
Scientists at Solar Foods, a company linked to a research center and university in Finland, are producing a new food made from air, rich in protein and that could be used as food instead of eating meat and soy. See better how air food is ...
In severe forms of thalassemia, the patient must increase the intake of iron, folic acid and vitamin, and decrease the consumption of iron. Here's what to do.
Baby food

Baby food

The baby's diet has to be balanced with the consumption of whole grains, fruits, vegetables, fish, meat and eggs so that children have all the nutrients, ensuring the proper functioning of the body and to grow in a healthy way. Infant feeding up to 6 months of age ...
Some foods indicated are milk, meat and eggs, however potatoes, tomatoes and tangerines contain salicylates that can be harmful. See what to eat
Find out which foods are most dangerous for people with diabetes and check out how to replace each one with healthier and more nutritious choices.
Cholesterol-rich foods are especially those of animal origin, such as egg yolk, beef or liver, for example. Cholesterol is a type of fat present in the body, which is essential for the proper functioning of cells, when at adequate values, however, if the values ​​...


Alimta is an antineoplastic medication that has Pemetrexede as its active substance. This injectable drug is indicated for the treatment of individuals with cancer, since its action prevents the multiplication of malignant cells to other organs. Indications of Alimta ...


Aliprazide is the active ingredient in the medicine known as Superan. This antiemetic promotes rapid emptying of the stomach by stimulating gastric movements and increasing the strength of the esophageal sphincter, preventing the feeling of nausea. This medicine that does not have ...
Valturna is a new medication used to control blood pressure. Contains Aliskiren and Valturna. Properties Aliskiren is an antihypertensive blood pressure. It works by decreasing substances in the body that narrows blood vessels and increase the ...
It serves to control nausea and vomiting during treatment for cancer and can be done in tablets or injection.


Alkeran is an antineoplastic medication that has Melfalan as its active substance. This drug for oral and injectable use is indicated for the treatment of individuals with cancer, since its action inhibits protein synthesis and alters the DNA of cancer cells. Indications of ...
Allestra 20 is a contraceptive medication that has Gestodene and Ethinylestradiol as its active substance. This medication for oral use is used as a contraceptive method, as it is taken on the first day of menstruation, this medication protects against pregnancy throughout the cycle, ...
Allurene is a hormonal remedy that decreases the production and action of the hormone estradiol, causing a decrease in the endometrium and all endometrial tissue in other places affected by endometriosis. Allurene is produced by Bayer laboratories and can be purchased at pharmacies ...
Some foods rich in omega 3 are sardines, herring, salmon, tuna, walnuts and flax and chia seeds. See the health benefits of this nutrient.
Allopurinol is a medication used to prevent gout attacks, helping to decrease the production of uric acid. It can also be used in other conditions related to excess uric acid in the body, such as kidney stones. The medicine can be sold under the trade name Zyloric, ...
Altargo or Retapamulin is an ointment indicated to treat skin infections caused by bacteria, which must be applied twice a day, for 5 days.


Alteplase is the name of the substance that destroys blood thrombi. It can be found in pharmacies under the name Actilyse and does not have a generic. Alteplase is presented in powder for reconstitution in sodium chloride, glucose or sterile water. This thrombolytic enzyme should not be ...
Commercially sold as Praluent, this medicine serves to lower cholesterol in case of family illness or when statin is not enough.
Allegra is an antihistamine remedy used in the treatment of allergies that has fexofenadine hydrochloride as its active ingredient. See in what situations it can be taken and the necessary care.


Alli is a weight loss medicine that can be sold without a prescription. This drug has the active ingredient Orlistat, the same active substance as Xenical, but in lower concentration. Alli indications Treatment of obesity; lose weight. Recommended for those who have BMI equal or ...
Almeida Prado 3 is a homeopathic medicine whose active ingredient is Hydrastis canadensis, used to relieve the runny nose caused by inflammation of the nasal mucosa, in cases of sinusitis or rhinitis, and can be used by adults and children over 2 years. Almeida Prado 3 is ...
Alprostadil is a medicine for erectile dysfunction through an injection directly at the base of the penis, which at an early stage must be done by the doctor or nurse but after some training the patient can do it alone at home. This medicine can be sold ...