
Claustrophobia corresponds to the fear of staying indoors or with little air circulation, leading to an increase in heart rate, excessive sweating and shortness of breath. Learn more about claustrophobia or how treatment is done.
Clindoxyl is an antibiotic gel, consisting of clindamycin and benzoyl peroxide, which eliminates the bacteria responsible for acne, also helping to treat blackheads and pustules. This gel can be purchased at conventional pharmacies, with a prescription prescription from a ...
Clenbuterol is a bronchodilator and expectorant substance widely used in the treatment of respiratory problems, such as asthma and bronchitis.


Cloxazolam is an anxiolytic medicine widely used in the treatment of anxiety, fear and sleep disorders. Cloxazolam can be purchased from the conventional pharmacy under the brand name Clozal, Elum or Olcadil, in the form of tablets with 1, 2 or 4 mg per tablet. Price of ...


Cobactin is a medication that uses cyproepatin and vitamin B12 as an active ingredient. It is an antiallergic and appetite stimulant. Indications Lack of appetite, allergy. Side effects Dry mouth; constipation; somnolence; dizziness. Contraindications Pregnancy risk B; ...


Enzicoba is a vitamin supplement of cobalamin (vitamin B12). This substance has the power to intervene in the body's cells as an anabolic, but without the drawbacks of steroids. It is often used by athletes because it does not pose any health risks. Indications States ...
The glycerin enema is a medicine applied directly to the intestine with properties to lubricate the intestine, to help eliminate feces, in case of constipation or to perform intestinal exams. Learn how to use.


Cobavital is a remedy used to stimulate the appetite that contains in its composition cobamamide, or vitamin B12, and cyproheptadine hydrochloride. Cobavital can be found in the form of a tablet in a box with 16 units and in 100 ml syrup. This medicine is produced by the Laboratory ...
Clofibrate is a medicine used in cases of high cholesterol and triglyceride levels, which must be taken during meals, to help regulate the levels of VLDL, LDL and triglycerides in the blood. This medicine can be purchased in conventional pharmacies in the form of ...
Clindamycin is an antibiotic indicated for the treatment of various infections caused by bacteria. See what it is for, what is the dosage and what are the side effects of this medication
Clonazepam is used to control epileptic seizures, anxiety, mood disorders or depression and is available as tablets or oral solution as directed by a doctor. See more and learn why you should never take it without a doctor's recommendation
What it is: Clomid is a medication with clomiphene in the composition, indicated for the treatment of female infertility, in women who are unable to ovulate. Other causes of infertility must be excluded or treated appropriately before treatment with clomiphene. This remedy ...
Coenzyme Q10, also known as Vinocard Q10 is a remedy that serves to treat deficiencies in Coenzyme Q10, which are often sometimes associated with heart disease or lung disease for example. Coenzyme Q10 is a powerful oxidant that helps maintain the health of the ...
Chlamydia is a sexually transmitted disease that can cause symptoms such as altered vaginal discharge and burning when urinating. See how transmission occurs and how diagnosis and treatment are made
The ovarian cyst causes pelvic pain, menstrual delay, weight gain and difficulty getting pregnant. Treatment may include medication or surgery.
Atensin has clonidine in its composition, which is a drug indicated for the treatment of high blood pressure. Find out how to use it, the most common mechanism of action and side effects
Chloramphenicol is an antibiotic used to treat various infections caused by bacteria. Learn how to use it and its effects.
Clopixol is a medicine used to relieve symptoms of psychosis, such as agitation and excessive restlessness. See the doses and how to take.
The sebaceous cyst is a type of lump that appears on the skin, which moves when it is touched or pressed and does not cause pain. See how to identify and treat at home.
Magnesium chloride should be diluted in 1 liter of water and taken daily. Know in what situations it is indicated and the precautions to take.


Lidocaine is a local anesthetic and lubricant in gel or spray indicated to facilitate medical procedures such as cystoscopy or endoscopy.
Dopamine hydrochloride is an injectable medicine, indicated in states of circulatory shock, such as cardiogenic shock, post-infarction, septic shock, anaphylactic shock and hydrosaline retention of varying etiology. know more
Donepezil Hydrochloride is a drug indicated for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease, which must be taken under medical guidance. See how to use, who should not use and what side effects


Codaten is an oral medication that has Codeine as its active ingredient. This medication is an analgesic that acts on the central nervous system inhibiting the arrival of painful impulses, thus reducing any type of pain that the individual is experiencing. Indications of Codaten Dor ...
Chlorela is a freshwater microalgae and, to obtain its benefits, it must be consumed as a supplement daily. See its benefits and how to consume.
Zyban has bupropion hydrochloride in its composition, which is a substance that can be used in depression or to stop smoking. See how to take and what side effects.
Plavix is ​​an antithrombotic used to treat patients with heart disease to prevent clots from forming. Here's how to take it.
Chlortalidone is an oral medicine used to treat high blood pressure, heart failure and swelling and to prevent the formation of calcium stones due to its diuretic and antihypertensive power. Chlortalidone can be found in pharmacies under the trade name Higroton, ...
Chlorhexidine is a substance with antimicrobial action, effective in controlling the proliferation of bacteria on the skin and mucous membranes, being a product widely used as an antiseptic to prevent infections. Know what situations it is used for


Clozapine is a drug indicated for the treatment of schizophrenia, Parkinson's disease and schizoaffective disorder.
Chloroquine diphosphate is a drug indicated for the treatment of malaria caused by Plasmodium vivax, Plasmodium malariae and Plasmodium ovale, liver amebiasis, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus and diseases that cause sensitivity of the eyes to light. This medicine can be purchased in ...
It serves to help eliminate sputum through tablets or oral solution.
Levitra is a medicine that contains vardenafil hydrochloride in its composition, a substance that allows the relaxation of spongy bodies in the penis and facilitates the entry of blood, allowing a more satisfactory erection. This medicine can be purchased in conventional pharmacies, with ...
Coartem 20/120 is an antimalarial remedy that contains artemether and lumefantrine, substances that help eliminate malaria parasites from the body, being available in dispersible and coated tablets, recommended for the treatment of children and adults respectively, with a ...
Metoclopramide is a drug indicated to combat nausea and vomiting, which should be used under medical advice, in case of gastroenteritis or after surgery, for example. See how to use and what are the most common side effects
Clotrimazole, known commercially as Canesten, is a remedy used to treat candidiasis and ringworm of the skin, foot or nail, as it penetrates the affected layers, dying or inhibiting the growth of fungi. Clotrimazole can be purchased in pharmacies in the form of cream ...
Codeine is a potent analgesic, from the Morphine family, used for pain relief and dry cough, which is available in tablets or syrup. Learn how to use and what side effects
Withdrawal is the oldest method to prevent pregnancy and is generally not indicated by the doctor. Understand if it is a safe method, what are the risks, what are the chances of getting pregnant and when can it be a good option
The use of the amber necklace to reduce colic and discomfort caused by the birth of teeth in babies is not recommended by pediatricians due to the lack of scientific evidence of its functioning and effect, in addition to putting the child's life at risk. Find out what are the ...