
Alprazolam is an anxiolytic medicine indicated to fight anxiety attacks, panic disorder and to help you sleep better. The dose should be recommended by the doctor, and can vary from 0.25 to 3 mg
Xanax (Alprazolam) is a medication that helps to control anxiety, panic situations and phobias. In addition, it can be used as a complement in the treatment of depression and skin, heart or gastrointestinal diseases because it is tranquilizing and helps to reduce symptoms.
Sleep changes during pregnancy, such as difficulty sleeping, light sleep and nightmares, are normal and affect most women, resulting from the hormonal changes typical of this phase. Other situations that can worsen the quality of the pregnant woman's sleep are the size of the ...
Brown, pink and irregular menstruation are common but do not always indicate a health problem. Check out the 10 most common changes in menstruation and what they may indicate
Warming up and stretching have numerous benefits such as improved posture, increased flexibility, improved performance in sports, pain relief in some diseases or even injury prevention. See more and know when not to stretch
Alzheimer's disease causes changes in memory and other brain damage. Know how to identify the initial symptoms and what to do when you suspect.


Amidalin is a medication that helps in the treatment of irritations, pains and infections in the mouth and throat, such as tonsillitis, pharyngitis or gingivitis, for example. Amidalin has in its composition an antibiotic called Tirotricina, and an anesthetic called Benzocaína. This medicine can ...


Ambroxol, commercially known as Mucosolvan, Anabron, Broncoflux, Fluxol or Mucolin, is a medicine with an expectorant effect that acts by decreasing the amount of secretions present in the respiratory system, decreasing nasal congestion and facilitating breathing. This medicine can ...
Breastfeeding lose weight because milk production uses up a lot of calories, but despite that breastfeeding also generates a lot of thirst and a lot of hunger and therefore, if the woman does not know how to balance her food, she may gain weight. For the mother to lose weight fast breastfeeding it is necessary to breastfeed ...
In menopause, the ovaries start to produce less estrogen and progesterone and this decrease stops menstruation and as a consequence, osteoporosis, fat accumulation in the waist, and the skin and hair become dry and lose their shine. know more
Amantadine is an oral medicine indicated for the treatment of Parkinson's disease in adults, but it should only be used under medical advice. Amantadine can be purchased in pharmacies in the form of tablets under the trade name Mantidan. Price of Amantadina The price of Amantadina ...
Hair loss in circular shape is the first sign of the disease, its treatment can be done with medications.
Alzheimer's is usually not hereditary, so when there is one or more cases of the disease in the family, it does not mean that the other members are at risk of developing the disease. However, there are some genes that can be inherited from parents and that increase the risk of developing ...
Cross-breastfeeding is when the mother gives her baby to another woman to breastfeed, because she does not have enough milk or simply cannot breastfeed. The practice is discouraged by the Ministry of Health because it puts the baby's health at risk. Find out why and what the solution is.
Amino Power is a food supplement based on soy protein, carbohydrates and minerals. This supplement for oral use is indicated for athletes, sportsmen and bodybuilders who intend to complement their diet and favor their performance. Amino Power provides the strengthening ...
Ameloblastoma is a rare tumor that grows in the bones of the mouth, especially in the jaw, causing symptoms only when it is very large, such as swelling of the face or difficulty in moving the mouth. Check out other symptoms and how treatment is done
Amiloride is a diuretic that acts as an antihypertensive, decreasing the reabsorption of sodium by the kidneys, thus decreasing the cardiac effort to pump blood that is less bulky. Amiloride is a potassium-sparing diuretic that can be found in medicines known as ...


Ambisome is an antifungal and antiprotozoal medication that has Amphotericin B as its active substance. This injectable medication is indicated for the treatment of aspergillosis, visceral leishmaniasis and meningitis in patients with HIV, its action consists in changing the permeability of ...
Mucosolvan is a syrup that favors the elimination of expectoration from the airways and cough relief, and can be used in the form of syrup, drops or tablets. See how to take
What it is: Leber's congenital amaurosis, also known as ACL, Leber's syndrome or Leber's hereditary optic neuropathy, is a rare hereditary degenerative disease that causes gradual changes in the retinal electrical activity, which is the eye tissue that detects the light and color, ...


Aminexil is a topical remedy for male hair loss, which strengthens the fixation of the hair root to the scalp and also favors the reconstruction of the hair fiber. Aminexil is marketed under the brands Loreal, Vichy or Kérastase and can be purchased at ...
What it is: Psychogenic amnesia corresponds to temporary memory loss in which the person forgets parts of traumatic events, such as air accidents, assaults, rape and unexpected loss of a close person, for example. People who have psychogenic amnesia may have ...


Amblyopia, or lazy eye, causes decreased vision. It can be cured, but treatment must be done early to avoid sequelae. Know how.
Tendonitis causes localized pain, burning sensation, lack of muscle strength and can be treated with stretching. See what stretches you can do.
Ipsolin is the trade name of the anti-hemorrhagic medicine for injectable or oral use, which uses aminocaproic acid as an active ingredient. There is no generic presentation of this remedy. Indications Hemorrhage. Side effects Changes in the blood; hallucination; arrhythmia; attack...
Cardiac amyloidosis, also known as rigid heart syndrome, is a rare, very serious disease that affects the heart muscle due to the accumulation of proteins called amyloids in the cardiac walls. This disease is more common in men over 40 years of age and causes ...
It serves to treat ringworm on the nail or skin and can be used in enamel or cream.
Amoxicillin with clavulanic acid is an antibiotic indicated for the treatment of various infections such as tonsillitis, otitis, pneumonia or gonorrhea.


Amplictil is an oral and injectable medication that has Chlorpromazine as its active substance. This medication is an antipsychotic indicated for several psychological disorders such as schizophrenia and psychosis. Amplictil blocks dopamine impulses, decreasing the symptoms of diseases ...


Anagrelide is an antiplatelet drug known commercially as Agrylin. This medication for oral use has a mechanism of action that is not well understood, but its effectiveness is guaranteed in the treatment of thrombocythemia. Indications for Anagrelida Thrombocythaemia (treatment). Price of ...
What it is: Selective amnesia corresponds to the inability to remember certain events that happened in a certain period, which may be related to prolonged periods of stress or be the result of a traumatic event. Selective amnesia can be only partial, ...
Ampicillin is an antibiotic used in case of infection by gram positive or gram negative bacteria. Gram positive bacteria: alpha and beta-hemolytic streptococci; Strreptococcus pneumoniae; non-penicillinase-producing staphylococci; Bacilus anthracis; Clostridia sp; Coryebacterium ...


Stanozolol is an anabolic indicated for the treatment of cases where there is general weakening of the body or growth problems.
Amoxicillin is a broad-spectrum antibiotic used in the treatment of infections caused by bacteria such as pneumonia, sinusitis, gonorrhea or urinary tract infection, for example. Amoxicillin can be purchased at pharmacies under the name Amoxil or Hiconcil in the form of capsules, tablets, ...
Congenital analgesia is the name of a condition where the person does not experience any type of pain. This situation has no cure, and there are usually many injuries, sprains or fractures, because the person does not have one of their main points of defense, which is pain.