...
Generally, hip arthroplasty is used in the elderly with joint wear and lasts for 25 years. Know when you can drive, have sex and what to do to keep your prosthesis moving
Aspartame is a type of artificial sweetener that can cause problems such as headache, nausea, attention deficit and dizziness. Know more.
Aspergillosis is an infection that can arise after breathing mold spores, causing symptoms such as fever, cough and difficulty breathing. Know the most common types of this disease, the most frequent symptoms and forms of treatment
Shoulder arthrosis represents degeneration of the shoulder joint, which causes pain and difficulty to perform any movement with the shoulder.
Neck pain and creaking neck may indicate osteoarthritis in the cervical spine. See a list of symptoms and forms of treatment.
Burps, also called eructation, happen due to the accumulation of air in the stomach and when they are constant they can be caused by gastroesophageal reflux, lactose intolerance and ingestion of some types of food. See more what can be constant burping and what to do
The asphyxiation game is a game that causes fainting, vertigo or euphoria. Learn how to protect your child.
Arthrosis is a chronic degenerative disease that causes symptoms such as pain, swelling, deformation and stiffness in the joints. Find out everything about this disease.
The transient ischemic attack, popularly known as mini-stroke, is a condition similar to stroke that can cause symptoms such as paralysis on one side of the face, difficulty in speaking or loss of vision. Understand how to identify and what treatment is recommended
Spinal arthrosis is the wear and tear of joints in this area of ​​the body and causes symptoms such as pain and difficulty in moving. See how to identify
Hip arthrosis causes severe local pain and leaves the person with a limp, which can affect the elderly, or young people who practice running, for example. Treatment includes rest, painkillers, physical therapy, exercise and, ultimately, surgery. See still retires and what are its causes
Ataxia is a term that refers to a set of symptoms that are characterized, mainly, by the lack of coordination of the movements of different parts of the body, problems in speech and difficulty in swallowing, for example. Learn the different types, how to confirm the diagnosis and which ...
Audiometry is an exam that consists of assessing a person's hearing ability in the interpretation of sounds or words, helping to detect hearing changes. especially in people who work in very noisy environments. Learn more about this exam and how it is done
Thyroid self-examination is little known, but it can save a person's life, as it allows the identification of the appearance of a nodule that can be benign or malignant. Check out the step-by-step how-to.
Bone marrow auto-transplantation is widely used when the patient needs cancer treatments, such as chemotherapy or radiation therapy. Normally, the bone marrow auto-transplantation process consists of removing healthy cells from the patient's body before treatment and ...
Hemotherapy is a type of treatment in which a blood sample is collected that can be transfused to another person or reintroduced into the body, then receiving the name of auto-hemotherapy. Understand what hemotherapy and auto-hemotherapy are, main benefits and how they are made
Self-massage in the belly helps to drain excess fluid and reduce sagging in the belly, and should be done with the person standing, with the spine straight and facing the mirror so that you can see the movements performed. For self-massage in the belly to take effect, it is recommended that it be ...
Azotemia is a biochemical alteration characterized by the accumulation mainly of urea and creatinine in the blood, being caused mainly by the alteration of the blood flow to the blood. Understand what azotemia is, symptoms and how is treatment.
Bacteremia corresponds to the presence of bacteria in the bloodstream, and should be treated with antibiotics according to medical advice. Learn more about bacteremia, symptoms and how to identify
Balantidiosis is an infectious disease caused by Balantidium coli, which normally inhabits the intestines of pigs, and people are contaminated through ingestion of contaminated water or food. Learn about the transmission, the life cycle of this parasite and how it is done ...
Bacteriophages are viruses capable of acting against bacteria and, therefore, can be used to fight multi-resistant infections. Understand what bacteriophages are, main characteristics, how the life cycle happens and what is phage therapy
Bacteriuria represents the presence of bacteria in the urine, which can happen due to the wrong collection of urine or be indicative of urinary infection. Learn how to identify bacteriuria and learn more about the main causes
What they are: Hazelnuts are a type of dry and oil-based fruit that has a smooth skin and an edible seed inside, being an excellent source of energy due to its high content of fats, as well as proteins. For this reason, hazelnuts should be consumed in small quantities, ...
The spleen is a very important organ that is located in the upper part of the abdomen and has functions like producing blood cells. Understand better.
Bacterioscopy is a quick and simple diagnostic technique that aims to identify the presence of bacteria. Understand what it is, what it is for and how bacterioscopy is performed.
Palm oil, also known as palm oil, is a type of fat, which when consumed raw, is rich in vitamin A and excellent for eye health and skin beauty. However, palm oil has 9 calories per gram, which means that a tablespoon of olive oil ...
What it is: Barotrauma is a situation in which there is the sensation of a plugged ear, headache or dizziness due to the pressure difference between the ear canal and the external environment, this situation being common in high altitude environments or during a plane trip, ...
What it is: Digital clubbing, formerly known as digital clubbing, is characterized by swelling of the fingertips and changes in the nail, such as enlargement of the nail, increased angle between the cuticles and the nail, downward curvature of the nail and softening of the nails. nails that can ...
Here we indicate 5 great protein bar recipes that can be consumed in mid-morning or afternoon snacks, or in pre or post workout because they provide energy and contain proteins that help increase muscle mass. See how to prepare the best recipes
The cold bath helps to increase the mood and mood, in addition to helping to relieve muscle strength. Discover other benefits of the cold bath