Medicinal Plants

Caruru is a medicinal plant that serves to fight infections in the body and assist in the treatment of liver problems. Learn more and learn recipe.
Catuaba is a medicinal plant used to make aphrodisiac remedies but it also helps to combat tiredness, lack of memory and depression. It is found in the form of an alcoholic beverage, but it also exists in the form of a plant for making tea.
The sacred cascara is a plant widely used as a natural laxative that is also capable of helping with weight loss. See what the sacred cascara is for and how to prepare the tea.
Horsetail is a very popular medicinal plant and used as a home remedy to stop heavy bleeding and menstruation. In addition, it can be a good natural diuretic, eliminating fluid retention. See other benefits and how to take
Cherry tea can be consumed to fight urinary problems, swelling, high blood pressure, hyperuricemia, obesity, flu and colds. See how to prepare cherry tea and its benefits.
Cervejinha-do-campo is a medicinal plant known for its diuretic properties that help in the treatment of various diseases in the kidneys or liver.
Celandine is a medicinal plant also known as swallow weed, warts weed or ceruda. This medicinal plant has a branched and brittle stem, with yellow flowers, large, alternating and dark green leaves. Celandine can be used as a home remedy in ...
The java tea is a medicinal plant with diuretic properties that besides helping to treat urinary problems, can also lose weight.
Asian Centella can be used in the form of tea, tincture or gel capsules and helps you lose weight, treat cellulite and poor circulation. Here's how to use it.
Tanaceto, which has the scientific name Tanacetum parthenium L., is a plant with benefits in terms of digestion, the respiratory, musculoskeletal system, skin, nervous system and also in pain relief, in cases of migraine for example. know more
Mate tea, which is widely consumed in the form of chimarrão, is a type of tea that has caffeine, minerals and vitamins, and therefore has an anti-oxidant, diuretic, mild laxative effect and is a good brain stimulant. See other benefits and how to prepare correctly
Camellia sinensis is a medicinal plant that can be used to make green tea, which has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, and has several health benefits. Know what this plant is for and how to take it
The leather hat is a medicinal plant, also known as campaign tea, marsh tea, mireiro tea, marsh congonha, marsh grass, water hyacinth, marsh grass, poor tea, widely used in various treatments. know more
The olive tree, also known as Olea europaea L., is a very abundant tree in the Mediterranean region, from which fruits, oil and leaves are used, from which tea is made. See what it is for, what are the benefits and side effects
Cypress is a medicinal plant, popularly known as Common Cypress, Italian Cypress and Mediterranean Cypress, traditionally used to treat circulatory problems, urinary incontinence, prostate problems, colitis and diarrhea. Learn how to use
Cistus incanus is a lilac and wrinkled medicinal plant quite common in the Mediterranean region of Europe. Cistus incanus is rich in polyphenols, substances that act as antioxidants and anti-inflammatories in the body and its tea is a good home remedy for preventing ...
Citronella has insect repellent and antibacterial properties, used naturally by its leaf or through the extract of its oil. Know how.
The mushroom of the sun is a medicinal plant, also known as mushroom-of-life, mushroom-of-miracle, mushroom-pity or mushroom-medicinal, widely used to strengthen the immune system. Its scientific name is Agaricus blazei Murill and can be purchased in capsule form from health ...
Cumin is the seed of a medicinal plant also called caraway, widely used as a condiment in cooking or as a home remedy for flatulence and digestive problems. It can be found in the form of whole or crushed seed, and can be added in several recipes ...
Tinctures are extracts concentrated with alcohol and medicinal plants, which allow herbs and their properties to be stored. Here's how to prepare.
Comfrey is a medicinal plant, also known as solid, comfrey Russian, vegetable milk and cow tongue, widely used in the treatment of dermatological diseases, accelerating healing. Its scientific name is Symphytum officinalis L. and can be purchased at some health ...
Copaiba is a medicinal plant that has healing, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties and can be used for various situations. Learn what copaiba is for and how to use it.
Cordyceps is a type of fungus used to treat problems such as cough, chronic bronchitis, respiratory and kidney problems. Its scientific name is Cordyceps sinensis and, in nature, it lives on mountain caterpillars in China, serving for
The clove has medicinal action being useful in combating gases, relieving toothache, combating sexual impotence, and even helps to lose weight, being easily found. Learn more benefits and how to use this amazing spice.
Cabbage is rich in iron, folic acid and fiber, being good for detoxifying the body, slimming and regulating the intestine. See other benefits and recipes
Damiana is a medicinal plant, also known as chanana, albino or damian herb, which is used mainly as a sexual stimulant, as it has aphrodisiac properties, being able to increase sexual desire. In addition, this plant can be used to assist in ...
Dandelion is a plant with the scientific name Taraxacum officinale, with green leaves and yellow flowers, which can be used in the treatment of digestive and biliary problems, skin conditions and as a diuretic. See more benefits and learn how to prepare juice and tea
Chinese angelica is a medicinal plant, also known as female ginseng and dong quai. It has a hollow stem, which can reach 2.5 m in height, and white flowers. Its root can be used as a home remedy to ease menopausal symptoms and normalize menstrual cycle and its name ...
Dill, also known as Aneto, is an aromatic herb that can be used as a medicinal plant because it has properties that confer numerous benefits to this plant. See which and how to use


Embaúba is a medicinal plant, also known as ambaia-tinga, sloth tree and imbaíba, used in medicine to combat high blood pressure. Its scientific name is Cecropia peltata L. and can be purchased at compounding pharmacies and some health food stores.
The herb of St. Kitts, is a medicinal plant that relieves menstrual pain with anti-inflammatory and analgesic action. Learn how to use it.
Bitter herb is a plant that serves to help in the treatment of external hemorrhoids, due to its anti-inflammatory, healing, hemostatic and vasoconstrictive properties. See how to prepare your tea and a great healing ointment with this plant.
Catnip or Catnip is a plant that serves to improve digestion, lower fever, or relax the mind. See more benefits that can greatly improve your health and which ways to use this plant.
Echinacea has many benefits and can be used for colds and flu, scarring and infections. See what ways to use and take.
St. John's wort is a medicinal plant, also known as St. John's wort or Garden, used as a natural antidepressant in cases of depression. Its scientific name is Hypericum Perforatum and can be purchased at health food stores and drugstores. What is the ...
Yerba mate is a medicinal plant that has a thin gray stem, oval leaves and small fruits of a green or purplish color. Due to its benefits, it is widely consumed in tea or chimarrão. Learn how to prepare