


Donaren is an antidepressant remedy that helps to reduce the symptoms of the disease such as frequent crying and constant sadness. This remedy acts on the central nervous system and can also be used to control aggression in patients with autism or mental retardation. Donaren has how it is composed ...
CRION is a rare disease that causes inflammation of the eye nerve, causing severe eye pain and progressive loss of vision. Its diagnosis is defined by the ophthalmologist when these symptoms are not accompanied by other diseases, such as sarcoidosis, for example, that can ...
During menopause some diseases such as cysts, polyps or even cancer can arise because the hormonal changes characteristic of this phase facilitate their development or installation. Doing hormone replacement naturally, or with the use of medications, is a ...
Growth pain causes pain in the leg, near the knee, in the child or adolescent. See exercises and other ways to fight pain.


Donnagel is a medicine that has Metronidazole as its active ingredient. This medication is an antibacterial used topically, which is highly effective in the treatment of gynecological infections. The active substance in Donnagel interferes with the DNA of bacteria and protozoa ...
Cardiovascular diseases are a set of problems that affect the heart and blood vessels, causing illness and serious complications to the person's health, such as infarction, heart failure, arrhythmias, stroke or other types of changes in blood circulation.
Psychosomatic illnesses have emotional causes. Feelings such as anger, anxiety, distress, fear or a desire for revenge can produce real symptoms such as pain, shortness of breath, tremors and brain changes. Check the list of the most common
Some causes of infetility are varicocele, endometriosis, infections and obesity. See other causes, and learn how to diagnose and treat infertility.


Domperix is ​​a medication indicated to treat stomach and digestion problems, such as gastric emptying, gastroesophageal reflux and esophagitis.
Donovanosis is an infectious disease caused by Klebsiella granulomatis, which leads to the appearance of wounds or lumps in the genital region. The wounds do not hurt and are bright red and can appear up to 6 months after being contaminated
Donila duo

Donila duo

Donila Duo is a medicine that helps to treat the symptoms of memory loss in patients with Alzheimer's disease, due to its therapeutic action that increases the concentration of acetylcholine, an important neurotransmitter that keeps the memory and learning mechanisms healthy. O...
Diseases such as chickenpox, viruses or otitis are some of the diseases that arise in the baby, and that terrify any mother. See this complete disease guide.
This type of adhesive is used to apply on the skin in places with pain and inflammation in cases of muscle pain, cramping or torticollis for example.
Doril is an analgesic and antipyretic remedy that contains acetylsalicylic acid, paracetamol and caffeine in its composition, and is therefore capable of quickly relieving various types of pain, such as headache and muscle, as well as fever in cases of flu, for example. Doril can be ...
Domperidone is a medication used to combat heartburn, poor digestion, nausea and vomiting in adults and children. See how to take, when to use and what are the possible side effects
Autoimmune diseases are those in which the cells of the immune system begin to attack healthy cells in the body itself, resulting in diseases such as lupus, rheumatoid arthritis and multiple sclerosis, for example. Know the main autoimmune diseases, symptoms and treatment
To combat headache in menopause it is possible to resort to taking medications such as Migral, but there are also natural options such as drinking 1 cup of coffee or sage tea when the pain appears. However, to prevent the headache from appearing there are some food tricks ...
Headache that arises during or shortly after sex can be a disease. Know when to go to the doctor and how treatment is done
Ear pain in the baby can cause symptoms such as irritability, poor appetite and fever. Know how to identify, how to treat and what home remedy to use.


Dysthymia, also called bad mood disease, is a type of chronic depression where the individual has symptoms of mild depression on most days for at least 2 years, and it is difficult for the individual to say what led to this state depressive. This disease can be ...
What it is: Dorflex is a remedy indicated for the relief of pain associated with muscular contractures, including tension headache. This medicine has in its composition dipyrone, orphenadrine, which exert an analgesic and muscle relaxing action. In addition, it also contains caffeine, ...
Dorilen is indicated to reduce fever and pain in general, including pain caused by colic, and can be taken as a pill, drops or injection
Dornase alfa is a respiratory inhalant widely used in the treatment of cystic fibrosis, as it reduces the viscosity of the secretion, improving lung function and reducing the number of lung infections. Dornase alfa is produced by Roche laboratories and can be purchased in ...
The pain of appendicitis happens on the right side of the abdomen, is strong, constant and is usually accompanied by other symptoms, such as nausea, fever and loss of appetite, for example. Learn more about appendicitis pain and what to do.
Sleeping poorly can be one of the main causes of impotence in men, even when sleeping pills, such as Rivotril or Diazepam are used, as the quality of sleep is the most important, and can cause hormonal changes that affect sexual performance. That way, men who ...
Hormone regulation and free radical scavenging are sleep effects that promote weight loss. Learn others.
Pain in a man's breast is usually not a sign of cancer, and can be caused by blows or problems such as mastitis, cyst and gynecomastia. see more
Scapular pain can be caused by changes and diseases such as muscle damage, fibromyalgia, winged scapula and bursitis that can be caused by excessive physical activity, trauma or fracture. Check out more about other causes of scapular pain and what to do
Whenever there is pain in the heart, it is immediately associated with a heart attack. But this is not always true. Heart pain has other causes and can be associated with different symptoms, such as tingling, dizziness and nausea. Know what can be and what to do when you feel this pain
Gum pain can be caused by poor oral hygiene or diseases such as gingivitis or thrush. Here's what to do to treat the pain.
Dostinex is a medicine that inhibits milk production and that deals with health problems related to increased production of the hormone responsible for milk production. Dostinex is a remedy composed of Cabergoline, a compound responsible for inhibiting the hormone responsible for ...


Doxylamine succinate is an antiallergic, which has a strong sedative effect. Doxylamine is effective in reducing the onset of sleep as well as increasing its duration. Doxylamine can be found in medicines with the name Silencium®, Hitós plus®. In the form of syrup or ...