
Doxorubicin is the active substance in an antineoplastic medication known commercially as Adriblastina RD. This injectable drug is indicated for the treatment of several types of cancer, since it acts by altering cellular functioning, preventing the proliferation of ...


Drenol is an oral medication that has Hydrochlorothiazide as its active ingredient. This medication is a diuretic and an antihypertensive, which acts by interfering with the absorption of sodium by the kidneys and decreases the resistance of blood vessels. Indications for Drenol Edema (associated with ...
Vaginal pain can have several meanings, from urinary tract infections to the presence of ovarian cysts. This pain is common among women, but must be observed and monitored by a gynecologist. Find out what are the main causes of pain in the vagina.
Dropropizine is the substance found in the oral medicine known as Vibral, an antitussive that acts on the respiratory tract. This medicine can also be found in pharmacies under the names of Ecos, Eritós or Tussiflex-D. Indications Non-productive cough Side Effects ...


Dualgan is a medicine that has the active substance Etodolac. This medication for oral use is indicated for the treatment of bone and muscle diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. Individuals with heart problems should seek medical advice before administering ...


Dualid is an anorexigenic drug that has the active ingredient of Amfepramone. This medicine for oral use inhibits appetite, being indicated for the treatment of obesity, but to result in weight loss the medicine must be combined with diets, physical exercises and changes in ...
Tongue pain, known scientifically as glossalgia, is usually caused by visible changes such as wounds or infections. However, pain can also arise due to problems that are more difficult to identify and require treatment. That way, whenever the tongue pain ...
Penile pain is uncommon, but when it does appear, it is generally not an alarm signal, arising mainly after a blow to the area. However, it can also indicate a more serious condition, such as infection or inflammation of the prostate. See how to identify each cause and what to do in ...
Precordial pain is chest pain in the area in front of the heart and is usually not considered severe, since it disappears after a few seconds. Understand what precordial pain is, symptoms and main causes
Neck pain is a common problem that is usually related to muscle tension caused by situations such as excessive stress. However, it can also indicate more serious conditions such as herniated discs or infections, for example. Check out the 8 most common causes and what ...
A doula helps to make childbirth as humanized as possible, reducing the pain and insecurities of the pregnant woman. But care is needed.


Ebastel is an oral antihistamine remedy used to treat allergic rhinitis and chronic urticaria. Ebastine is the active ingredient in this medication that works by preventing the effects of histamine, a substance that causes allergy symptoms in the body. Ebastel is ...
Doxazosin is a drug that can be used to treat high blood pressure or relieve symptoms of benign prostatic hypertrophy.
Doxycycline is an antibiotic indicated to treat diseases caused by microorganisms sensitive to doxycycline such as typhoid fever, smallpox or syphilis.
Dramin is a drug indicated to combat nausea and vomiting and is available in tablets and drops. See how to use and what side effects
Dramin B6 is a medicine used to prevent and treat the symptoms of feeling sick, dizzy and vomiting. Know in what situations it can be used, what dosage and most common side effects


Econazol is a topical medication used to treat infections caused by fungi, such as athlete's foot or ringworm, causing changes in the structure of the fungus that weaken it, eventually being eliminated from the body. Econazol can be purchased under the names Limpele or ...
Although it does not eliminate fat cells, lymphatic drainage is excellent for eliminating excess fluids, reducing measures, and as a complementary form of aesthetic treatment, being a protocol that has excellent results


Ecovein is a nutritional supplement used to improve blood circulation, as is the case with venous insufficiency that causes strokes, swelling and the sensation of heavy legs. This remedy is a natural formula containing fresh fluid extracts from medicinal plants such as Brazil nut ...
Drenison is an anti-inflammatory that has the active ingredient Fludroxycortide, topical and very effective in the treatment of various skin problems. Learn how to use and the most common side effects


Ephedrine is a vasoconstrictor remedy that helps to constrict blood vessels in the body, increasing blood pressure in cases of sudden drop in blood pressure. Ephedrine cannot be purchased in conventional pharmacies, as it can only be used in the hospital under guidance ...
DTN-fol is a remedy that contains folic acid and vitamin E and, therefore, is widely used before and during pregnancy to supplement women with ideal levels of folic acid. See how to take correctly and what are the possible side effects


Dulcolax is used in constipation, preparation for colonoscopy or after surgery and is used in tablets or suppository.
What it is: Cymbalta contains duloxetine in its composition, which is indicated for the treatment of major depressive disorder, diabetic peripheral neuropathic pain, fibromyalgia in patients with or without major depressive disorder, chronic pain states associated with chronic low back pain or .. .
Dutasteride treats benign prostatic hyperplasia and is also useful for treating baldness. Find out how it works, price and for whom it is indicated.
Mirena is an intrauterine system that releases hormones, indicated to prevent pregnancy. Clarify all doubts about this contraceptive method.
Echinacea in capsules is good for fighting the flu, cold and strengthening the immune system. See more directions and how to take.
Human contagious ectima is a skin infection, caused by streptococcus-like bacteria, which causes small, deep, painful wounds to appear on the skin, especially in people who live in hot and humid environments or who do not have proper hygiene. There is yet another ...
Eculizumab (Soliris) is a monoclonal antibody used to combat nocturnal paroxysmal hemoglobinuria. Know the price, effects and contraindications
Glottis edema is a medical emergency that can arise during a severe allergic reaction, producing symptoms such as a sensation of a lump in the throat and difficulty breathing. See what to do in this situation, what symptoms to watch out for and how treatment is done


Efavirenz is the generic name of the remedy known commercially as Stocrin, an antiretroviral drug used to treat AIDS in adults, adolescents and children over the age of 3 years, which prevents the HIV virus from multiplying and reduces the weakness of the immune system. O...
Know what to do if the baby chokes, how to give bananas and other soft fruits, in addition to other common doubts at this stage.


Elocom is a topical anti-inflammatory drug that has Mometasone as its active substance. This topical drug is indicated for the treatment of psoriasis, relieving itching and edema. Indications of Elocom (What is it for) Atopic dermatitis; psoriasis. Price of Elocom A ...


Alpha corifolitropine is the main component of the Elonva drug from the Schering-Plow laboratory. Treatment with Elonva should be started under the supervision of a doctor who is experienced in the treatment of fertility problems (pregnancy difficulties). It is available in solution ...
Eczema is a type of skin allergy that can be treated with the use of ointments or lotions with anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic or hydrocortisone action.