
The dilation of the kidneys is caused by deformities, cysts or stones, and can cause serious consequences for the functioning of the kidneys. Know how.
Anti-inflammatory and omega-3 rich foods are great for getting rid of dandruff. Know what you can and cannot eat to end this disease.
It serves for the treatment and prevention of nausea and vomiting in pregnancy or during a trip and dizziness and vertigo in case of labyrinthitis in tablets.
The maximum distance that the eye can see is about 5 km, due to the curvature of the earth, making it impossible to see any object beyond the horizon. However, the human eye is able to visualize a much greater distance. Find out how and why
Originally created in Russia as an antiallergic to treat allergic rhinitis, but has been studied to treat neurodegenerative diseases. know more
Hormonal disorders can occur as a polyglandular deficiency syndrome and generally have a genetic inheritance. It is a deficiency where the endocrine glands produce smaller amounts of hormones than they should. It is common that in this syndrome, these disorders ...
Dipyrone is an analgesic, antipyretic and spasmolytic medicine, widely used in the treatment of pain and fever and can be purchased at pharmacies with the trade names Novalgina, Anador, Baralgin, Magnopyrol or Nofebrin, in the form of drops, pills, suppository or as solution...
Diplexil is indicated for the treatment of epileptic seizures, including generalized and partial, febrile convulsions in children, sleep deprivation and behavioral changes associated with the disease. This remedy has in its composition Sodium Valproate, a compound with properties ...


Diuril is a food supplement composed of algae used to eliminate excess fluids from the body, since the algae present in the formula of this supplement are able to eliminate excess water in the body. The natural medicine is produced by the DietMed laboratory and can be ...
Tensaldin is a remedy for headache, migraine and cramps. Know how to take it correctly, what are the adverse effects and when it cannot be used
Diprogenta is an anti-inflammatory and antibiotic cream or ointment that has betamethasone dipropionate and gentamicin sulfate as an active ingredient that can be used to treat skin infections caused by fungi or bacteria, which include diseases such as psoriasis, white cloth and. ..
Myotonic dystrophy is a genetic disease also known as Steinert's disease, characterized by the difficulty in relaxing the muscles after a contraction. Some individuals with this disease find it difficult to loosen a doorknob or interrupt a handshake, for example.
Diprospan is a steroid medication that reduces inflammation in the body and can be used in cases of acute or chronic diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis, bursitis, asthma or dermatitis. See how to take and what side effects
Dysautonomy is a medical term used to describe a condition that alters the heartbeat and impairs breathing control and kidney function. The main symptoms are dizziness, fainting, shortness of breath and inability to stand. Learn other symptoms, causes and ...
Disopyramide, known commercially as Dicorantil, is indicated for the treatment of heart arrhythmias that must be taken according to medical advice
Dysphagia can be described as difficulty swallowing, which is generally referred to as oropharyngeal dysphagia, or as the sensation of having food trapped between the mouth and stomach, which is generally referred to as esophageal dysphagia. Find out what causes and symptoms of each and in what ...
Frequent sadness, irritation or anguish after intercourse may indicate post-sex dysphoria, and it is recommended to seek help from a psychologist to identify the cause of this situation. Understand what post-sex dysphoria is and how to avoid it.
Cleidocranial dysplasia is a very rare genetic and hereditary malformation that can arise within the same family. Understand what it causes, what are the most common characteristics in those who have this disease and what are the most used treatment options
In the diet for kidney failure, it is necessary to control the intake of nutrients such as salt, phosphorus, potassium and protein, and in the most severe cases it is also necessary to control the consumption of fluids in general, such as water, juices and soups. Thus, these patients need to avoid ingesting ...
What it is: Dyspepsia is characterized by poor digestion, that is, slow and difficult digestion of food. It is considered a benign chronic disease and usually appears in periods of greater stress of the individual and is often related to poor diet or diet in ...


Dobutamine is a heart-stimulating medication known commercially as Dobutrex. This medicine for injectable use is indicated for the treatment of heart failure, since it acts by increasing the strength of cardiac contractions, thus improving blood flow in the ...
Diplopia, also known as double vision, is a situation in which the person sees the same object twice, it is important to consult an ophthalmologist if this condition is persistent in order to initiate the appropriate treatment. Understand what diplopia is, main causes and ...
Cervical dysplasia occurs when there is a change in the cells located inside the uterus, which can be benign or malignant.
Intestinal dysbiosis is an imbalance of intestinal bacterial flora characterized by a reduction in the absorption capacity of nutrients and, thus, lack of vitamins. Understand what is intestinal dysbiosis, main symptoms and how treatment is done


Disulfiram is a medication that helps to stop drinking, as it causes the appearance of unpleasant side effects when taken together with alcohol. Thus, Disulfiram helps in the treatment against alcoholism. Disulfiram is sold under the trade name Antiethanol by the laboratory ...
Alpers syndrome or disease is a rare disease that affects children. This congenital disease damages the central nervous system and progresses little by little leading the child not to develop properly. The symptoms of the disease can begin to be noticed in the baby's first year of life, although ...
Frigidity is a woman's difficulty or inability to maintain vaginal lubrication during sexual activity, preventing pleasure. Here's how to treat.
What it is: Becker's Muscular Dystrophy is a genetic disease that causes the gradual destruction of several voluntary muscles, that is, the muscles that we can control, such as those of the hips, shoulders, legs or arms, for example. It is usually more common in men and the first ...
What it is: Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease is a neurological and degenerative disease that affects the nerves and joints of the body, causing difficulty or inability to walk and weakness to hold objects with your hands. Often those who have this disease need to use a wheelchair ...
Batten's disease is a degenerative disease of the brain, which causes loss of the acquired capacities until the beginning of the symptoms that begin, usually to appear at around 5 years of age. Children have normal development, and until symptoms of ...
Dysmenorrhea is a very intense colic during menstruation, which prevents even women from studying and working, from 1 to 3 days, every month. Learn more symptoms, how the diagnosis is made and the treatment options that promise to end this pain.
To use the Mirena IUD correctly to prevent unwanted pregnancies it must be placed by the doctor 7 days after the start of menstruation. Learn how it works, directions, how to ask and other common questions
Degos' disease is a rare disease that affects many organs at the same time. The disease affects the skin, eyes, the central nervous system, digestive, musculoskeletal, cardiovascular and respiratory systems leading to death in a short time. The first symptoms of degos disease is the ...
Cognitive distortions are distorted ways that people have to interpret certain everyday situations, with negative consequences for their lives, causing unnecessary suffering. Know what they are and what to do
Dent's disease is a rare genetic problem that affects the kidneys, causing a greater number of proteins and minerals to be eliminated in the urine that can lead to the frequent appearance of kidney stones or other more serious problems, such as kidney failure. Generally, ...
Sperm donation is a voluntary act in which a man donates his sperm to be used by couples or women who wish to become pregnant
Diverticulosis occurs in people with a low fiber diet and constipation, which causes a weakening of the intestinal appearance. Know how.
Fabry's disease is a rare congenital syndrome that causes the abnormal accumulation of fat in blood vessels, causing the development of symptoms such as pain in the hands and feet, changes in the eyes or spots on the skin, for example. Generally, the symptoms of Fabry disease appear during ...