
Chia oil has many health benefits, helping you lose weight, regulate high blood pressure and even control diabetes. Here's how to take it.
Skin hydration, make-up remover or nail polish dryer are some of the possible applications for mineral oil, a product different from home applications. See how to use in each case
There are oils rich in vitamins, omegas and other properties that improve the appearance of hair and can be used alone or added to hair products. See the best oils and learn how to prepare recipes to treat hair
Omega 3 stimulates memory and learning and is very important especially during school and when studying for exams and competitions.
Vonau has Ondansetron in its composition that can be used to prevent seasickness and vomiting. See what it is for, how to take it and what side effects of this medicine
The mesentery is a tissue that holds the intestine in its place, having a fan shape but it has been promoted to an organ because it has a specific location and functions.
Opdivo is the trade name of the drug Nivolumab, a medicine for the treatment of lung cancer and melanoma. Learn how to buy and how it is used.
Omphalocele is a congenital disorder characterized by the presence of organs outside the abdominal cavity that can be diagnosed even during pregnancy. Understand what the omphalocele is, causes and how treatment is done.
Gratitude is the feeling of happiness that comes from valuing the small achievements of everyday life and thanking for something, for example. Discover the health benefits of gratitude.
Use our online BMI calculator to find out your daughter's ideal weight. And find out what to do if she is not at the ideal weight.
Boswellia serrata is an excellent natural anti-inflammatory effective for the treatment of chronic inflammations such as asthma and osteoarthritis. Learn how to use it.
Atopic dermatitis is a disease that can be caused by several factors, such as stress, very hot baths, clothing fabric and excessive sweating, for example. Thus, symptoms can appear at any time, and the presence of pellets in the ...


Omeprazole inhibits the production of acidity by the stomach, being indicated for gastritis, ulcers and gastroesophageal reflux. See how to take and other important care
Find out what menstruation looks like, what changes in your intimate life, how a woman feels after having to remove her uterus and whether it really is easier to put on weight after surgery.
Exerting too much force to repeatedly evacuate, being pregnant, and suffering from chronic diarrhea are some common causes of hemorrhoids. Check out more factors involved and how to solve each one
Syphilis is caused by the bacterium Treponema pallidum, which enters the body through direct contact with the wound. This wound is called a hard cancer, it doesn't hurt and when pressed it releases a highly infectious transparent liquid. Usually, this wound appears on the genitals of the man or ...
Enter your child's data in our online calculator and find out if he is at the right weight, and what to do if this is not the case.
Anaphylaxis, also known as anaphylactic shock, consists of a systemic allergic reaction of varying severity, which can be fatal. Learn more and see which are the most common allergens


Fisheye is a type of wart that appears on the soles of your feet causing pain to put your feet on the floor and walk. See photos, features and how to treat.
Improving nutrition helps the body prepare for pregnancy. The woman who intends to become pregnant should eat foods rich in vitamin E, B6, zinc and omega 3. The food to get pregnant faster has the objective of leaving the woman well nourished, without her gaining weight and this improves ...
The Oedipus complex is a concept that was defended by the psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud, who refers to a phase of the child's psychosexual development, in which he begins to feel desire for the father element of the opposite sex and anger and jealousy for the element of the same sex. know more
In the galactose intolerance diet, individuals should remove milk and dairy products, and all foods containing galactose, such as chickpeas, heart and liver from animals. Galactose is a sugar present in these foods, and people with intolerance to ...
There are several diseases that can cause tearing of the eye in babies, children and adults, such as conjunctivitis, cold, allergies or sinusitis, lesions in the eye or sty for example, which can be identified by evaluating other characteristic symptoms of the disease. See more and things to do in ...
Dysarthria is a change in the ability to pronounce words, caused by neurological changes. There are several types, depending on the cause, but treatment with speech therapy and physical therapy is always indicated to rehabilitate and reduce symptoms. See more about identifying ...
Doping in sport happens when an athlete uses prohibited substances to stimulate muscle growth and improve performance. Learn more about doping and the test performed to detect it
Delirium is a mental disorder in which the person believes in false and impossible ideas, paranoia being an example. Learn to identify the symptoms, the main types and how is the treatment that is indicated by the psychiatrist.
The compliant hymen is a more elastic hymen than normal and may not break even with penetration, and may happen only during delivery. See what the characteristics of the hymen are complacent and clarify some of your doubts
Stockholm Syndrome is a common psychological disorder in people who are in danger, which results in the establishment of more personal relationships with aggressors. Understand what Stockholm Syndrome is and how to identify
A fall can happen because of accidents at home or at work and attention should be paid to symptoms such as drowsiness and vomiting, as this indicates a head injury. Find out what to do in case of a light fall and a severe fall
The needle stick is a serious accident, but it can happen on a daily basis, especially in the case of people who come into frequent contact with needles. See what to do immediately after the bite and how to prevent a new bite
Rectal prolapse occurs when part of the rectum passes through the anus and becomes visible. This usually happens in the elderly or children, but it can also occur at any age. See what to do if this happens, who is most at risk and what are the possible complications