One of the main tips to be able to control high blood pressure is to reduce your salt intake, since salt is rich in sodium, a mineral that, although essential for life, when consumed in excess causes an increase in blood pressure, increasing the risk of serious cardiovascular problems, ...
To quickly control tachycardia, better known as a fast heart, it is advisable to take a deep breath for 3 to 5 minutes or put a cold water compress on the face, as this helps to control the heartbeat. See some techniques, remedies and natural treatment for ...
To increase breasts naturally, without surgery, there are exercises, food and other techniques. Check all options
To develop the sense of rhythm and balance in babies, parents can do some activities such as: Place the baby sitting on his lap or lying on his back on his knees and rocking him from side to side always holding the baby firmly so that he feels safe; Lay the baby down ...
Attaching and removing contact lenses from the eyes is an easy process, especially if it is done by following some recommended steps. Know the step by step.
In menopause, the skin changes and tends to become less hydrated and more flaccid, with a greater tendency to wrinkles due to the decrease of about 30% of collagen, caused by the low production of estrogens in the woman's ovary. And that is why at this stage daily care is so ...
Anger attacks most of the time seem to happen for no reason. See how to control the attack right now and what to do to make it happen again
Exercises to thicken the voice should only be performed if there is a need. It is important for the person to reflect on whether he needs to have a lower voice, as he may not agree with the person or even hurt him, as some people may try to force their voice too much or shout. These...
After getting a tattoo it is very important to take care of the skin, not only to avoid a possible infection, but also to ensure that the design is well defined and the colors remain for many years. See what you should do and what you cannot do
Treatment for Zollinger-Ellison syndrome is usually started with daily intake of drugs to reduce the amount of acid in the stomach, such as Omeprazole, Esomeprazole or Pantoprazole, as tumors in the pancreas, called gastrinomas, stimulate acid production, ...
To reduce the risk of heart disease, it is recommended to follow some simple tips such as quitting smoking, eating properly and controlling diseases such as hypertension and diabetes because there is less fat accumulated in the body and inside the arteries and a lower risk of heart disease. .
Know exactly what to do before bed, when you wake up and when you get out of bed to have a day full of energy and good mood.
Discoloration is recommended to be done in a beauty salon, however it can also be done at home with the use of bleach and hydrogen peroxide. Learn how to bleach your hair at home and what to do after bleaching.
To cure the throat infection in the baby the pediatrician can prescribe remedies like Paracetamol, Ibuprofen or Amoxicillin, for example. However, homemade measures such as washing the nose, giving plenty of water or offering soft foods can also be used. Check out other tips to end the pain ...
Orthognathic surgery is the procedure performed in order to correct the position of the jaw, improving the person's quality of life. Understand what orthognathic surgery is and how it is done
To cure constipation, you must make some lifestyle changes, such as eating more fiber-rich foods, drinking lots of fluids, consuming more foods rich in good fats, and exercising regularly. See a technique for going to the bathroom with ...
The pregnancy of a diabetic woman requires a very strict control of blood sugar levels during the 9 months of pregnancy to avoid possible complications. See what is recommended to do and what the consequences of uncontrolled diabetes
Intestinal polyps must be removed to prevent them from becoming cancer and, therefore, it is very common for the doctor to remove them even during colonoscopy with a small loop that is attached to the colonoscopy device and that cuts the polyp by base. However,...
This is a good solution to cure baldness in men and women, which uses hair from another location on the head to disguise the most empty areas.
Treatment for bone cancer can include surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy or a combination of therapies to remove the tumor.
The care and treatment of phenylketonuria in the baby should be guided by the pediatrician, but the main care is to avoid foods rich in phenylalanine, which are mainly foods rich in protein. In addition, exclusive breastfeeding must also be well oriented by ...
Recovery from bariatric surgery can take between 6 months to 1 year and the patient can lose between 10% and 40% of the initial weight during this period, being faster in the first months of recovery. During the first month after bariatric surgery, it is normal for the patient to have pain ...
Premature babies start feeding at the hospital, which can be given by vein, tube or directly from the mother's breast, depending on their health status. Premature babies do not yet have a mature intestine and many are unable to breastfeed because they do not yet know how to suck and swallow, and ...
Color blindness tests help to identify the risk of someone having color blindness, as the diagnosis must always be confirmed by a doctor. See which exams are most used in adults and children
Donating breast milk saves countless lives. In order to express the milk correctly, breast milk must be removed and stored in a sterilized and frozen glass container for up to 10 days. Know all the details to donate breast milk
The best way to get pregnant with someone who has had a vasectomy is to have unprotected intercourse up to 3 months after the surgical procedure, as during this period some sperm may still come out during ejaculation, increasing the chances of pregnancy. After this period, the ...
Vaginal infection is a disease of the reproductive system that generates unpleasant symptoms and must always be treated appropriately to avoid its possible complications. How to prevent vaginal infection Keep the intimate area ventilated. Avoid wearing protective underwear and clothes too ...
To teach your child to pee on the potty or toilet, and thus stop using diapers, it is advisable to take her to pee at the following times of the day, every day: When she wakes up in the morning; When you wake up from the afternoon sleep; Before going to bed to sleep. The ideal age for ...
Caring for the person who has Alzheimer's, besides helping to maintain comfort, is also very important to delay the progress of the disease. See the 10 essential cares that you should pay attention to if you are caring for someone with Alzheimer's
Holding your hand or under your armpit and letting your baby walk sideways on the couch are simple strategies that help you get started. See other tips