
Jardiance is a medicine that contains empagliflozin, a substance indicated for the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus. Learn how to use, how it works and what are the most common side effects
Weight gain in women with endometriosis is possible and may be related to hormonal changes in the problem, but also due to treatment. See what contributes to weight gain
Endometriosis in the ovary makes pregnancy difficult and indicates the presence of endometriosis in other parts of the body. Its symptoms include severe colic, pain during intimate contact and treatment can be done with medication or surgery. Find out all about endometrioma
Endometriosis is a female disease that causes a lot of discomfort in everyday life, in addition to being an important cause of infertility. Understand if it really has a cure and what treatments can be used to control the disease
Autoimmune encephalitis is an inflammation of the brain caused by the action of antibodies against cells in the body, causing symptoms such as weakness, changes in sensitivity and seizures. Find out if there is a cure and what to do to confirm and treat.
Endocarditis is the inflammation of the tissue that lines the inside of the heart, especially the heart valves. It is usually caused by an infection elsewhere in the body that spreads through the blood until it reaches the heart. See what are the main symptoms and how is the ...
To thicken the endometrium, it is necessary to undergo treatment with hormonal medications, such as estradiol and progesterone, to stimulate the growth of the endometrium. This type of treatment is indicated for women who have been diagnosed with a thin endometrium, also called endometrium ...
Intestinal endometriosis is a disease in which the endometrium grows on the wall of the intestine or rectum. The main symptoms are abdominal pain, difficulty in evacuating and blood in the stool. See other symptoms, how to confirm the diagnosis and main treatments
Endometrioma is a type of ovarian cyst that can cause infertility. Know the symptoms of this problem and how it can be treated.
Engov can be used to relieve characteristic hangover symptoms, such as headache, nausea, stomach discomfort or feeling sick, for example, caused by drinking alcoholic beverages. Here's how to take it properly
Although the probability of becoming pregnant after the age of 40 is lower, this is possible and can be safe if the woman follows all the care that the doctor recommends doing prenatal care with all the necessary tests. At that age, the woman who becomes pregnant needs to be seen by the doctor more ...
Is it possible to get pregnant when you have an unprotected relationship during menstruation? Know the chances of this happening and who may be at risk
Pulmonary emphysema is a serious respiratory disease that usually develops in the lungs of those who have smoked cigarettes for many years. The disease leads to decreased lung elasticity and destruction of the pulmonary alveoli, causing rapid breathing, coughing or difficulty in breathing ...
To help your baby speak, include him whenever possible in family conversations, because listening to people talking also helps the baby learn many words. Even though small babies can't say the words, they can understand them, so take breaks between ...
What it is: The endometrium is the tissue that lines the uterus internally and its thickness varies over the menstrual cycle according to the variation in the concentration of hormones in the bloodstream. It is in the endometrium that embryo implantation occurs, initiating pregnancy, but for ...
Enteritis is an inflammation of the intestine that can get worse and affect the stomach, causing gastroenteritis or the large intestine, causing enterocolitis.
Dolphins are normal in babies up to 7 months of age and happen because the baby swallows a lot of air during feeding or because he has a full stomach and ends up regurgitating
Epilepsy is a disease that affects the nervous system and it has a cure. If the patient is diagnosed early and the doctor prescribes the most suitable medication for him and he correctly follows his instructions, the crises may stop. Another treatment hypothesis to cure ...
It is possible to get pregnant with a condom due to mistakes that are made during its use, such as not taking air or using the wrong lubricant. See more.
The waiting time to get pregnant after an abortion curettage varies between 3 and 6 menstrual cycles, which is the time it takes the uterus to recover completely. Before this period, the endometrial tissue that lines the uterus should not be completely healed, increasing the risk of ...


Epirubicin is a medicine known commercially as Nuovodox or Tecnomax. This injectable drug is used to treat several types of cancer, reducing the tumor and the likelihood of metastasis. Indications for Epirubicin Breast cancer; lung cancer; cancer...
The fertile period is the set of days during which it is easier to get pregnant. Understand if it is possible to get pregnant outside this period and how to calculate the fertile period
To lose weight in the postpartum period, one must breastfeed, practice some physical activity, such as walking, avoid eating sweet foods, such as chocolates or cakes, and fatty foods, such as fried foods and sausages. Right after delivery, the woman loses approximately 6 kg of what she gained during pregnancy ...


Enxak is a drug indicated to treat vascular headaches and migraines, and it is recommended to take 1 to 2 tablets at the first sign of migraine.


Equitam is a circulatory regulator that inhibits brain swelling and retinal swelling in the eye. Equitam uses ginkgo biloba as an active ingredient and can be found in pharmacies in tablets, capsules or drops. Other trade names of medicines with the same active ingredient, which ...
Homeopathy is a completely natural form of treatment that uses the same substances that cause symptoms to treat or alleviate various types of diseases. See some examples of remedies that can be used and how is the consultation with the homeopath
Ergometrine is an oxytocyte medication that has Ergotrate as a reference. This medication for oral and injectable use is indicated for postpartum hemorrhages, its action directly stimulates the uterine muscle, increasing the strength and frequency of contractions. Ergometrine decreases the ...


Eritrex is an antibacterial medication that has the active substance Erythromycin. This medication for oral use is indicated for the treatment of diseases such as tonsillitis, pharyngitis and endocartitis. The action of Eritrex is to inhibit the protein synthesis of bacteria that end up ...
Oxyuriasis, also known as enterobiosis, is an intestinal infection caused by the parasite popularly known as oxyurus and which causes severe anal itching. Understand more about oxyuriasis, symptoms and transmission
In aesthetic electrotherapy, devices on the face or body can be used, such as pulsed light, radio frequency, galvanic current and lipocavitation, for example. Know what each one is for, how they work and when they should not be used.
Entresto is a medication indicated for the treatment of symptomatic chronic heart failure, which is a condition in which the heart is unable to pump blood with sufficient strength to supply the necessary blood to the whole body, leading to symptoms such as lack of. ..
What it is: Queyrat erythroplasia is a pre-cancerous red lesion that develops on the penis, predominantly in older men, with a peak prevalence at 65-74 years of age. The floor of the mouth, tongue and soft palate are the most common sites of involvement, and injuries ...
Eparema helps to relieve poor digestion and disorders of the liver and bile ducts and also helps in cases of constipation. Learn how to take, what side effects and contraindications
Have you bought everything for your seed? Crib, car seat, stroller, clothes or shoes are some of the important items. See the list.