
What it is: Amitriptyline hydrochloride is a medication that has anxiolytic and calming properties that can be used to treat cases of depression or bedwetting, which is when the child urinates in bed at night. Thus, the use of amitriptyline should always be guided by a ...
The combination of amoxicillin and potassium clavulanate is a broad-spectrum antibiotic that eliminates various types of bacteria, helping to treat infections in the respiratory, urinary and skin systems, for example. This antibiotic is produced by Glaxo Smith Kline laboratories, with the ...
Amoxicillin is an antibiotic used to treat various infections such as urinary, ear or respiratory infections. Here's how to take it properly and other common questions.
What it is: Androsten is a medication indicated as a hormonal regulator and to increase spermatogenesis in people with altered sexual functions due to a low concentration of the hormone dehydroepiandrosterone in the body. This medicine is available in tablets and can ...
Aminophylline Sandoz is a medication that facilitates breathing especially in cases of asthma or bronchitis. This medication is a bronchodilator, antiasthmatic for oral and injectable use, which acts on the muscles of the bronchi stimulating the respiratory flow. This medicine can be ...
Tryptanol is a medicine used to treat depression and bedwetting. See how it is used in each case, who should not use it and what are the possible side effects


Anestalcon is a local anesthetic medication that has Proxymetacaine as its active substance. This ophthalmic medicine is indicated to anesthetize the cornea, decreasing the permeability of the neuronal membrane and consequently the propagation of nerve impulses. Indications of ...
Amphotericin B is an antifungal medication known commercially as Fungizon. This drug is for injectable use that acts by preventing the mechanism of action of fungi, since it alters the permeability of its membrane, thus decreasing the likelihood of complications in diseases such as ...
Anencephaly is a fetal malformation, where the baby does not have a brain, skullcap, cerebellum and meninges, which are very important structures of the central nervous system, which can lead to the death of the baby soon after birth and in some rare cases, after some hours or months of ...
Anhedonia is characterized by a loss of satisfaction and interest in carrying out various activities, which were previously considered pleasant. Find out what causes, symptoms and how treatment is done
AndroGel is a gel indicated for testosterone replacement therapy in men with hypogonadism, after testosterone deficiency is confirmed. To use this gel a small amount must be applied to the intact and dry skin of the arms, shoulders or abdominal region so that the skin can ...


Angico is a medicine that has as active ingredient the medicinal plants Grindélia and Belladonna. It is an expectorant syrup used for diseases of the respiratory system. Angico works by relaxing the bronchial muscles and eliminating secretions, thus improving breathing.
What it is: Aplastic anemia is a type of autoimmune and idiopathic disease, that is, without a definite cause where the bone marrow stops producing the adequate amount of blood. It produces symptoms such as pallor, purple marks on the skin for no apparent reason and long bleeding even in small cuts, ...
Iron deficiency anemia, also called iron deficiency anemia, occurs when you have low concentrations of iron in your blood, and is usually associated with diet. See what are the main symptoms of iron deficiency anemia, diagnosis and how treatment is done.
Early Andropause causes decreased libido, difficulty in erection and tiredness in men under 50 and can be treated using testosterone. know more
Cycling helps you lose weight and is a great exercise for people who suffer from the changes caused by excess weight, such as spine, knee or ankle problems, because it is a way to lose calories without exerting even more impact on the joints. This exercise can ...
Anastrozole is a drug indicated for the treatment of breast cancer in postmenopausal women. Learn how to take and what are the most common contraindications and side effects that may occur during treatment
The treatment for megaloblastic anemia should be done with vitamin B12 supplementation, as in this type of anemia, the levels of the vitamin are very low and prevent the normal production of red blood cells. Thus, there is a reduction in hemoglobin in the blood, making it difficult to ...
Adderall is a stimulant remedy from the amphetamine group, used to treat Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. See how to use and most common side effects
Amfepramone hydrochloride is a drug that inhibits appetite, being indicated to fight excess weight. See how to take, effects and contraindications
What it is: Amphetamines are a class of synthetic drugs that stimulate the central nervous system, from which derivative compounds can be obtained, such as methamphetamine (speed) and methylenedioxymethamphetamine, also known as MDMA or Ecstasy, which are the most consumed amphetamines so ...
Anemia during pregnancy is normal, especially between the second and third trimester of pregnancy, as there is a reduction in the amount of hemoglobin in the blood and an increase in iron requirements, which can result in risks for both mother and baby, such as weakness, premature birth and ...
What it is: Chronic Anemia, also called Chronic Disease Anemia or ADC, is a type of anemia that arises as a consequence of chronic diseases that interfere in the process of blood cell formation, such as neoplasms, fungal infections, viruses or bacteria, and ...
Sickle cell anemia is caused by a genetic change in the shape of red blood cells, causing tiredness and pain. Learn how to identify and treat
Autoimmune hemolytic anemia occurs due to the destruction of red blood cells by the action of the unregulated immune system. It may have different characteristics, but it causes symptoms such as pallor, tiredness, dizziness and jaundice. Find out how to confirm and if there is a cure for this disease
Fanconi's anemia is a genetic and hereditary disease that causes signs such as anemia, short stature and bone deformities. Find out everything about this disease.
Annita is a vermifuge remedy, which eliminates various types of worms, and which can be used on adults and teenagers. Here's how to take it properly
Stent angioplasty is a simple and minimally invasive procedure that aims to restore blood flow. Understand what stent angioplasty is, how it is done and how recovery is.
Angioedema causes swelling in the deepest layer of the skin, especially on the lips, hands, feet, eyes or genital area.
Renal angiomyolipoma is a rare and benign kidney tumor that usually has no symptoms. Thus, although it is not a type of cancer, renal angiomyolipoma can be a serious problem, especially if it is more than 4 cm, as it can cause bleeding. Find out how is the treatment
For pregnancy to really be a happy stage in the couple's life, it is important that, at least 3 months before getting pregnant, the couple consult a gynecologist so that he indicates what the woman and the man should do to ensure a healthy pregnancy. It is important that tests are done ...
Alcoholic anorexia is an eating disorder where the person substitutes food intake, to reduce the amount of calories and lose weight. See which signs and symptoms help to identify and what treatment options