
Changes in milk, intestinal infections or baby allergies can cause changes in the consistency and color of the baby's stool. Know the most common causes and what to do in each situation
In the first few days after the baby is born, the baby's chest may become hard and milk will flow out of the nipple which will eventually disappear naturally. In these cases: You should not squeeze the baby's breast to get milk, as it can inflame and cause an abscess that only passes with antibiotics or, in cases ...
In case the woman forgets to take the oral contraceptive Yaz, its protective effect may decrease, especially in the first week of the pack. Therefore, it is important to use another contraceptive method, such as a condom, to prevent pregnancy from occurring. In addition, a ...
When you forget to take Diane 35, the contraceptive effect of the pill may be diminished, especially if forgetting occurs in the first week of the pack, with a risk of pregnancy if there was sexual intercourse without a condom in the previous week. Therefore, an alternative for those who ...
The baby's sleep at 6 months is restful, since at this age he can sleep about 11 hours a night, without the need to be fed in the middle of the night. The 6-month-old baby should take 2 naps, 1 to 2 hours, usually in the morning and during the early hours of the afternoon, and then ...
When you forget to take Cerazette, the contraceptive effect of the pill may be reduced and the risk of becoming pregnant increases, especially when it occurs in the first week or more than one pill is forgotten. In such cases, use another contraceptive method within 7 days after forgetting, such as ...


Osteoform is a medicine that contains in its composition Alendronate sodium, a substance that prevents the action of bone cells responsible for destroying bone tissue, known as osteoclasts. Osteoform is produced by Sigma Pharma laboratories and can be purchased at ...
During breastfeeding, women should avoid consuming foods such as alcoholic beverages and excessive coffee, as they are substances that can pass into breast milk and harm the baby's health. The mother's feeding during breastfeeding should not be special, but varied, ...
The baby's deep molar can be a sign of dehydration or malnutrition and, therefore, if it is found that the baby has a deep molar, it is recommended to take him immediately to the emergency room or consult the pediatrician to receive the appropriate treatment, which can just include some care ...
Excessive sleep during the day can be caused by several factors. Know which ones and see what to do
The baby's green poop may be due to problems such as intestinal infection, food intolerance or medication use. Know what to do in each case
The large amount of yellowish, thick, lather in the baby's eyes, which can leave the eyes glued, can indicate problems such as conjunctivitis, which can leave even the eyes glued.


Orencia is an injectable medicine indicated to treat Rheumatoid Arthritis, relieving symptoms of pain, swelling and pressure in the joints.


Osteoplus is an anti-osteoporosis medication that has Ipriflavone as its active substance. This medication for oral use reduces the pain caused by osteoporosis, as its action inhibits the loss of bone mass mainly in women in the menopause phase. Its absorption is fast and the pain seems ...
Orkambi is a medicine that contains lumacaftor and ivacaftor, which are substances used in the treatment of cystic fibrosis. See how to use, who should not use and what are the most common side effects.
Cerebral Organoneuro is a food supplement that contains vitamins, minerals and amino acids, important for the normal functioning of the Central Nervous System. See how to use
Xenical is a remedy indicated for weight loss that helps in weight control in the long term, also improving some diseases associated with obesity.
Testicular pain and swelling can be symptoms of Orchiepididymitis, a common inflammation that should be treated as soon as possible to avoid further complications. Know all the symptoms, how the diagnosis is made and the remedies and guidelines that are part of the treatment.
This is an X-ray exam that allows you to observe all the bones and teeth of the mouth, allowing you to identify crooked teeth, infections and even tumors


What it is: Orchitis, also known as orchitis, is an inflammation in the testicles that can be caused by local trauma, torsion of the testicle or infection, and is most often related to the mumps virus. Orchitis can affect only one or both testicles, and can ...
Knowing what to take to travel with your baby makes the trip safer and smoother, so check out everything you need to know and take it with you.
Orthomolecular medicine can help prevent the onset of diseases typical of aging, such as arthritis, atherosclerosis, Alzheimer's and even cancer. See how to do the orthomolecular diet to regain health, and also be a good auxiliary strategy for weight loss diets
A good night's sleep reduces stress, improves mood and even controls appetite, learn about other benefits.


Otrivina is a nasal decongestant remedy that contains xylometazoline, a substance that quickly relieves nasal obstruction in cases of flu or cold, facilitating breathing. Otrivina can be purchased in conventional pharmacies in the form of nasal drops for children or ...
Tamiflu is indicated to prevent the appearance of common flu like influenza A or to reduce the duration of its signs and symptoms.
Oscillococcinum is a homeopathic remedy indicated for the treatment of flu-like conditions, which helps to relieve general flu symptoms, such as fever, headache, chills and muscle aches throughout the body. See when it is indicated and how to take it correctly
The causes of anemia are diverse, including lack of iron or vitamins, bleeding, genetic diseases, hemolytic anemia and even hormonal causes. Learn how to detect and identify symptoms.
Pain during intercourse is a very common symptom in the intimate lives of several couples and is usually related to decreased libido, which can be caused by excessive stress, use of some medications or conflicts in the relationship. However, the pain during contact ...
The sleep of the newborn baby, in the first month, is usually calm and lasts about 16 to 17 hours a day. Normally, the baby wakes up because he is hungry or his diaper is dirty, however, if this does not happen, you should wake him up, as he should not go more than 3 hours without eating. From 1 month and ...


Ovidrel is a drug indicated for the treatment of infertility that is composed of a substance called alpha-choriogonadotropin. This is a gonadotropin-like substance that is found naturally in a woman's body during pregnancy, and is related to ...
Orthorexia is an exaggerated concern with healthy eating, leading to problems such as anemia and hair loss. Learn how to identify this disease and how it should be treated
The baby with galactosemia should not be breastfed or take infant formulas that contain milk, and should be fed soy formulas such as Nan Soy and Aptamil Soy. Children with galactosemia are unable to metabolize galactose, a sugar derived from milk lactose, and therefore ...