Medicinal Plants

Indian ginseng is indicated to improve sexual potency, give more energy and stimulate the immune system. Know the benefits and how to take.
The roast fish is a medicinal plant that can be used to treat respiratory problems, such as bronchitis and pneumonia, for example. Find out what this plant is for
Astragalus is a medicinal plant widely used to strengthen the immune system, which can also treat colds and help fight stress and cancer. know more
A great medicinal plant for combating insomnia is the Scented scent, scientifically called Galium odoratum L. Properties of scent scent The most important substances are coumarin, glycoside, tannic acids and bitter substances that act as antispasmodics ...
Ayahuasca is a tea, with potential hallucinogen, made from a mixture of Amazonian herbs that was widely used in various types of religious rituals. However, this drink has been increasingly studied by medicine to treat some problems. Better understand your ...


Asafoetida is a medicinal plant, also known as Férula or Giant Fennel, widely used in the treatment of respiratory problems, such as bronchitis. Its scientific name is Ferula foetida and can be purchased in some health food stores and in pharmacies.
Aveloz (Euphorbia tirucalli) is a toxic plant but it has a sap that if used in the correct amount has anti-inflammatory, analgesic and fungicidal action.
Barbatimão is a medicinal plant that can be used to treat wounds, bleeding, burns, sore throats, diabetes or malaria.
Belladonna is an extremely toxic plant that can be used in the preparation of some natural medicines, especially to relieve symptoms of gastric colic due to ulcers. However, the C plant should be used by professionals, being poisonous when used without ...
The apricot fruit protects the eyes, the heart and even prevents cancer. Learn more benefits and how to consume.


Purslane is a creeping plant that has several medicinal properties, such as being diuretic, laxative and anti-inflammatory. It can be used in juices, salads, teas
Boldo is an excellent plant to cleanse the liver, purifying it after exaggerating alcohol or fatty foods. See other benefits of this medicinal plant, how to prepare your tea correctly and when to avoid it


The birch is a tree whose trunk is covered with a silvery-white bark, which can be used as a medicinal plant due to its properties. Birch leaves can be used as a home remedy for urethritis, rheumatism and psoriasis. It is also known as birch ...
Boldo is a plant easily found in Brazil, being useful to be used in the form of tea to cleanse the blood, purify the liver and improve digestion. See more instructions and how to make tea with bilberry leaves, in addition to the necessary care.
Buriti has antioxidant, energetic and moisturizing effects, benefits that are obtained through its oil, sweets and juices. Check out other utilities.


Borage is a medicinal plant, also known as Rubber, Barra-chimarrona, Barrage or Foligem, widely used in the treatment of respiratory problems. Borage's scientific name is Borago officinalis and can be purchased at some health food stores and drugstores in ...
What it is: Buchinha-do-norte is a medicinal plant, also known as Abobrinha-do-norte, Cabacinha, Buchinha or Purga, widely used in the treatment of sinusitis and rhinitis. Its scientific name is Luffa operculata and can be purchased in some markets, health food stores and in ...
Corn hair, also known as corn beard or corn stigmas, is a medicinal plant widely used to treat problems such as cystitis, kidney stones and swelling in the body, as it has diuretic and anti-inflammatory properties. Learn more what it is for and how to use it ...


Caapeba is a medicinal plant, also known as catajé, malvarisco, or pariparoba, widely used in the treatment of digestion difficulties and infections in the urinary system. Its scientific name is Pothomorphe peltata and can be purchased at compounding pharmacies and in some ...
The properties of marigold include its astringent, analgesic, anti-abortion, anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal, soothing, healing, anti-allergic, anti-fungal, antiviral, menstruation-regulating, skin-toning and bactericidal properties. Marigold is a medicinal plant, also ...
Chamomile is a medicinal plant, also known as Margaça, Chamomile-common, Chamomile-common, Macela-noble, Macela-galega or Chamomile, widely used in the treatment of anxiety, due to its calming effect. Its scientific name is Matriaria recutita and can be purchased in stores ...
Monkey cane is a medicinal plant, also known as Canarana, purple cane or swamp cane, used to treat menstrual or kidney problems, as it has astringent, anti-inflammatory, diuretic and tonic properties, for example. The scientific name of Monkey Cane is Costus ...


Calamus is a medicinal plant, also known as aromatic calamus or sweet-smelling cane, which is widely used for digestive problems such as indigestion, poor appetite or belching. In addition, it can be used frequently as an aromatic plant. Its scientific name is Acorus calamus L.
Caralluma fimbriata is a plant originally from India that has a strong action in reducing appetite, and can help you lose weight. Know more.
Old cinnamon, with scientific name Miconia Albicans, is a medicinal plant that has numerous health benefits. See what this plant is for and what the contraindications are
Capim-santo is a medicinal plant, also known as herb-prince, with an odor similar to lemon when its leaves are cut and that can be used in the treatment of several diseases, especially for stomach problems. Capim-santo is also known as lemongrass, ...
Capuchin is a medicinal plant, also known as nasturtium, mast and capuchin, which can be used in the treatment of urinary tract infection, scurvy and skin diseases. Its scientific name is Tropaeolum majus L. and can be purchased in health food stores and in some ...


Camphor is a medicinal plant, also known as Camphor, Garden Camphor, Alcanfor, Garden Camphor or Camphor, widely used in muscle or skin problems. The scientific name of the camphor is Artemisia Camphorata Vill and can be purchased at health food stores, ...
The thistle, or Silybum marianum, is a medicinal plant widely used to assist in the treatment of diseases of the liver and bile ducts. Better understand what the thistle is for and how to use it correctly
What it is: Cardo-santo, also known as cardo bento or cardo blessed, is a medicinal plant that can be used to assist in the treatment of digestive and liver problems, and can be considered a great home remedy. Its scientific name is Carduus benedictus and can be ...
Carqueja is good for digestion, constipation, diarrhea, gastroenteritis, anemia, flu, fever, liver disease. Learn about other benefits and how to take
Safflower is a medicinal plant that has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties and, therefore, can help with weight loss, cholesterol control and improving muscle tone. Its scientific name is Carthamus tinctorius and can be found in health food stores and in ...