
Social anxiety disorder is characterized by difficulty in social interaction and fear of other people's judgment. Learn how to identify social anxiety disorder and how to treat
Pernicious anemia is caused by a deficiency of vitamin B12 in the body. See what are the main symptoms, how the diagnosis is made and how the treatment with medicines and diet should be.
The most common side effect of antibiotics is diarrhea. Know what to do to regulate the bowel and what are the warning signs to return to the doctor
Angina is the sensation of pain, weight or burning in the chest, due to coronary obstruction, being a type of pre-infarction. See the types and how to treat
After taking the pill the next day the woman should start taking the contraceptive pill as soon as the next day. However, anyone who uses an IUD or takes a contraceptive injection can already use these methods on the same day. Find out more details


Antux is an antitussive medication that has Levodropropizine as its active substance. This medication for oral use is indicated for the treatment of dry cough, since its action decreases the sensitivity of the respiratory tract receptors, reducing spasms. Antux indications ...
Anorexia in children causes loss of appetite and refusal to eat. Learn how to identify the signs of this disease and what to do to fight


Antistax is a remedy for varicose veins, made from Vitis Vinifera, a substance extracted from leaves of the red grape vine, which has anti-inflammatory activity and strengthens the wall of the blood vessels in the legs, improving circulation and reducing the symptom. varicose veins. O...
Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) is when there is excessive concern practically every day, for at least 6 months, causing tiredness, agitation, muscle tension and cardiac changes. Treatment may involve medication, mindfulness and psychotherapy sessions
There are several types of anticoagulants that should be suitable for each person's problem. See the most used and how they work
The existing male contraceptive methods are vasectomy and condoms, however, in recent years medicines have been developed to be used by men to prevent a woman's pregnancy. See more about male contraceptive options
Many women think that after starting to use contraceptives, they put on weight. However, the use of contraceptives does not directly lead to weight gain, but rather makes the woman start to accumulate more fluids, starting to feel that she is more swollen. The retention of ...
Contraceptives have an effect on the skin that can help treat pimples. Find out which ones are best, how they work and when to use
Antilerg is an antiallergic medicine that is used to decrease the symptoms of allergic reaction caused by dust, animal hair or pollen for example, causing symptoms such as nasal itching and discharge, watery eyes and redness, This medicine is produced through ...
To fight the flu or cold adults can take 1 to 3 tablets of Antigrippine a day with or without food and the maximum dose is 6 tablets daily. Antigrippine is a medicine used against flu and cold, from the Omega Pharma laboratory, based on Paracetamol, ...
Antihistamines, also known as anti-allergens, are remedies used to treat allergic reactions, such as hives, runny nose, rhinitis, allergy or conjunctivitis, for example, reducing the symptoms of itching, swelling, redness or runny nose. See some examples


Apracur is an analgesic, antipyretic and antihistamine medication that can be purchased without a prescription. The components of apracur are: dipyrone sodium, chlorpheniramine maleate and ascorbic acid. Indications of Apracur Flu, cold, headache, muscle pain, rheumatic, ...
Pulmonary anthracosis is characterized by the presence of lung lesions that arise due to the constant inhalation of small charcoal particles. Learn how to identify and treat lung anthracosis.
Anti-gymnastics is a method developed in France that allows you to strengthen your muscles while relieving and stress. Know all its benefits and how the sessions of this 'new' method are made.


Aradois is a medicine that has the active ingredient Losartan. This medication is an antihypertensive drug for oral use, which can be administered alone or combined with diuretic drugs to be more effective, especially in the case of heart failure. Indications of ...


Apraz is a tranquilizer medication that has Aprazolam as its active substance. This medication for oral use is used to treat psychological disorders such as anxiety, reducing symptoms such as fear, tension and apprehension. Despite being effective, Apraz acts on the system ...
Trastuzumab or Denosumab are remedies with Monoclonal Antibodies used to treat serious illnesses like osteoporosis, leukemia or cancer. Know more.
Contraceptives such as the pill, patch, implant or ring, prevent unwanted pregnancies but do not protect against sexually transmitted diseases. Find out which one is best and how to take it for the first time


Arelix is ​​an oral medication used as a diuretic and antihypertensive that has Piretanide as its active ingredient. It acts by inhibiting the reabsorption of sodium in the kidneys and reducing the volume of liquid in the body. Arelix is ​​produced by the Sanofi Aventis laboratory. Arelix indications ...
Anxiety is a normal and very common feeling, both in the lives of adults and children, however, when this anxiety is very strong and prevents you from living a normal life or participating in various activities, it can be a more serious situation. See the signs to watch out for ...
It serves to prevent vomiting after surgery or during chemotherapy treatment and is used in tablets.


Argirol is an eye drop indicated to prevent the appearance of inflammation in the eyes of newborns, which should be applied 3 to 4 times a day.
Sleep apnea occurs when the baby momentarily stops breathing while sleeping. Learn how to identify and treat


Arava is an anti-rheumatic medication whose active substance is Leflunomide. This medicine for oral use is indicated for the treatment of rheumatism and arthritis, since its action helps to reduce inflammation and pain caused by these diseases. Indications of Arava Arthritis ...
What it is: Aplause is a drug that has dry extract of Actaea racemosa L. in its composition, which is indicated for the relief of pre- and post-menopausal symptoms, such as skin redness, hot flashes, excessive sweating, increase of heart rate and depressive mood changes and ...
Apitherapy is an alternative therapy that consists of using products derived from bees, to obtain therapeutic benefits


Aromasin is an antineoplastic medication that has Exemestane as its active substance. This oral medication is indicated for the treatment of patients with breast cancer. Aromasin's action is to deprive breast cancer cells of estrogen, since they are ...
Aripiprazole is an antipsychotic medication known commercially as Abilify. This medicine for oral use helps to normalize brain function, since it stimulates the reception of the neurotransmitter dopamine, decreasing and avoiding manic and psychotic symptoms, present in diseases ...
Fluoxetine, Sertraline and Ampritiline are some antidepressants that act on the nervous system, being indicated for the treatment of depression. see more
What it is: Chronic appendicitis corresponds to the slow and progressive inflammation of the appendix, which is a small organ located on the right side of the abdomen. This situation usually happens due to the process of progressive blocking of the organ by feces inside the appendix, resulting in pain ...
Acute appendicitis corresponds to inflammation of the appendix usually accompanied by infection. Find out what are the main symptoms of acute appendicitis, possible causes and how the treatment is done.