
Itching in the intimate area, especially in the scrotum, is a relatively common symptom. However, when this itchiness is very intense it can be a first sign of a more serious problem. See the main causes and what to do in each case
Cholestyramine is a cholesterol-lowering drug known commercially as Questran Light. This medicine for oral use, acts on the intestine transforming cholesterol into bile acids, thus decreasing the concentration of fat in the blood. Indications of Cholestyramine Cholesterol ...
Collagenase is an ointment used to treat ulcers and bedsores, to promote healing. Here's how to use it correctly.
Having high cholesterol in pregnancy is a normal situation, as at this stage an increase of about 60% of total cholesterol is expected. Cholesterol levels start to rise at 16 weeks of gestation and by 30 weeks, it can be 50 or 60% higher than before pregnancy. But if the ...
What it is: Colchicine is an anti-inflammatory medication, used to treat or prevent acute gout attacks, according to the medical indication. This medicine can be purchased in pharmacies, upon presentation of a prescription, for a price ranging between 20 to 60 reais, ...
Choline (Enterofigon) is a medication composed of choline citrate and methionine, which is used to supplement these amino acids in the body. This remedy, produced by the Hertz laboratory, is sold in cartridges containing 3, 12, 24 or 60 10 ml flaconettes in the peach and ...
Colírio Moura Brasil is an antiseptic, astringent and sedative solution, used as an artificial tear to relieve eye irritation and remove redness. The active ingredient in this medicine is naphazoline hydrochloride. Colírio Moura Brasil is produced by the laboratory ...


Colonac is a laxative medication that has Lactulose as its active substance. This medicine for oral use is indicated for individuals suffering from constipation, since its action moisturizes the stool and decreases the concentration of ammonia in the blood, causing the feces to be expelled ...
Lacrima plus eye drops are a type of moisturizing eye drops that can be used to relieve symptoms of irritation and dryness in the eyes due to prolonged exposure to the wind, for example. Lacrima plus eye drops are produced by Alcon laboratories and can be purchased at pharmacies ...
Collagenosis, known as collagen disease, is caused by a group of autoimmune diseases that causes symptoms such as weakness and skin damage. Understand the main causes, how to identify and treatment options
Timolol is a medicine that has the active principle of Timolol maleate, used in the treatment of glaucoma because it helps to reduce pressure in the eyes. Timolol is a drug produced by the pharmaceutical laboratory Cristália, also existing in generic form. What does O ...
Cholesteatoma is the abnormal growth of skin inside the ear canal that can cause serious complications. Understand what cholesteatoma is, symptoms, causes and how treatment should be
Itchy penis is usually a symptom of allergy or poor hygiene. But it can also indicate candidiasis or lice. See all causes and how to treat
Collagen is important for strengthening skin, nails and hair, but it is also very important for strengthening joints and even helping with wound healing. Better understand what collagen is, what the main types are and how to use
Cholesterol can increase in women during periods such as pregnancy and menopause, due to hormonal changes. Learn to identify in the exam and how to normalize.
What it is: Sclerosing cholangitis is a rare disease more common in men characterized by liver involvement due to inflammation and fibrosis caused by narrowing of the channels through which bile passes, which is a fundamental substance for the digestive process. This situation...
Good cholesterol is HDL, which must have high blood values ​​to prevent disease. Learn the care with food and other tips on what to do.
A great solution to eliminate wrinkles around the mouth is to fill it with hyaluronic acid in a dermatology clinic. This treatment promotes a renewal of all the tissue around the mouth, lasting about 9 months, needing a touch-up after that period.
Colikids is a probiotic that acts in the intestine, fighting harmful bacteria, which helps against diarrhea and excess gas. See how to take
Conjunctivitis is an inflammation in the eyes that is usually treated with the use of eye drops indicated by the doctor. Find out which eye drops are best for every type of conjunctivitis and how to put them in the eye to ensure faster recovery
To lower cholesterol and maintain adequate levels for health, it is recommended to lose weight, exercise and control food. Check out tips
Ulcerative colitis is an inflammatory bowel disease, which causes a lot of discomfort and has no cure, but it can be controlled through good nutrition and the correct treatment indicated by the doctor. know more
Cat's eye syndrome is caused by a mutation in the eye, which can pass from parents to children, and which alters the shape of the pupil.
Bad cholesterol is LDL, and should not be increased, as it increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases, such as heart attack and stroke. Learn why it increases.
Each type of cholesterol must be in an amount appropriate for health. Understand what the recommended values ​​are and what to do if it is high.
What it is: Total cholesterol is considered outside normal limits when it is equal to or greater than 190 mg / dL and / or when good cholesterol (HDL) is below 40 mg / dL, for men and women. High cholesterol causes fat to be deposited on the walls of blood vessels and, over time, ...
Colostrum is the first milk a woman produces during pregnancy and the first days of breastfeeding. It is extremely rich in nutrients and has everything the baby needs in a minimal amount, enough to fit in the baby's small stomach. Learn more about colostrum and its composition.
Colpitis is an inflammation of the vagina and cervix caused by bacteria that generates symptoms such as whitish vaginal discharge, similar to milk.
Pseudomembranous colitis is an inflammation of the intestine that can arise in some people who are being treated with some types of antibiotics. Better understand why it happens, what symptoms may appear and treatment options
Colitis is an inflammation of the intestine characterized by alternating periods of diarrhea and constipation and abdominal pain. See what are the types of colitis and the main symptoms.
VLDL is considered a bad cholesterol, because its high levels in the blood lead to the accumulation of fat in the vessels, favoring cardiovascular diseases, such as infarction, for example. Understand what VLDL cholesterol is and reference values.
Good cholesterol is HDL, which must be kept high, as it indicates a lower risk of diseases, such as heart attack and stroke. Know the normal values ​​and how to increase.
Find out the best strategies to combat sagging body and stay on top.
Jet lag arises mainly after trips between countries in which there is a different time zone. Understand what jet lag is, main symptoms and how to fight
Check out the best natural and industrialized products to end dandruff and control oiliness on the scalp quickly and effectively.


Colostrum is a food supplement that promotes the development of antibodies, protecting the body, stomach and intestine. This supplement seeks to be similar to the pregnant woman's colostrum, as it has anti-inflammatory substances, antimicrobials and properties that help in the defense of ...