
Intestinal obstruction is a medical emergency that must be treated as soon as possible. Some symptoms are a very swollen belly, abdominal pain that gets worse over time and severe nausea. See other symptoms, possible causes and how treatment is done
Testing new positions and alternating who makes the effort are strategies that improve sexual contact between overweight people. See more.
The hormone oxytocin is produced by the body, related to the sensation of pleasure and important for childbirth and breastfeeding. Here's how to increase naturally.
Novalgina Infantil is a drug indicated to lower fever and relieve pain in babies and children, which should be administered under the guidance of the pediatrician
Dental malocclusion occurs when the teeth do not close properly and may indicate the need for braces. See what the signs are.
Oxytocin is a hormone produced by the body, which can bring benefits in the form of a supplement, improving body health and intimate contact.
Wheat germ oil is an oil that is removed from the innermost part of the wheat grain and helps protect cells by preventing degenerative diseases such as cancer because it is rich in vitamin E, which is an antioxidant. This oil can be used as a food supplement, it is usually in ...
Cheaper sunglasses can be of lesser quality and put your eye health at risk. Know what to pay attention to when buying.
Excessive oiliness of the scalp is one of the main causes of hair loss, as it clogs the pores of the scalp, causing malnutrition of the hair root. This bad nutrition, in addition to increasing hair loss, leaves hair with a weak, opaque, greasy and ...
The Ophthalmologist is the doctor who detects and treats vision changes, such as myopia, astigmatism, presbyopia and cataracts. Know how often to go.
Ocrevus is a drug indicated for Multiple Sclerosis, from the Roche laboratory. This medicine is a monoclonal antibody produced in a synthetic way, in the laboratory, whose active ingredient is Ocrelizumab. This medicine consists of an injection that must be given at the hospital, because it is ...
Cancer is usually treated through chemotherapy sessions, however it can vary according to the characteristics of the tumor and the general condition of the patient. Thus, the oncologist can indicate other types of treatment, such as radiotherapy, surgery, immunotherapy and bone marrow transplant ...
Patanol is an ophthalmic medicine used to relieve allergic conjunctivitis that causes symptoms such as itching, redness and pain in the eye. This medicine is produced by the Alcon laboratory and is used in drops that are applied directly to the affected eye, and can be purchased at pharmacies ...
Noripurum is a remedy that has iron in its composition, widely used to treat anemia. It is available as tablets, drops and injectables.
In addition to assisting breastfeeding and childbirth, oxytocin can bring many benefits to the body and mind of men and women. Know better what it is and what it serves in the body
Borage oil in capsules is a food supplement rich in gamma-linolenic acid, used to relieve symptoms of premenstrual tension, menopause or eczema, as it has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Borage oil in capsules can be found in ...
What it is: Nutricosmético is a term used by the cosmetic industry to designate products for oral administration, which are formulated and marketed specifically to improve the appearance of the silhouette, skin, hair and nails, however, they should not replace a diet ...
Glycerol trioleate and glycerol trierucate are the ingredients of lorenzo oil to treat adrenoleukodystrophy.
Excessive consumption of coconut oil can harm your health. See 4 myths about coconut oil and learn how to use it to lose weight.
Coconut oil in capsules is a dietary supplement that improves the gut and helps control cholesterol. See more benefits and how to take.
Extra virgin coconut oil is the type that brings the most health benefits, as it does not undergo refinement processes. See more and learn how to use


Onicit is an antiemetic medication that has the active substance Palonosetron. This injectable drug is indicated for nausea and vomiting caused by chemotherapy, used to treat cancer. Indications of Onicit (What is it for) Nausea; vomiting. Onicit price ...
Cameline oil is an excellent home remedy to lower cholesterol because it is rich in omega 3, which helps to lower levels of bad cholesterol in the blood. In addition, cameline oil has vitamin E which is an antioxidant vitamin, which helps to eliminate toxins and excess ...
What it is: Evening primrose oil supplement, also known as evening primrose oil, is a formula that benefits skin, heart and inflammatory diseases due to its high content of gamma linoleic acid. To enhance its effects, it is recommended that the ...
Castor oil contains substances with numerous benefits for hair, skin, eyelashes, eyebrows and beards. See which ones, what is it for and how you can use this oil
Obesity has different degrees and types of fat accumulation, identified by excess weight and fat deposits. Learn to differentiate and treat.
Flaxseed oil is a cold-pressed oil from flaxseed, which is flax seed, widely used to prevent the appearance of cardiovascular problems due to its rich composition in Omega 3 and 6. Flaxseed oil can be purchased in health food stores and some ...
Oregano essential oil has antibacterial properties and is good for coughs, flu and colds. Learn how to use and what are its possible side effects.
Laxol is a laxative that serves to treat the trapped intestine and is sold in liquid solution. See how to use this laxative, who should not take it and what side effects
Yellowed eyes and skin can be symptoms of jaundice, a disease that arises from the accumulation of bilirubin in the blood. See the causes and how to treat.
Garlic oil in capsules is a food supplement that serves mainly to reduce cholesterol, maintaining a good functioning of the heart, but also to strengthen the immune system, due to the presence of allicin and sulfur, which are the main bioactive compounds in garlic, per...
What it is: Omcilon Orabase is a paste that has triamcinolone acetonide in its composition, indicated for auxiliary treatment and for the temporary relief of symptoms associated with inflammatory lesions and oral ulcerative lesions resulting from lesions and thrush in the mouth. This remedy can ...
Olmetec is a medicine used to reduce blood pressure in cases of hypertension. See how it works and how to take it.
Omega 3, 6 and 9 is a supplement that causes benefits such as weight loss, cholesterol reduction and improved mood. Learn how to take and its effects.
Ociophobia is the fear of doing nothing, which causes anxiety in times of boredom. Understand the causes and what to do when suffering from this syndrome
Perilla oil is rich in omega-3 and some benefits are to reduce the risk of heart attack and treat inflammation. Check out other benefits and how to use.
Omega 3 is useful for fighting depression because it acts on the brain, stabilizes mood and has anti-inflammatory action.