
Involuntary ejaculation during sleep is common in adolescence and during periods when a man has been without sexual intercourse for many days. This is normal, but it is possible to avoid this discomfort, here's how.
This contraceptive slims and controls PMS symptoms. See how to use and its side effects.
Delayed ejaculation is an uncommon dysfunction in men in which there is no ejaculation during sexual intercourse, but which can happen with masturbation. Understand more about delayed ejaculation, symptoms, possible causes and how to treat.
Pulmonary edema, also popularly known as "water in the lung" is a serious condition that can cause symptoms such as severe shortness of breath and a feeling of drowning. Better understand what this situation is, what the symptoms are and how to treat
In electrolipolysis, small needles are inserted into the skin to eliminate localized fat and cellulite. See how it is done and results.
The caloric expenditure is practically the same, however the treadmill also benefits the bones. Check out the benefits of each one.
The yam elixir is a yellowish liquid phytotherapeutic solution that can be used to eliminate toxins from the body, although it can also be used to relieve pain caused by colic or rheumatism and facilitate digestion, for example. Popularly, this product ...
Paregoric elixir is a natural remedy used against gas and abdominal pain. See more details and the correct way to take.
Elysium is a laboratory that is developing a pill that can help combat the body's natural aging. This pill is a nutritional supplement, known as Basis, which contains Nicotinamide Riboside, a substance that was once able to make mice from ...
Retrograde ejaculation is an uncommon problem that can cause decreased or no ejaculation during orgasm. Although it can arise from several causes, it is more common after surgery on the intimate region. See the most common symptoms and treatment options
This diet is low in calories and has few fats which facilitates weight loss quickly, but in order not to slow down the metabolism which facilitates the accumulation of fats, thermogenic foods such as green tea to speed up metabolism and burn fat are included. This diet is ...
Endermoterapia works, because this non-invasive aesthetic treatment used to decrease cellulite and localized fat, promotes: Muscle relaxation; Increased blood circulation in tissues; Destruction of cellulite nodules; Destruction of fat cells; Decrease ...
L-Carnitine can lose weight because it is a substance that helps the body to transport fat to the mitochondria of cells, which are places where fat is burned and transformed into energy necessary for the functioning of the body. Thus, the use of L-Carnitine, in addition to helping ...
There are different medication options to treat diabetes, from insulin to oral antidiabetics, but all can cause some type of side effect. See the most common effects of each type and what to do on each type
Premature ejaculation occurs when a man reaches orgasm in the first seconds of intercourse. See what treatment options are available to control this problem
Weight loss is a fundamental step in the treatment of diabetes, especially in overweight people. This happens because, in order to lose weight, it is necessary to adopt healthier behaviors, such as eating a balanced diet and exercising regularly, which ends up ...
To lose weight with the moon diet, you should only drink fluids for 24 hours at each moon phase change, which occurs once a week. This diet is based on the belief that the moon influences fluids in the human body
Drainage is great for eliminating excess fluids from the body, reducing measurements, fighting cellulite and promoting better penetration of cosmetics into the skin. Check the step by step of a good manual lymphatic drainage to enjoy all its benefits
Chronic endometritis is a recurrent inflammation of the endometrium, a membrane that lines the inside of the uterus. It can be caused by sexually transmitted diseases like syphilis or chlamydia, pelvic inflammatory disease, salpingitis, injuries and damage during childbirth or abortion and by ...


Enflurane is a medicine known commercially as Etrane. This medication is an inhalation anesthetic that acts on the nerves, being widely used in surgeries. The use of Enflurane can cause a sensation of mental confusion up to 3 days after its use. Indications of ...
Emgality is an injection with galcanezumab in its composition, which has already been approved in the United States of America, for the preventive treatment of migraine in adults. This medicine, produced by Lilly laboratories, should be administered once a month, and the administration can be ...
The doctor may recommend a blood transfusion in case of deep anemia, extensive burns or in surgeries where there is a lot of blood loss. See what other diseases need transfusion and what are the possible complications
Pomegranate helps you lose weight because it contains few calories and is a super antioxidant fruit, stimulating fat burning and cellulite reduction.


Enalapril is indicated for the control of high blood pressure and heart failure and should be taken according to the guidelines given by the doctor.


Enbrel is indicated to treat rheumatism, relieving the symptoms of pain and swelling of the joints, characteristic of this disease.
Encopresis is fecal incontinence, which is common in children due to chronic constipation. Encopresis is curable, and for that the pediatrician may indicate changes in the diet, use of laxatives and psychotherapy. Know what to do
Hepatic encephalopathy is a disease characterized by brain malfunction due to liver problems such as liver failure, tumor or cirrhosis. Treatment must address the cause and include medication and diet.


Enoxaparin is a medicine known commercially as Clexane. This medication is an anti-coagulant, injectable use, which is widely used in the case of myocardial infarction. Enoxaparin prevents blood from clotting in blood vessels, increasing the safety of patients who have had surgery ...
Endermologia is a treatment to end cellulite through lymphatic massage and vacuum. It does not cause pain and the results appear in the first session.
Pulmonary embolism, also known as pulmonary thrombosis, is a serious problem that causes a lung infarction, resulting in symptoms such as pain when breathing and severe shortness of breath. See what are the causes of this problem, its consequences and how the treatment is done
Bladder endometriosis can cause symptoms such as bladder pain and frequent urge to urinate. See why this happens, what are the other signs of the disease and how is the treatment done
Emla cream is an anesthetic ointment that can be used before taking a vaccine, having to draw blood or cleaning ulcers, without pain or suffering. Know when it can be used and the necessary care.