
Arcoxia is a medication indicated for pain relief caused by surgery, treatment of osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis or ankylosing spondylitis.


Aropax is an antidepressant medication that has Paroxetine as its active substance. This oral medication is used to treat individuals with psychological disorders such as depression and OCD. Its effect is to increase the action time of serotonin, which is a ...
Anxiety can get fat because it causes hormonal changes, increases binge eating episodes and decreases motivation. Know what to do.
Calcification of the aorta can cause infarction because it causes this blood vessel to lose its natural elasticity, hindering good blood circulation. Infarction happens when the calcium plaque completely prevents the passage of blood or when a part of that plaque comes off the ...
The dental appliance is used to correct the alignment of the teeth and thus improve the person's smile. Know the main types of orthodontic appliance and what care is needed after placement and for how long you should use
Medulla aplasia is a disease of the bone marrow that causes a decrease in blood cells, causing symptoms such as excessive tiredness, bleeding and bruising on the skin. See what other symptoms, if it can be cancer and how to treat
Algeria is a disease caused by excess silver in the body that makes the skin bluish or gray, learn how it is done.
To take Arginine AKG one must follow the advice of the nutritionist, but generally the dose is 2 to 3 capsules a day, with or without food. The dose may vary according to the purpose of the supplementation and therefore this food supplement should not be taken without the knowledge of the doctor or ...


Artemeter is a medicine known commercially as Paluther. This medicine is for injectable use, used to treat malaria. 20 to 40 hours after the administration of Artemeter it is possible to observe a decrease in fever, a characteristic symptom of malaria, however ...
Burning in the vagina can be caused by allergies, infections like candidiasis, hormonal changes or skin diseases. Learn what can be burning in the vagina and what to do
Aromatherapy consists of using the essential oils of medicinal plants to solve health problems through their aroma. Find out which oils are best for treating cough and how to use them to get the best results
Bentonite clay can be used to treat skin problems, to cleanse detoxify the body or as a face mask.
Sinus arrhythmia is a variation in heart rate that is almost always related to breathing. Better understand why it happens, when you need treatment and how the diagnosis is made
Arovit is a vitamin supplement that has vitamin A as its active substance, being recommended in cases of deficiency of this vitamin in the body. Vitamin A is very important, not only for vision, but also for regulating various functions of the body such as growth and ...
Arpadol is a natural remedy made from the dry extract of Harpagophytum procumbens, also known as Harpago. This plant has excellent anti-inflammatory properties that can be used to relieve pain from chronic or acute problems, such as rheumatism and muscle pain, for ...
The prostate is a gland located near the rectum, which produces seminal fluid. Know your normal size and the changes that may affect it
The burning sensation in the penis usually arises when there is an inflammation of the head of the penis. Although in most cases this inflammation is due to an allergy or friction, there are situations in which this inflammation can be a sign of a more serious problem. See the 6 causes ...
Argiloterapia is an aesthetic treatment that uses clay-based products to care for skin and hair. Learn more about this treatment.
Arrinia is a congenital, severe and rare condition characterized by the absence of the nose in the newborn. Understand what is arrinia and its possible causes.
Arrhythmia is a change in heart rhythm where the heart, instead of beating at regular intervals and with the same intensity, beats irregularly, or in an accelerated or slowed manner. These episodes usually only last a few seconds or minutes and, in many cases, are not even ...
Cardiac arrhythmia is any change in the rhythm of the heartbeat, which can be caused by diseases such as anemia, anxiety and stress, hypothyroidism or heart valve diseases. See more.
Cardiac arrhythmia is curable when identified and treated quickly, thus avoiding possible complications. See what are the treatment options for cardiac arrhythmia.
Artesunato is an injectable medicine used to treat severe malaria in children and adults, as it is able to act in the parasite's reproduction cycle, allowing it to be eliminated quickly from the body. This medicine must be administered at the hospital with an injection into the muscle or ...
Artoglico is a remedy that contains the active ingredient glucosamine sulfate, a substance used to treat joint problems. This medication is able to act on the cartilage that lines the joints, delaying its degeneration and relieving symptoms such as pain and ...
What it is: Takayasu's Arteritis is a disease in which inflammation occurs in blood vessels, causing damage to the aorta and its branches, which is the artery whose function is to transport blood from the heart to the rest of the body. This disease can lead to abnormal narrowing of ...
Septic arthritis is an inflammation of the large joints like the shoulder and hip, caused by bacteria that happens after a respiratory infection caused by bacteria. It causes severe hip pain and can leave sequelae
Psoriasis can lead to the development of a specific type of arthritis, known as psoriatic arthritis. Therefore, many people with this disease may experience joint pain and swelling. See other symptoms, which tests to confirm and how treatment is done
Understand how this medicine works in the treatment of leukemia and how the treatment plan in the hospital should be.
Bronchial asthma is a chronic inflammation of the lungs and causes difficulty in breathing, feeling that the air does not reach the lungs, fatigue and chest pain. This disease happens due to an overreaction of the body. Know how to identify and what to do


Atenolol is an oral medication known commercially as atenol. Atenolol slows the heart rate and controls blood pressure, being very effective in the treatment of hypertension. Atenolol indications Chest pain (angina); arterial hypertension. Side Effects of Atenolol ...
It serves for the treatment of AIDS and is in the form of capsules, and can be taken by adults and children over 6 years.


Atosiban is an active substance in a tocolytic drug known commercially as Tractocile. This injectable drug is indicated for premature labor, since its action consists of binding to oxytocin receptors, decreasing the frequency of ...
A good activity for babies from 10 months of age is a shopping trip. Taking the baby to the supermarket can be a positive experience for your development. Inside the supermarket let the baby become familiar with the colors and noise, put him in the stroller so that he ...