
PRK surgery is used to correct vision problems such as myopia, hyperopia and astigmatism. See prices, post-operative care for faster recovery
Plastic surgery is indicated to correct the scar left by wounds or previous surgery, improving its appearance. Find out how it is done, who can do it and how the recovery looks
The Naboth cyst is a small lump that forms on the surface of the cervix due to the accumulation of mucus released by the Naboth glands that are in the cervix. These cysts are formed when the mucus-producing glands are covered by a cell type similar to that of the skin, ...
A Gartner cyst is a lump that appears in the vagina and can cause symptoms such as pain during intimate contact and discomfort in the region. Understand why it appears, what are the associated symptoms and how the treatment is done
The vaginal cyst is a small pocket of air, liquid or pus that develops in the lining of the inside of the vagina, which can cause pain or discomfort during intimate contact or when using a tampon. See what other symptoms may appear, what are the most common types of cyst and how to treat it.
There are three main types of breast cysts, one of which is at risk of becoming cancer. See what and what to do.
Clobazam, also marketed under the names of Frisium or Urbanil, is a tranquilizer, used to treat anxiety. Frisium can be purchased in pharmacies in the form of pills. Price of Frisium The price of Frisium varies between 12 and 23 reais. Indications of Frisium Frisium ...
Clofazimine is an antibacterial medication, for oral use that acts against the bacterium Mycobacterium leprae, which causes leprosy. Indications for Clofazimine Leprosy (leprosy). Side Effects of Clofazimine Alteration of skin pigmentation; increased liver size; enteritis;...
Psorex is an anti-inflammatory, topical and capillary glucocorticoid, which relieves itching and reduces the swelling of the skin and hair lesions that are characteristic of psoriasis. This medication is generic and can be found in pharmacies with the names of Psorex Capilar; Clob-X; Clobesol; ...
Clodronate is the active ingredient in the medicine known as Ostac or Bonefós, which is used to prevent the reabsorption of calcium by bones in problems such as myeloma or tumors with metastases. This medication can be used orally or in injections and should only be used by prescription ...
Find out everything you need about thyroid surgery, its types, how it is done, what is the recovery like, how to live without thyroid, the symptoms that can arise and when to take medication.
Anafranil is an antidepressant for oral use, which acts on the central nervous system by increasing the concentration of serotonin. This medication is generic and can be found in pharmacies with the names of Anafranil SR; Clo; Clomipran; Fenatil. Indications Mental depression; chronic pain;...
The cyst usually arises from birth, and is not a serious problem. However, treatment is necessary in some cases. Understand which ones.
The cyst in the liver is usually not serious and is not a sign of cancer, however, in some cases, it can be dangerous. Know when that happens.
This cyst is a type of lump that usually appears at the end of the spine, just above the buttocks, composed of embryonic remains and hair. It is more common in men and should be treated with surgery. See how to identify and how is the treatment
Chlorambucil is an antineoplastic medication known commercially as Leukeran. This oral medicine is indicated for the treatment of cancer since its action prevents the proliferation of tumor cells to other organs of the human body, further complicating the disease.
Appendicitis surgery, known as appendectomy, is usually done right after the diagnosis of appendicitis, lasting 30 to 60 minutes. Find out what appendectomy consists of, how recovery is performed and what the risks are
Dentigerous cyst is one of the most frequent cysts in dentistry, it is not severe and usually has no symptoms. Learn more about the dentigerous cyst and how it is treated.
The arachnoid cyst is a bag of fluid normally located in the brain, which can be congenital or acquired. See the causes and how to treat.
The unilocular cyst is a type of cyst that appears more frequently in the ovary of women who are in the post-menopausal period and, normally, it does not present risk or cause symptom. Learn more about unilocular cyst, how to identify and how treatment is done
Chlordiazepoxide is an anxiolytic drug with a tranquilizing action that works by depressing the central nervous system, being widely used in the treatment of anxiety problems, for example. Chlordiazepoxide can be purchased, with a prescription, in conventional pharmacies with the name ...
Belly pain, delayed menstruation and difficulty getting pregnant are some symptoms of hemorrhagic cyst. Find out what it can cause and how to treat it.
Tranxilene is an oral medication with a tranquilizing action that has chlorazepate as its active ingredient. This substance acts by depressing the central nervous system by facilitating the action of gamma aminobutyric acid GABA, which is a neurotransmitter that acts as an inhibitor of the system ...
Amiodarone hydrochloride is the main compound in Atlazil, a drug used to fight cardiac arrhythmias, which is properly regulated by the FDA. Indications Atrial flutter, cardiac arrhythmia, atrial fibrillation. Contraindications Pregnancy, lactation, knot disease ...
Cytomegalovirus in the baby is a serious condition that can lead to serious brain complications including deafness and microcephaly.


Citoneurin is indicated for the treatment of diseases such as fibromyalgia or carpal tunnel syndrome.
The muscle relaxant Cyclobenzaprine Hydrochloride can be indicated for back pain, contractures, fibromyalgia and other pains. See how to use, its effects and contraindications
Buprenorphine hydrochloride is an analgesic medication widely used in the treatment of moderate and severe pain after surgery, infarction or caused by terminal illnesses, for example. Buprenorphine hydrochloride can be purchased from conventional pharmacies under the trade name Temgesic ...
Duloxetine hydrochloride is the active ingredient of the drug sold as Cymbalta, which increases the amount of serotonin and norepinephrine in the body and regulates the pain threshold, and can be used in case of major depression and fibromyalgia. Indications of Duloxetine Hydrochloride ...
The cyst in the eye is usually not a sign of severity and disappears over time, but if it increases or impairs vision, it is important to consult an ophthalmologist to make the diagnosis and establish treatment. See what are the main causes of cyst in the eye and what ...
Ranitidine hydrochloride sold under the name Ranidin is a medicine that helps control the symptoms of peptic ulcer and other stomach discomfort. Duodenal, gastric, post-operative ulcer, reflux esophagitis, Zollinger-Ellison syndrome, dyspepsia, decreased ...
Clordox is an antibiotic indicated to treat several diseases such as lice or tick fever, smallpox, typhoid fever or pneumonia for example.
The cyst on the head is usually formed during pregnancy, has no symptoms and is not severe. Once identified, it must be accompanied by a doctor to monitor the development of the cyst. Find out what are the main types of cyst on the head and how to treat
Chlamydia usually has no symptoms, but it has serious health consequences, making pregnancy and In Vitro Fertilization impossible. Understand why this happens and how to know if you have chlamydia
Cladribine is a chemotherapy drug that can be used to treat hairy cell leukemia. See what side effects.
Chlorpropamide is a medicine used to control blood sugar in the case of type 2 diabetes. However, the medicine has better results in the case of a balanced diet and exercise. This medicine should only be used as directed by the doctor and can be found in ...


Climene is a medication indicated for women, for Hormone Replacement Therapy in order to relieve the symptoms of menopause and prevent osteoporosis.
Chlortetracycline is the active substance in an ocular antibacterial medication. This medicine for ophthalmic use is indicated for infection in the eyes, once its action has an effect on the ribosomes of bacteria inhibiting protein synthesis, soon the bacteria end up weakened and ...