
The female fertile period is the ideal time for women to become pregnant. This period lasts approximately 6 days, and is the stage of the month when fertilization is most likely to occur, since ovulation occurs during this stage, usually 14 days before menstruation goes down, in a woman ...
Psychotherapy is a type of approach used to help people deal with their emotions and feelings, serving to assist in the treatment of mental problems or to assist in conflict resolution. Learn more about what psychotherapy is, what it is for and the main types
Prosopagnosia or "face blindness" is a disorder that leads to the inability to remember the faces of friends, family or acquaintances. Know more.
The most important thing to do during variceal bleeding is to try to stop the bleeding by putting pressure on the site. In addition, one should go to the hospital or emergency room to do the proper treatment and prevent the victim from going into shock. However, in most cases, the ...
When a person passes out, one should lay him down and raise his legs. Check out more details
The 1 year old baby is a child with a lot of energy and enthusiasm who learns through curiosity, imitation and exploration of the environment. The more she is stimulated to speak, move and discover, the greater the development of her brain and the coordination of her movements. O...
Learn what to do immediately after inhaling smoke from a forest fire or at home to save lives and avoid complications.
In case of suspected HIV infection due to some risky behavior, such as having intercourse without a condom or sharing needles and syringes, it is important to go to the doctor as soon as possible to start using drugs that prevent the spread of the virus. See which ...
Generally, the baby's teeth start to emerge around the 4th to 10th month of life, which is a time when the baby can sleep worse and become more grumpy due to the pain and discomfort that can arise. To alleviate the baby's suffering due to the birth of teeth, parents can: 1.
Night terror is a sleep disorder in which the child, still sleeping, cries or screams at night, being more frequent in children between 3 and 7 years old. Understand what night terror is, symptoms and what to do during episodes
The secret for the dentist's anesthesia to pass faster is to increase blood circulation in the mouth region, which can be done with simple tricks
Menopause is a period in a woman's life marked by various signs and symptoms that can interfere with quality of life and interpersonal relationships. It is common that during menopause there is an increase in body temperature, increased hair loss, accumulation of fat in the belly, ...
As soon as the burn happens, the first reaction of many people is to pass coffee powder or toothpaste, for example. Find out if this is correct and other common questions about what to do with the burn.
Allergy to shrimp is a potentially dangerous situation, as it can prevent breathing when it leads to swelling of the glottis in the throat, causing asphyxiation and possibly leading to death, depending on how long the person is without oxygen. So, in case of a severe allergy to shrimp, with ...
Babies and young children, being unaware of height, may roll off the bed or sofa or fall off chairs or strollers. However, children are very resilient and most falls are not serious, usually requiring a call to the ...
Testicular torsion is a medical emergency that causes very intense and sudden pain. Treatment should be started within the first 12 hours.
The baby's fever is when the body temperature is above 37.5ÂșC. To lower the fever naturally, it is recommended to remove excess clothing, bathe in warm water and place towels wet in cold water on the forehead, neck and armpits. Learn more details and when to give medicine
In most cases, fainting is relatively common and does not mean a serious problem. See what you can do to facilitate recovery and what can be the causes of fainting
The first step is to ask the person to cough and hit their back, but if it does not work, the Heimlich maneuver should be performed. See the step by step.
The red eye can have several causes, and appear along with itching, burning or pain. Find out what can be and how the treatment is done in each case.
Hair loss is a natural process that is part of the hair growth cycle and, therefore, it is normal for the individual not to notice that he loses between 60 to 100 hairs per day. Hair loss can be worrying when it is excessive, that is, when more than 100 strands of hair are lost ...
In some cases, the testicles may go up to the belly, especially during intercourse or in very cold climates. Know the main causes.
High cholesterol can occur by genetic inheritance, and it usually causes very high levels. Find out what medications and proper nutrition
The newborn baby can already see well at a distance of approximately 20 cm, can smell and taste right after birth. The newborn can see well up to a distance of 15 to 20 cm from the first days, so when he is nursing him ...


Orap is an antipsychotic remedy for oral use that has Pimozide as its active ingredient. This medication acts on the nervous system, blocking a neurotransmitter called dopamine. Its action influences information processing and helps to reduce nervous tics. Orap is ...
Most of the time, just wait for the permanent tooth to grow. See what to do during this wait and the treatment options available
To lose weight and reach the ideal weight, the elderly should eat healthy and without exaggeration, eliminating industrialized and processed foods from the diet, and giving preference to foods such as: brown bread, brown rice and whole pasta; Meat and fish such as skinless chicken, beef ...
Dorflex is an analgesic and muscle relaxant remedy for oral use, used to relieve pain associated with muscle contractures in adults, and one of the active substances that make up this remedy is orphenadrine. Dorflex is produced by Sanofi laboratories and can be purchased ...
When you forget to take Cycle 21, the contraceptive effect of the pill may be diminished, especially when more than one pill is forgotten. Know what to do in these situations
Hypoglycemia is the sharp drop in blood sugar levels and is one of the most serious complications of treating diabetes. See in which situations there is a greater risk of suffering from hypoglycemia and which plants and medicines can also contribute
There are children who do not want to chew solid foods, and strategies such as creating rewards and redoing food introduction are necessary.
The blood in the semen does not normally mean a serious problem and therefore tends to disappear on its own after 2 or 3 days. See what it can be and what to do in each case.
In most cases, the episode of vomiting in the child is not of great concern, however, it is very important to have some care so that the child does not get hurt and is able to recover more easily. See what they are and when it is advised to go to the doctor